"I don't wear it!"

Li Hanyun's reaction was actually in Yu Qingyu's expectation. He picked up the dress and handed it to Li Hanyun. "If you don't wear it, you can't go to other planets with us. You can only wait here for us to come back.

And we'll walk for about half a month. "

After thinking for a long time, Li Hanyun began to take off his clothes. The light from the entrance of the cave shone on his strong skin, which was white and bright.

Under the light, the tiny fluff on his skin was clearly rooted. The undulating abdominal muscles were half bright and half dark in front of Yu Qingyu. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

I feel worthy of being a soldier. This figure is really good.

After wearing clothes, Li Hanyun looked up at Yu Qingyu and said, "you can go."

Yu Qingyu's eyes flashed with amazement. He was more indifferent in his blue robe. His original short hair had grown to the eyebrow bone at the moment. His hair trembled slightly and his heart was itching.

A fresh ascetic wind.

Li Hanyun frowned and strode out of the cave.

Yu Qingyu thought that he was so used to being captured that he dared not dump him. It was really a lesson.

Then he followed him out, "big ice, this way, this way." (HISS

in the endless yellow sand sky, a huge black ball suddenly appeared.

The black ball is slowly falling from the air, and it is also gradually becoming smaller.

It turns out that there are many black spots separated from the ball, which makes the black ball smaller and smaller.

When you walk in, you will find that the black dots are all Zerg like people.

At this moment, when they get to the place, the Zerg naturally scatter to look for food.

Yu Qingyu's two front legs hold Li Hanyun tightly. Even if he landed, he would not be willing to let go.

Li Hanyun earned earned, "let go, it's here."

Yu Qingyu is reluctant to let go of him and looks at him with pale blue eyes.

Li Hanyun has seen so much in his eyes these days that he feels a little pathetic at the moment.

This is his enemy. He feels pitiful.

Is he crazy?

"Big ice, do you have a signal in your brain?"

Li Hanyun stepped back and looked at him warily, "what do you want to do?"

"Not to do anything, just to ask about their research results."

"What research results?"

"Well Let them study the possibility of Zerg becoming human. "

Li Hanyun looks at him with the eyes of the mentally retarded.

Zerg to human?

He's not dreaming, is he?

Yu Qingyu sighed, "the dream always has to have, in case it is realized?"

Li Hanyun's face: This is a sand sculpture. I don't look like a friend.


"Wang, it's strange there. Several of our brothers have been there, and they're crazy."

"Big ice, would you like to take an adventure with me?"

Li Hanyun nodded. As a man or a man who became a marshal, how could he not have a little adventurous spirit.

Yu Qingyu walked along the direction of a Zerg.

It's not strange to see quicksand on the desert, but it's a bit strange that there is a stone on it that can't sink.

It's not science at all.

Li Hanyun also looked at the oval white stone strangely.

Suddenly the stone burst out a ray of light, Yu Qingyu subconsciously covered his eyes with his front legs.

When he took it down again, he found that something was wrong. The body with wide sleeves was not the monk's body attached to him.

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