His transparent wings reflect the stars all over the sky, leaving an indelible memory in Yu Qingyu's heart.

Ragwa came over, did not look at Yu Qingyu a laser gun out, the target straight to Li Hanyun.

Yu Qingyu's head was stunned for a moment, and he said in horror, "get away, big ice!"

"System, help him! Save him

After hearing the sound, Li Hanyun hid aside and saw the shell stop in mid air, as if something had covered him.

If not, he would have turned into fly ash by now.

Qing Yu's voice did not have time to remind him.

Yu Qingyu saw Li Hanyun dodge and hit him in the face with a fist.

Ragwa touched the corner of his mouth and threw away the things in his hand fiercely and rushed towards Yu Qingyu.

The two soon got together.

Yu Qingyu has gone through so many worlds. Even if he doesn't want to learn, his accumulated Kung Fu is not comparable to lagua.

What's more, Li Hanyun's body is familiar with such a fight, but after a few rounds, ragwa was trampled on by him.

"Deputy commander, do you still have the marshal in your eyes?"

Ragwa spat out a mouthful of blood. "I just killed Zerg. Marshal, what are you angry about?"

"That's my Zerg!" Yu Qingyu foot with a few components, "you kill my things I should not be angry?"

"The marshal wants to be known as a Zerg collusion?"

Yu Qingyu moved his feet and said, "frighten me? Hum! Do you think I was scared? "

Ragwa rubbed his chest. "Marshal, I'll crush you one day! Let you submit to me. "

Yu Qingyu chuckled, "whatever you want. You can make it big again."

During the fighting between Yu Qingyu and ragwa, the Zerg have been gathered into a big black ball by Li Hanyun.

Yu Qingyu stood at the gate of the spaceship and looked at the big black ball composed of hundreds of millions of Zerg.

All of a sudden, something at the top of the ball moved, and a space node appeared in the air. It was black like a gate. He could see the top section of the cold cloud.

Li Hanyun waved his forelimb at a distance, and his body shrank to the center of the ball. The next moment, the whole black ball disappeared on this planet.

All Zerg are gone. Those who come to exterminate Zerg will go back.

Since Li Hanyun left, Yu Qingyu shut himself in the room.

Looking at the photos and images of Li Hanyun in the past years.

"System, are you there? Say a word

After waiting for Xu jiuyu, Qingyu didn't hear the system's response. He sighed. It seems that the system had exerted too much force that day. Otherwise, it would not have failed to respond now.

When the spaceship landed on the outskirts of the imperial capital, sanmie knocked on the door of yuqingyu.

When he met ragwa in the corridor, he shook his hair and turned white. Yu Qingyu took a look and turned around and left.

Yu Qingyu looks at him strangely. How does he look today A little coquettish?

Isn't it that I haven't seen him for several days, and he's been driving him crazy?

Or what the fuck!

This ragwa won't like Li Hanyun, will he?

Yu Qingyu thought carefully about what ragwa had done. The more he thought, the more likely he was to guess.

Yu Qingyu all the way to avoid meeting with ragwa, specially waiting for a while to sit on the flying car to the Imperial military region.

After returning to the imperial capital, I received an invitation from the emperor, stating that the palace would hold a banquet tonight, so that all ministers could bring their female partners.

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