After getting on the bus, Yinuo seems very excited and chatters on and on. Yu Qingyu's occasional random response makes him very happy.

Self driving Silver Charm only a few minutes to the gate of the palace.

"Have a good evening, master."

Yu Qingyu got out of the car and went to Yinuo. He opened a happy smile and took his arm.

Yu Qingyu, with a paralyzed face, walked into the banquet hall with elegant steps.

A lot of people have come to the field at the moment, but the emperor and queen have not come yet.

Yu Qingyu understood that this kind of scene must be the last one to show their importance.

"Little nono, you are coming, come, come to my grandfather." Weishan two white eyebrows a pick, happy toward Yu Qingyu two people waved.

Yu Qingyu went over and asked Weishan about the experiment process after they said hello.

"Marshal, this It's too short for us to come up with anything. "

Yu Qingyu nodded to show that he knew, and told the old man to do his best and help the place he could.

Weishan a face mysterious, "marshal, you study this because you catch the insect king."

Yu Qingyu was surprised. "Of course not. I'm for the welfare of all mankind. If we can turn Zerg into human beings, will human beings have inexhaustible resources? Can we give them all the things that robots can't do?"

"Weishan thumbs up," Marshal said, is my narrow sense. "

"Well, once the research is done, you must tell me at the first time. After all, I put forward it, right?"

"Yes, it should be."

"Grandfather, what are you talking about? Why I don't understand. " Yinuo is curious.

"You and marshal get along well, don't ask these, it doesn't matter to you."

After Weishan left, Yu Qingyu stroked Yinuo and took his arm's hand. "Miss Yinuo, I'll leave for a while, please." Words down stride away, not to give a little time to react.

Also Nuo chopped the heel up, but before and after a few seconds, also not to find Yu Qingyu's figure.

Yu Qingyu hides behind a food tower and eats fruit with a fork.

The emperor's handwriting is really generous. He dare to put fruit. Is he afraid that people will snatch it? This is a precious species.

Suddenly, a fork and his fork were stuck on a piece of fruit at the same time. He looked up and saw ragua's badly beaten face.

Yu Qingyu rolled his eyes, squeezed away ragwa, quickly put the fruit into his mouth, turned his head and left.

Ragwa:.... " Is the marshal crazy?

There was a loud noise at the door. Yuqing saw the emperor holding the queen at the door through the crowd.

In the light of the light, their clothes flow with dark gold patterns. Step by step, you can see that they are made of the rarest materials, and they are pure handmade.

In this Empire where robots are taking the place of Posts everywhere, a hand-made dress is not something you can wear with money.

The emperor beckoned and nodded all the way to the people, and then ascended the high platform under the public's attention.

Then he said something, which was nothing more than the official routine. Yu Qingyu didn't want to listen, but everyone listened quietly. He had to pretend to look at him and listen to him.

In front of so many people, he is still willing to give him this face, after all, he is a handsome man with a good heart.

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