Anti theft chapter, to be replaced at 10:00 tomorrow.




At the moment, when he is happy and lonely, he is full of confidence.

For a year, even if he was a stone, he was covered with heat.

Yu Qingyu looked at Li Hanyun lying motionless, and was angry in his heart, "Li Hanyun, how are you! I'll be your licking dog again, I'll I can't die easily!

"don't go!" Li Hanyun suddenly said, "if you let me hold you, I can also move!"

Yu Qingyu: "'"

a moment later, Yu Qingyu suddenly threw himself on him, "big ice, do you mean to accept my courtship?"

"well." Li Hanyun lowered his head with a smile in his pale blue eyes.

"Ha ha ha ha My kung fu pays off those who have a heart. I know how my brother is so invincible that he can't win a man. Ha ha ha... "

All of a sudden, a cold air came from his body on Monday. Yu Qingyu saw Li Hanyun's eyes with coldness, staring at him closely.

I mean, I'm so happy Yu Qingyu hastily added.

The cold idea of the body was scattered a little, Yu Qingyu picked up a piece of orange, peeled it and handed it to Li Hanyun's mouth, "come here, you can eat this, it's sweet."

Li Hanyun did not move, Yu Qingyu to his body crooked, "eat, don't be embarrassed, they certainly did not give you to eat delicious, you are all thin."

Li Hanyun thought to himself how you could see that he was thin, but he was lazy to correct his statement and ate the orange with his mouth open.

No one in the Empire has been able to eat fruit freely for many years.

All these things were specially provided for the supreme ruler of the Empire, and the quantity was very small.

Science and technology is more and more developed, once the most common things are gradually disappearing, the city is full of shining buildings, one after another high-rise buildings replace trees, the streets are clean and spotless, but also a lot of fun.

He didn't know where he got these things that were dying out, and there were so many.

He knew from the beginning that he could not be an ordinary Zerg, but he didn't want to ask, everyone has a secret, and the secret he said was not a secret.

In fact, Li Hanyun thinks too much. As long as he asks, Yu Qingyu will tell him, but he only tells him the source of the food. The rest He can't say.

One person and one insect spent a happy day together. It was getting dark. Someone came to urge Yu Qingyu to leave.

Because they thought that the time was coming for the cold cloud medicine, and they were afraid that he would hurt Yu Qingyu.

Yu Qingyu touched his cold head, "big ice, you wait for me, in less than three days, I can take you home, oh, no, it's your home. I remember that you have a very large exercise room. No, I'll transform it into a bedroom to facilitate your action."

Li Hanyun: "you are free."

Yu Qingyu giggled, "I want to change your home. Of course, I want to tell you, so as not to say that I am arrogant and arrogant

Li Hanyun looked at him with a look at the mentally retarded, "if you think too much, I just want to beat you. It's too cheap to talk to you!"

"ha ha ha Big ice, you'll be joking. I'm so happy

Li Hanyun also has a trace of sweet in his heart, how long has not been so relaxed and happy, this feeling is surprisingly good.

"Dang Dang" door was knocked, "marshal, you really should go!"

Yu Qingyu reluctantly waved to him, "big ice, you wait for me."

Li Hanyun nodded gently under the gaze of his eyes, and his heart beat like a drum beating.

Damn it! He was absolutely crazy. He thought he had a good smile just now?

it was his body. Why didn't he think he was good-looking before?

was he a pervert? He fell in love with himself?

Li Hanyun fell into deep self doubt, and Yu Qingyu walked out of the door, his expression suddenly closed up and turned into a face of paralysis.

"Marshal, the emperor wants to see you."


"Well, the emperor has no time in the day, so he has to see you now."

"Hum! I don't have time to fart. It just depends on my condition. I feel useless. It doesn't matter whether I see or not. Now it comes out that I'm ok. He wants to see him naturally."

"Marshal!" San Mie sighed helplessly.

Yu Qingyu waved his hand, "OK, I know. I don't want to talk about it."

In the shadowy castle, several towering trees stab straight into the sky. The trees pull down a circle of power grid, which is about five meters high.

There is nothing to blame for protecting the endangered things of these trees.

But the emperor built a palace here and surrounded the trees in his yard, so that others could not take a look at them.You can imagine his overbearing nature.

"I have seen the emperor." Yu Qingyu took off his big hat and saluted.

The emperor was a middle-aged man who looked a little chubby. His eyes flashed with greedy light. Seeing that Yu Qingyu saluted him, he casually returned one and sat back on the high seat.

"Marshal Li, do you know what I want you to do?"

"I don't know. Please tell me clearly."

The emperor rubbed the armrest of his chair. "A country can't be without a king for a day, and soldiers can't be without a general for a day. During your absence, deputy commander ragwa has been dealing with everything in the army, but you're back."

Yu Qingyu did not speak. He waited for the emperor to say his idea.

The emperor looked at Yu Qingyu's face, which was a little blocked. Ordinary people should not ask why he didn't hear him.

The emperor had to go on and say, "I think deputy commander ragwa has done a good job these days, so I'm going to make him marshal. What do you think?"

Yu Qingyu coldly replied, "the emperor has made a decision, and the minister supports him. How does the emperor plan to arrange my position?"

the emperor has a momentary guilty heart and then straightens his back.

He was the emperor. Who appointed the marshal is the marshal. Who dares to disagree with him?

the emperor looked at Yu Qingyu contemptuously, "if he becomes a marshal, you will naturally become the deputy commander."

Yu Qingyu wanted to sneer, but he held back. He just asked, "I don't mind if the emperor asked him to be a marshal, but I want to ask the emperor, what's wrong with me and let you demote me to a higher level?"

the emperor's speech was blocked. What's wrong with him? Does it count if the people support you or not?

the world only knows the marshal No one mentioned whether he was an emperor at all.

but no matter how stupid the emperor was, he would not say these words. He thought about how to make up a reason to convince Yu Qingyu, and his eyes kept turning.

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