The badge will be replaced at ten tomorrow.





"What do you think this is?" Yu Qingyu takes out the medicine and shakes in front of Li Hanyun.

"It's Potion." Li Hanyun definitely said.

Yu Qingyu involuntarily tooted a mouth, "how do you look unhappy?"

Li Hanyun hugged him in his arms, "happy, how can I not be happy, this day I have been looking forward to for a long time."

"I really want to pity that I can't see your expression. Otherwise, I must take photos to see how happy you are."

"Well, let's shoot together." Li Hanyun rubbed Yu Qingyu's head.

Yu Qingyu suddenly stopped when he poured the medicine into Li Hanyun's mouth. "Big ice, this medicine has a very small chance that it will not become a person. If it doesn't change, don't be sad. I've caught all the people who developed the medicine, and let them study it again."

Li Hanyun was silent for a moment, "I want to have a try."


Yu Qingyu slowly poured the potion into Li Hanyun's mouth, staring at his changes.

"Don't be nervous. It shouldn't work that fast."

"Well, I'm not nervous. I'll have another hero twenty years later."

Li Hanyun:

Li Hanyun felt itchy in his abdomen and couldn't help but take his forelegs to hook.

Several white substances were hooked out by him, and his body suddenly moved spontaneously. His legs interweaved with each other. Soon, he was wrapped in a thin layer of white silk.

"Sleeping trough! Big ice, are you spinning cocoons

Li Hanyun action does not stop, "I don't know, now my movement seems to be the body's instinct."

Yu Qingyu turned around him, "Oh, you slowly knot, I wait for the day when you break the cocoon."

In the twinkling of an eye, the white silk on Li Hanyun's body is thick again.

Seeing Li Hanyun standing cocooning, Yu Qingyu suddenly took out a very wide and long cloth and tied it between two trees.

Now Li Hanyun's only leg is still outside. He takes a deep breath and carries him directly into the hammock.

Slowly, his figure could not be seen on the hammock, leaving only a large white cocoon.

Yu Qingyu sits on one side and takes out snacks to eat. Now he has to keep watch on him. If he is carried away by any beast, it will be finished.

"Drop Master, your friend sanmie has requested a video call with you. Is it connected? "

"Jade cocoon to avoid the side

At the next moment, a light was projected from his brain, and sanmie appeared in front of him, "marshal, where are you? Are you in danger? Are you coming back to the ship? "

Yu Qingyu took a look at the cocoon. "I'm not going back. It's not dangerous. Just take care of yourself."

"Marshal, is the ship going to land? All the time, there's not enough fuel in the air. "

"If you want to land on a nearby planet, you should take care of those people. Don't let them have access to the cockpit of the spaceship. Be careful of their escape. You should also pay attention to your own safety."

"Yes, marshal, make sure to finish the task."

"Well, keep in touch."

Ten days later, the cocoon on the hammock was shaking. Yu Qingyu was surprised and rushed over, "big ice, are you going to come out? You must look good, or I'm afraid I can't do it myself. "

The cold cloud in the big cocoon is soaked in the green liquid to bite his teeth. When he goes out, he must spank him.

For the next three days, the cocoon will shake once in a while.

At the beginning, Yu Qingyu always talks to him afterwards. Later, he just raises his eyelids to have a look. His excitement has been wiped out a lot.

It has proved that men are pig hooves.

On a sunny afternoon, the cocoon shakes again. Yu Qingyu doesn't even lift her eyelids. She continues her barbecue, thinking that if the Zerg stay here again, the planet may become a floxacin again.

In the future, we should educate and educate them, and at any rate leave a root for others and take the road of sustainable development.

A strange and familiar breath approached him, and he pointed to something leaning by with the branch of a tree.

Put on a desperate posture, the last time a group of wild animals came to attack him while he was roasting meat.

Although the beasts have been eaten by the Zerg these days, there are always more powerful than the Zerg.

Zerg rely on group ability. It's hard to say that a single ability can't beat a beast.

What appeared before him was not the beast he thought, but a man who looked a little cute.

The man's light blue eyes are round, the face is also some round, even the hair is blue, but the skin is white some abnormal, faint can see the light blue blood vessels under the skin.

His height is about 1.8 meters, which is not much different from Li Hanyun. The most important thing is that he is naked.Yu Qingyu's eyes could not help looking down at him. There was a white chicken hidden in the light blue grass. It was soft and prone, and looked harmless.

Li Hanyun saw that Yu Qingyu had been staring at his lower body, and his ears were suspicious of redness, "Qingyu, clothes."

"Oh, oh, clothes."

All of a sudden, a pile of clothes appeared on the ground, of all kinds, of different dynasties and generations.

Li Hanyun approached and bent down to pick out the clothes he could wear. Suddenly, he was thrown down in the clothes pile and made a "puff".

"Big ice, it's you, it's you, isn't it?"

Li Hanyun pushed him, "it's me. You get up first. I'll get dressed."

Yu Qingyu suddenly laughed out, "what clothes should I wear? I don't want to take off for a while."

Li Hanyun:

When Li Hanyun was stunned, Yu Qingyu had already stripped his clothes and pressed him under his body. His body was ready to move and kept rubbing his body.

Li Hanyun's mind is a little confused. Although the Empire has long stipulated that homosexuality is legal, and there are still many homosexual unions, he also accepts the fact that he likes a same-sex, without any intention of exclusion.

But Shouldn't they get familiar with it, and then do it in a dark, windy night of a month, hiding in a corner that nobody knows?

After all, they were divine friends before?

But the people on his body did not allow him to think more about it. Seeing his hands touching his waist, Li Hanyun turned over and pressed Yu Qingyu down.

If you think that you will be attacked by Qingyuan again.

He did not give up trying to turn over again, suddenly a lot of white silk appeared between Li Hanyun's fingers and tied him into a posture of lying down and pouting.

Yu Qingyu said:

Although he can subdue Li Hanyun with force, he doesn't want to fight him to death, and it will certainly hurt the friendship between them.

Sometimes he is inclined to be abused. He is not very happy about who he is.

Li Hanyun has never eaten pork, and has seen pigs run. Besides, many pairs of soldiers are in the army. He is full of confidence.

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