He sighed and quietly cleared the refrigerator when a small card caught his attention.

On the card was a magnificent looking mountain, with a series of telephone calls at the bottom, and the content on the back was inviting people to explore.

It is said that the peak appeared suddenly, and I don't know when it will disappear. There are many lost cultural relics and martial arts secrets on the mountain.

Because the peak is on a private island, all those who want to take part in the expedition have to pay 50 million cash first.

What attracted yanluoning's attention was that he thought the mountain was very strange, as if something attracted him, and he could not help looking at it.

"Wang Wang..." When Yu Qingyu woke up, he found that yanluoning was not in the room and roared twice. Yan Luoning suddenly came back to his senses and threw the card on the ground in panic.

It's terrible. A photo can be so confusing. If you go to this place, you will never come back.

The barking of the dog woke up the man on the sofa. He opened his eyes, staggered down the sofa and walked to the bathroom, swearing to the effect that he was sleeping. He was very upset.

Yanluoning turned a blind eye to his behavior, put away the cleaning tools and went back to his small bedroom.

As soon as he opened the door, a group of white shadows rushed toward him. He subconsciously withdrew, his feet slipped and lay on his back, his buttocks hurt, and his body was heavy, and a hairy face was close to his face.

Yanluoning rubbed his head. "Get up, little guy. You're killing me."

Yu Qingyu bowed his head and gently licked it on his face, and sat quietly beside him.

Yan Luoning kneaded his buttocks and sat up. Looking at Yu Qingyu, he laughed and poked his forehead. "Naughty."

Yu Qingyu tilted his head and put out his tongue. He took his claws and pulled out his hand. He rolled his eyes. You are naughty. You just poke me in the head. I don't want face?

Yanlonin watched his movements with a bigger smile on his lips and put his hands around his head and rubbed his ears.

Yu Qingyu has no face to love, pulling her tongue like a little girl who has been bullied.

"Brother Yan, do you want a dog?" Jia Kuan was standing at the door of the bathroom, his voice was loud.

"Well, I picked it up on the road. I'm going to keep it before the owner finds it."

"Yange, I'm allergic to hairy things." Jia Kuan's voice was not pleasant.

It's OK to take one of them, and bring the dog back. When he's here, is it a shelter?

"I'll move out tomorrow, I'll take him with me, and today I'll lock him in my bedroom, so you won't be allergic."

Jia Kuan was stunned when he heard that he was going to move away. "Brother Yan, I'm not going to drive you out."

"I know. I want to go now. This time has caused you trouble."

"Brother Yan, I No, I'm really allergic to dogs. Just send him away

"Jia Kuan, there are some things we can understand each other, I don't want to tear the last layer of face."

Jia Kuan's face suddenly turned red, "brother Yan, I I have to. "

"Well, anyway, thank you for taking me in these days. We will never be in debt from now on."

"Brother Yan..." Jia Kuan also wants to talk, Yan Luoning has brought Yu Qingyu back to his small bedroom.

"Little guy, I'll hurt you today. I'll buy you something delicious tomorrow."

Yu Qingyu went over and licked his hand. It's OK. I'm not hungry. Even if I'm hungry, I'll have something to eat.

Yan Luoning squatted down and hugged him without saying a word. Yu Qingyu felt that he was not in a good mood at the moment. His head rubbed under his chin and swayed from side to side. Don't be sad. You and I are still there.

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