Director Zheng looked at Yan Luoning, who was running away. He called out in a hurry, "you are in danger when you come back!"

Yan Luoning heard Zheng's shouts, but at the moment, he only saw Yu Qingyu, who was about to be trampled into flesh mud.

Petite, he faced a group of huge monkeys, actually still stood upright, he did not know whether he was scared silly, or really fearless.

At the moment, he only hated why he should be tied to the tree. He was so good that he would not run around even if he didn't tie a rope.

If there was no rope, he would be able to run faster than the monkey. It was he who hurt him.

The monkeys galloped with the dust on the ground, and a piece of yellow sand rushed towards Yu Qingyu, covering their bodies.

Yu Qingyu secretly pounced well. When the monkeys were only two or three meters away from him, he suddenly launched a mental attack.

The spirit attack method of the last world is almost the same as the world. Unlike the use of aura, the world must have aura before it can be used.

In the blink of an eye, a group of running monkeys lie on the ground, crazy roll.

Yu Qingyu walked upright in a difficult posture, with a pestle between his two front legs, and quickly made a circle among all the monkeys.

I don't know if the monkey meat is delicious or not. He hasn't eaten it yet. Next time, I can try it. Now I'll put it away.

Yan Luoning rushed into the dust and saw a monkey disappear between Yu Qingyu's claws. His pupils dilated, "what are you doing, little guy?"

"Wang Wang..." Destroy the enemy and collect food.

Yan Luoning obviously reached the level of dog language. Although he could not understand what Yu Qingyu was saying, he was very happy.

The heart suddenly let down, regardless of what he was doing, he was happy enough, touched his head, "little guy, you dirty like this, shall we go back to take a bath?"

take a bath?

Yu Qingyu looked down and saw that his hair was full of sand and stones, so he shook his body at will.

A mass of dust came out of his hair and fell on yanlonin's face. The tiny fluff on his face was covered with loess.

"Wang Wang..." Ha ha ha Yan luohang pulled his ear and said, "I don't think I know you're laughing? Don't laugh, or there will be no meat to eat. "

It's just like a soldier standing in the same place and holding a tight mouth.

Yan Luoning chuckled, "little guy, you are a ghost spirit spirit!"

Yu Qingyu glanced at him. What is ghost spirit essence? Can you eat it?

Yanluoning read his idea strangely and burst out laughing, "little guy, why are you so cute? Dad loves you so much!"

dad? Sleeping trough?

Looking at Yan Luoning, who is covered by the dust, Zheng Dao thinks that his play is cold, but also a little sad. A good seedling may die like this, which is a little sad.

Zheng then ran to the foot of the mountain. After running for a while, he couldn't hear the footsteps of the chasing monkeys. There was a strange silence behind him.

Zheng Dao was puzzled and went back slowly. He just saw Yan Luoning leading the dog out.

Behind them is the dust gradually falling, a man and a dog leisurely, slowly walking, this picture is very shocking.

Director Zheng only hates that there is no shooting equipment in his hand. Otherwise, taking this film as a promotional film will surely attract more people to watch.

Yanluoning led the dog back and forth leisurely. He was in a good mood at the moment. He had long forgotten about filming and was addicted to teasing dogs.

"Little fellow, you laugh one more time and add meat at night."

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