Yu Qingyu seemed to hear Lu Yao say, "Qingyu, you are mine. No matter what you are, you can only be mine."

Yu Qingyu thought that none of his own, he was just his own, and fell into a new round of stimulation with the movement behind him.

The next day, both of them stayed in bed. Lu Yao lay on the bed and said to Yu Qingyu, "aren't you going to find Xiong Hui today? Let's get up. "

Yu Qingyu eyes are not open, voice confused said: "no need."

Lu Yao didn't hear clearly: "Qing Yu, what did you say just now?"

Yu Qingyu reflected all of a sudden, took Lu Yao and said, "I think our goal should be the sea of stars, not the past."

Lu Yao gave a kiss back and said, "so

Yu Qingyu said solemnly, "so let's go today." Put on a superhuman charge appearance again, shout: "our goal is - eat all over the world food!"

"Poof..." Lu Yao had already laughed to the point of rolling on the bed. After a while, he said with a smile, "well."

Yu Qingyu looked at Lu Yao sitting in the car, still secretly laughing. He bit his teeth and laughed, right? Would you laugh enough?

Lu Yao was accidentally scratched by Yu Qingyu. He fell on the car laughing for a moment. After reaction, he began to fight back. He saw a taxi in motion shaking. He thought he was doing something exciting. Who could know it was two big men tickling!

Seven days later, on the plane leaving the United States, Lu Yao was reading a newspaper. The first thing that caught his eye was a picture of a toilet. Most of the photos were mosaic, and blood could be seen everywhere.

According to the report, there was an extremely tragic case in the small town where a murderer had been killed. The body and limbs of the deceased had only one hand left, and his head had also been cut off. However, the police investigation showed that the victim committed suicide because there was no trace of anyone at the scene, and the dead man's arms and legs, including his head, were cut off by himself.

What is the reason for people to choose such a way of suicide, people pick out the story that the deceased once told the doctor that his head hurt and his limbs hurt, but the doctor couldn't check it out. People also speculated whether the deceased could not bear the pain, so they thought that maybe the cut-off would not hurt so much, and finally he was cut to death because of his unconsciousness.

There is nothing wrong with the whole thing, but the death of the dead is so miserable. This is terrible. The reputation of the killing town appears in people's eyes again. People wonder whether there is another killer with high-level means. The people in the town once again live in panic, and a few people have completely moved out of the place.

Lu Yao glanced over his head and sighed at Yu Qingyu, who was sleeping. He thought he wanted Xiong Hui's hands and feet hurt to torture him. He didn't expect that it was to make Xiong Hui's suicide more perfect. Why didn't he find that Qingyu was such a scheming person before?

If yu Qingyu knew that he said he had a plan, he would laugh. He just wanted to leave no trace. Who would have thought that he would be distorted into this way.

Yu Qingyu is always stupid in front of him. Sometimes he is a little confused. He plays happily every day. How can he How could you do such a thing.

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