Just as the elevator opened, he rushed in with Yu Qingyu and quickly pressed the close button.

Yu Qingyu can see that his face mask is exposed. His neck is red and his mouth is cocked up. Ah, he is so cute!

After returning to the room, Yan Luoning has returned to normal. Naturally, Yu Qingyu will not expose his predicament. Of course, he can't speak now.

"Little fellow, are you laughing at me secretly in your heart?"

Yu Qingyu shook his head. I didn't smile. I just thought you were cute.

Yanloning pulled the corners of his mouth. "You've betrayed you with the rising corners of your mouth."

Yu Qingyu took back his tongue and put on a serious face. His two black eyes were staring at him.

I'm not. I'm not. Don't talk nonsense!

Yanluoning couldn't hold back for a moment and burst out laughing, "ha ha ha ha Why are you so cute, you believe everything I say? Ha ha ha It's a serious little expression. It's funny. "

Uncle can endure, but I can't bear it. Yu Qingyu jumps from the ground and throws Yan Luoning to the ground. With a hard stroke on his arm, the bright red blood comes out.

Yu Qingyu quickly took the beads and rolled them on the blood. He picked up the beads and ran into the bathroom and locked the door with his claws mercilessly.

Yan Luoning: "it's Who am I? Where am I? What should I do?

Luo Yan Ning's head suddenly recovered from the pain? Hiss My arm hurts so much. I'm going to get rabies vaccine. Will you go with me? "

" woof Fight a rabies? The employees are not sick, and they are healthy!

"Qingyu, are you talking? You're back in human form? Come out and I'll see you. "

"Wang Wang What's good to see? "

" I haven't seen you all day, I miss you. "

"Wang Wang Why, you're so numb. "

Yan Luoning: "it's How to save the daughter-in-law's brain hole?

yanluoning knocked at the door again, "if you don't come out, I'll go! Rabies vaccine must be taken. What if I die and no one takes care of you

"Click" door was opened a crack, Yu Qingyu a dog's head tried to drill out, eyes dribble around, as if to do something wrong.

"Qingyu, you It won't change back? "

"Wang Wang I always talk to you like this. "

Yan Luoning squatted down and thought for a moment. He seemed to accept that he could understand the meaning of every "Wang Wang" of Yu Qingyu.

"Little fellow, I like you no matter what you look like."

"Well, I know. You're in a bad mood."

Yan Luoning: "it's The bear boy really owes a fight! Is he in a state of change? How could he not know?

Yan Luoning was lost in thought when he looked at Yu Qingyu's conspicuous white hair. He couldn't even get out of the hotel now. How could he get vaccinated and how to check the evidence.

If he could camouflage himself, so many people in the hotel might avoid the paparazzi, but with Qingyu No, he's too conspicuous.

The whole world knows that he has a white dog, and he will be exposed when he goes out. It was said that Qing Yu would accompany him. Now

Yanluoning looks at the little guy who is already in bed and shakes his head. He doesn't know what to do with him, bad guy.

Yu Qingyu saw Yan Luoning and looked at him, "Wang Wang Can I help you? "

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