The badge will be replaced at ten tomorrow.



The badge will be replaced at ten tomorrow.


"It's OK. You look cute."

Yu Qingyu bared his teeth, wagged his tail, and lowered his head again.

"Little fellow, I'm out of business. Can you stay in the hotel by yourself for a day?"

"Wang What's the matter? "

Yanluoning thought for a moment, and decided to tell the truth, "I'm going to get a vaccine. I'll check the matter by the way. With you, I'm afraid of being blocked by paparazzi."

Yu Qingyu was silent for a moment, "OK, go ahead, turn on the TV for me, and bring the remote control."

"Yes, here you are."

Yu Qingyu took his paws and pressed the remote control. Seeing that Yan Luoning changed his clothes and went out, he threw the remote control aside.

He jumped to the computer chair and started the computer. "System, did you come back to learn some hacking skills after a walk out?"

"How can you know that I will definitely learn these things when I go out?" the system said helplessly

"Of course I know, because the system you are the best, the most unique and the most dedicated system in the world, hackers are the standard configuration."

The system is a bit dark and cool in the heart, but the thought that he may give the system world a retreat, because he did not know how to hack before.

"So the system..." Yu Qingyu then said, "teach me your skills. I don't want to be so powerful. I just need to be able to monitor other people's mobile phones and bank cards."

"Do you think it's easy?"

"No, of course not. Isn't it that I came to ask you?"

System: All right.

Yu Qingyu rubbed his sleepy neck and said, "system, I became a human again so soon this time?"

"well, the adult period of a dog is usually one to one and a half years, and you will be nearly one year soon. After you are fully grown up, you can keep human shape as long as you want."

"Sleeping trough! So I rolled the sheets with my underage body and yanolin?"

System:... " What kind of brain circuit is this?

the system said in silence, "well, don't worry, our family used to have teenage mating. As long as we don't have children, it's OK."

"They and I are male, bah! (cross out) it's impossible for two men to have a fart child. It's impossible in this life."

"Well, I know." The sound of the system is a little pleasant.

Yu Qingyu raised eyebrows. "System, it seems that I have no offspring. Are you very happy?"

"Well, yes."


"no reason, just happy."

Yu Qingyu said: Crazy!

The system will not tell him that after he sealed the memory of his world this time, he accepted that he was a crooked person without any sense of rejection.

You know, last time he was determined that he was a single dog who liked cute girls.

In this way, the next time he seals his memory, he will accept him more quickly and fall in love with him, instead of thinking about some cute girl.

Yan Luoning's hair was a little disorderly and came in. She was surprised to see Yu Qingyu's eyes. "Qingyu, I'm back!"

Yu Qingyu got down from the computer chair and rushed to him with only a bathrobe.

"Oh, don't move. I'll take a bath first. My body is dirty."

Yu Qingyu took a look at his clothes. He was really wrinkled. His face changed, "what's the matter? Fight with people? Who is it! I'll go with you to get rid of him! "

yanluoning rubbed his hair with a smile," what do you think? Who can beat me? It's because there are too many people who have vaccinated. There are also people who take dogs and are crowded. And when you come back from that place, shouldn't you take a bath first? I don't like the smell of other dogs either

Yu Qingyu grinned and glanced at him. "I don't like the smell of other dogs. Do other dogs hide when they see you?"

Yan Luoning: "it's What make complaints about

? What's the truth about Luoning's speechless expression? Yu Qing Yu suddenly laughed. "Come and interview, as a black and red fried chicken, what's your pain in your constitution that you hate to hate from dogs?"

Yanloning pulled a handful of clothes. "Do you want me to deal with you without taking a bath?"

Yu Qingyu said Dad, yes, yes

After hearing this, yanluoning's ears turned red and slipped into the bathroom.

Hearing that Yu Qingyu burst out a burst of laughter, the most exaggerated is that he finally laughed out the dog barking.

He suddenly began to wonder if he would hear it one day while rolling the sheets.

Sheng Sheng scared himself shaking, he still took water to wash his head, thought a little unhealthy.

At 8 o'clock that evening, just as a group of people were still tearing things up on yanluoning's microblog, a blogger who had always exposed star gossip suddenly hung up a few photos with the following text: "a married high-level cheating female agent of a company had a passionate night in the room, and the man left the building at 5 a.m. the next day]The picture of the man is very fuzzy, but the woman is the red leaf agent who is very popular recently.

It is also the most fundamental reason for the Yan Luoning beating incident.

In the photo, the woman leans against the man's arms with her upper body naked. The man puts his hand across her chest to block the key parts.

Hongye's expression is intoxicated, and their lower bodies are blocked by the window, but they can know what they are doing by looking at their posture.

As soon as this figure is shown, microblogs blow up again. Compared with male stars, netizens like to watch this kind of cheating and catch the junior. Hongye's microblog is completely occupied.

[shameless three, the information says that you are in your thirties. Are you so underemployed when you are 30? Do you have to be a junior?]

[upstairs, scold a person not to bring a group of people, OK? Didn't your mother teach you to be polite? 】

[the most hated thing of labor and capital in this life is "three". Such a third child should be sold to the mountains and forests, and seven or eight men will serve her in turn. 】

[three is not a good thing, and a man is not a good thing. Contact several senior executives of shining company to get married, and you can guess who it is? 】

[the horizontal trough is not FXX, is it? He has always been the best man in the world

At the same time, Yu Qingyu rubbed his eyes and crawled through his microblog. When he saw those photos, he knew that his opportunity had come.

"The system, did not sleep, come out to play together!"

"what to play?"

"Today's theme is to see how I can bruise their faces and let the truth prove that all slander is untenable."

System: Isn't the name a little long? "

Yu Qingyu said in embarrassment," why don't you give one? "

Yan Luoning thought," otherwise, it's called tianwanghuihui, how about being lax but not leaking? "

Yu Qingyu said Boss, in 9102, such a name is really nothing new. Anyway, it's a temporary one. It doesn't matter what

Yan Luoning: "it's Okay, let's not has the final say.

red leaf is lying in the bathtub enjoying the mask, and there is a small leg kneading leg.

The mobile phone on the side of the cabinet suddenly rings. Hongye grabs the mobile phone. Jiao Didi's voice says, "Mr. Fang, what's the matter? What's wrong with calling so late?"

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