"Why? Can I bring yanlonin back to my world? " Yu Qingyu said on purpose.

The sound of the system sank, "no way." After a pause, he added, "I mean, if you had someone in the real world who was as good to you as he was to you, would you be with him?"

Is this the early warning system for his future appearance?

Yu Qingyu laughed a little, "I'm a lazy person with no big desire. I'm cold and thin, heartless, and lack of integrity. Sometimes my body's desire will overwhelm my reason. Don't you think I've been with yanluoning County for a long time, and I've developed into bed?

If these all know people can still like me, then his eyes are probably blind

System: So is he really blind?

The system thought about Yu Qingyu's words and retorted, "but you also have many advantages."

"Yes, yes, yes. My advantage is that I am quite confident and I am good-looking."


Confidence? Are you sure it's not narcissism? But I like you narcissistic that proud little look, especially charming.

"You have other advantages, you are polite, you are kind, you never take the initiative to harm people, there is no big desire to show that you live a natural and happy life, which is not bad.

As a male, it's normal to have a desire to divert his body. In my inheritance memory, it's normal for a male to have thousands of females. If I have a body, I'll also be like you. It's normal to go to sleep if you see something pleasing to the eye. "

Yu Qingyu choked, "so I sleep less men?"

"Well, it's a little bit rare, but we all throw it away after sleeping, and we don't care about it. There's only one real partner, so it doesn't matter how many men you sleep with."

You're a scum, right? Doesn't it matter to you? So you think I'm right. I have to say that the system proposal makes him feel like he wants to sleep with thousands of men.

Is he also a scum in nature?

Can't, can't, a few are enough, thousands of, can't he stay in bed at any time in the rest of his life, without even wearing pants, with diapers?

Yu Qingyu shuddered and threw away the strange ideas in his mind. He turned to Yan Luoning. In the dark, he could only see his general outline. His smooth forehead and high nose were most conspicuous.

He didn't think he had enough sleep for such a beautiful man, and he behaved very well. He got it seven times a night and didn't want to change it.

"System, I think yanluoning is very good. How about you try to bring him back to me?"

"No way!"

"Oh, never mind."

The conversation between Yu Qingyu and the system ended unhappily.

The next day they were still woken up, this time not a phone call, but a knock on the door.

The people who came were Hou Qianhong and several of his superiors. Two of them were wearing low-key black suits. They acted as if they had been trained. At first sight, they knew that they were from the army.

There are also two people in gray suits, a kind look, but the body is emitting the upper breath, people feel kind, but also feel that there is a distance between you.

Yu Qingyu unconsciously took back his bold and unconstrained legs and sat upright. In front of these people, he still didn't dare to float, mainly because he was not familiar with it. When he was ripe, he would float faster than anyone else.

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