After the police officer finished, all of them fell into deep thought and finally looked at "Yu Xingchuan".

He's the most analytical player in the team, so you want to hear from him.

The captain also looked at him, "Xiao Yu, what do you say?"

"Yu Xingchuan" put his hand out on the table, "Qingyu, come here."

Sleeping trough! What happened? How could he know my name?

Yu Qingyu looked at him warily, his hair was blown up, and his small black eyes were all on guard.

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

"Squeak..." who are you?

The system looked at the startled appearance of Qingyu and laughed, "Qingyu, I am the person who brought you here. What are you afraid of me to do?"

Who brought me here? Is

"System system, you come out?"

"System, squeak if you're there?"

"System, don't play dead! System... "

Yu Qingyu yelled in his mind for a long time, but the system didn't get any response, so he looked at "Yu Xingchuan", "Zhizhi..." Are you the system?

The system nodded, "come here, Qingyu."

Yu Qingyu hesitated for a moment and climbed over to nest in his palm.

The system took out the mobile phone from the body and put it on the desktop. Two fingers touched Yu Qingyu's small head, "go ahead, I will protect you."

Yu Qingyu climbed down from his hand, two small short claws pressed on the screen, others all gathered around curiously.

"Sleeping trough! God! I really can type. "

"Poof He even make complaints about our low intelligence quotient. He also said that he reported the police. "

"Look what else he said, black dress Dai Mask, 50 cm thick wooden stick, this Is it the description of the murder weapon and the prisoner? Come on, come on, write it down. "

"Hamster, what else do you know? Come on, write it all out! "

A group of police staff chirped around Yu Qingyu. Yu recalled his memory and quickly typed a line of words under his claws: I don't know. When he hit the master's neck with a stick, I was scared out.

Police officers: --

Finally, there was an eyewitness, but the witness did not have many clues. The people were also very distressed, and the whole room suddenly became quiet.

The rich police officer suddenly said, "don't you think it's weird for a hamster to understand people's language and type?"

All the police officers frowned and looked at "Yu Xingchuan". The system said, "trained dogs can do arithmetic and understand human instructions. Why can hamsters not read and understand people's words?"

All of them said, "well I always feel that something is wrong, but I can't say it.

After everyone left, the system stood up and looked at his body from side to side. He touched his face with his hand and laughed, which was far from what he saw through his divine sense.

The system gently picked up jade Qingyu, eyes attached, "Qingyu, I can finally touch you, I can finally leave the shell."

Yu Qingyu was so hairy in his eyes that he didn't forget to say that he liked him.

In the past, he could refuse him by invisible system. Now what can he do? Wait online. It's very urgent.

"Squeak..." When I was hungry, a plate of meat with perfect color and flavor appeared in front of me. He couldn't wait to prick it into the plate. As a result, he was pinched by two fingers, "Qingyu, this salt is too much, you can't eat it."

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