As soon as Yu Qingyu's eyes closed, his stomach turned upward, and his four small claws shrank in his hair and pretended to be dead.

Yu Xingchuan:

"Yu team, we found that figure in the monitoring, it is the monitoring by the door of the community." Said the little policeman, pushing the door in.

Yu Xingchuan picked up the small hamster and stuffed it in his coat pocket. He had to watch and not let him run away.

Yu Xingchuan stood at the door of the community and looked around, "this is remote, there is no camera, we should escape from this side, we follow to find out if there is any clue."

"OK, let's drive this way."

The police car drove down a dirt road to the suburbs in five minutes.

There are a lot of bungalows here, all of them are a courtyard, next to a yard. There are more than ten rooms in the yard, each of which has a family.

Most of them are self built two-story buildings. There are more than a dozen families living on the second floor of a courtyard.

There is only one road across the village, and there are all kinds of peddlers.

Yu Xingchuan and the police officer got out of the car. The environment here is too complicated and the population mobility is large. What if the murderer lives here.

It is necessary for them to ask if people here have seen the figure.

Yu Qingyu came out of his pocket and made a weak voice, "squeak..." too hot! I'm going to faint!

"Team Yu, it seems that something is wrong with him?"

Yu Xingchuan bowed his head and turned to his two half closed eyes. His ears were soft and pasted on the back of his head. His hair looked wet and sticky, and his whole body exuded a dispirited breath.

"What's the matter with you?"

"Cheep..." Hot

Yu Xingchuan took out his mobile phone and looked for a corner. He put it down on the side of the road and took Yu Qingyu out of his pocket and put it on the side of the mobile phone.

As soon as Yu Qingyu's paws touch the ground, they feel like they are going to be ripe. The heat spreads from the soles of the feet to the four limbs of the body.

He jumped to the mobile phone in a hurry. As a result, the mobile phone was always in Yu Xingchuan's trouser pocket. The dark blue trousers absorbed more heat. The mobile phone was also very hot. Yu Qingyu jumped and pressed out a few words, "it's hot to death!"

Yu Xingchuan looks at the weather. The sun in summer is like a big fire stove roasting the earth. He can even see the twisted water vapor evaporating from the ground.

The police officer who came out with him to investigate the case was buying a popsicle to carry over. He took down his hat and fanned it as he walked.

The man selling fruit in the distance was sweating all over his bare upper body, and a fan was shaking quickly.

Passing women wear ultra short pants, revealing thighs, carrying flower umbrellas, but also bring their own small hair dryer.

It seems to be really hot, but Why does he feel more comfortable with the heat?

"Yu team, eat a popsicle. It's too hot. It's almost sunset. It's still so hot."

Yu Xingchuan took the popsicle and tore it up and handed it to Yu Qingyu, "do you want to eat it?"

Yu Qingyu looks at the popsicle, which is about the same size as him, and doubts about life.

I'm afraid it's not a fuckin 'fool, right?

"Poof Yu team, if you want to feed him this, just give him a small bite. He can't eat so much and it's not easy to bite. "

"Oh." Yu Xingchuan bit off a small corner of the popsicle and put it in front of Yu Qingyu.

Yu Qingyu jumped on his palm and chewed on the ice. It was a little bit cool.

After eating the popsicle, Yu Qingyu lies in his palm and sleeps in the past. Anyway, he will not die. He will be lazy for a while.

Yu Xingchuan held him in the palm of his hand and walked to an alley with his body blocking the sunshine.

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