Yu Qingyu looked up at him and nodded.

When Yu Xingchuan came back again, Yu Qingyu felt that he was a bit wrong. He seemed to have an indifferent attitude towards the world on his face. Deep in his eyes, he was incomparably strong and confident. He did not have the seriousness and love of life in Yu Xingchuan's eyes.

"Squeak..." system?

The system came up and put him in the palm of his hand. "Qingyu, I see you again."

Yes, the system.

He shook his beard. "System, do you have the energy to attach yourself to?"

"Well, this time will be a little longer. Last time I was not familiar with it, so my soul suffered a little injury, and then I have cultivated for a period of time."

"Oh." After a pause, he said, "system, my transformation seems to be going well. Do you know why?"

The system fondly touched him with a smile in his eyes, "of course, it's because you are good-looking and have a good character. You have done a lot of good things, so the transformation is very smooth."

Yu Qingyu's ability to help Yu Xingyu accumulate more achievements is not related to him.

I have to say the truth of Yu Qingyu. As long as you do 100 good things, the heaven will give you human form, but there are few animals in this condition.

Yu Qingyu is also able to do it with the help of Yu Xingchuan. Otherwise, he would not have to work for more than ten years to transform himself.

"You are king of the system, you can travel around the world, and you are powerful. The noumenon must be good-looking, handsome and unrestrained. These words are specially prepared for you."

The system knows that he is deliberately praising him, but he is still very happy, "well, Qingyu is right, but in my heart, Qingyu is the best to see."

Yu Qingyu was also very happy to be praised, and praised the system for a few words. In turn, the system continued to praise Yu Qingyu...

the two people talked to each other until someone knocked on the door of the office.

Yu Qingyu quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and then boasted that he was almost speechless. He kept on squeaking, his mouth was dry, and he wanted to drink water

where he didn't see, the system also quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Qingyu was really cute, but he loved to hear people praise this problem.

Xiao Gao looks at Yu Xingchuan, seems to be looking at him with a relieved expression. For a moment, what happened?

"Yu team, we're going to start."

"Yu Xingchuan" nodded, "well, I'll go out right away."

"Squeak..." coming out?

"Well, this is the first time I've done things in human form, and I'm sure I'll succeed."

"System system you are the best, system system you are the strongest, come on! Win

System: he is so stupid, but... Cute!

Yu Qingyu reacted to what he said. He was frozen in the same place for a moment. How could he shout out the slogan of sales? Ah! It's a bit embarrassing.

Yu Qingyu nests in the jacket pocket, trembling as the system moves.

"Qingyu, I feel the car!" The tone of the system seems to be excited.

Yu Qingyu put out his head and said, "what's wrong with the car?"

"I used to imagine that after I touched the car, I had to fly it up and try to see how strong the impact would be if I hit it."

"System, hold on. You're a body now. You'll die."

"It was the body that died, not me."

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