Is that?

Yu Qingyu suddenly remembered the number that the system said after vomiting blood, 42, yes, that's right, it's 42.

Yu Qingyu jumped off his head. After landing, he quickly put on a robe with a belt. Who knows that there is a vacuum inside him.

"What's the matter?" Yu Xingchuan was on guard.

Yu Qingyu: "there may be something wrong with this family."

Yu Xingchuan: "go in and ask."

"Wait, your clothes..." Yu Qingyu took his wrist and said, "it's not suitable?"

Yu Xingchuan bowed his head and looked depressed. It was really not appropriate to wear it to investigate the case.

"Here, put this on." Yu Qingyu handed him a dark blue shirt.

"Bang bang bang" Yu Xingchuan patted the red iron gate in front of him.

There were two barking dogs, and a man's voice came from inside, "who is it?"

"Police, open the door."

Suddenly, there was a sound of running and walking. They looked at each other and chose to jump in from the wall. As soon as they jumped in, they met the bright eyes on their faces.

"Lying trough!" Yu Qingyu exclaimed, subconsciously took out the pestle and waved it in the past.

The two big dogs may have been trained to avoid the pestle that Yu Qingyu wielded. However, they were afraid of the stick in Yu Qingyu's hand and did not come forward. Instead, they showed their teeth and cracked their mouths to wait for an opportunity to attack.

"Officer, shoot it with a gun."

Yu Xingchuan draws a gun and shoots at one go. At the same time, Yu Qingyu rushes forward and takes out the medicine pestle.

The two dogs fell to the ground without saying a word. Yu Qingyu put away the pestle and picked his eyebrows at Yu Xingchuan. "The gun technique is good. It's on the dog's head."

Yu Xingchuan looked at him, "you are also good, I am looking forward to how many surprises you can bring me."

They exchanged eyes and rushed into the room.

The scene in the room changed their faces at the same time.

The room is divided into inside and outside. The wall of the outer room is full of clothes. The clothes look like the clothes worn by young boys, and they are arranged orderly on the wall.

Such a scene is not really frightening, because many clothing stores will hang clothes like this, but what if these clothes are stained with blood?

There's a picture on the top of the clothes?

What about the dead teenagers in the photos?

Are you afraid?

Instead of looking at the photos, they went straight into the room.

A earthen Kang is the biggest decoration of the house. A pot of bones is placed on the pot top next to the earthen Kang.

There is a refrigerator in the corner, which is the old-fashioned ice cream refrigerator.

Next to the refrigerator is a rusty black iron door.

Besides, there is no decoration in the house.

The burnt black concrete floor was mottled, with mosquitoes and flies hovering on it, and the whole room smelled of moldy putrefaction.

They took a general glance at the room and at the same time went to the door.

"Bang..." There is no gate that can not be broken by Yu Qingyu's pestle.

Outside the door is a village road extending in all directions Yu Qingyu looks at Yu Xingchuan.


"OK, meet here in an hour." Yu Qingyu said and ran in a direction.

Yu Xingchuan took a look at his back and ran to the other end.

Qingyu's action without any hesitation made his heart's already surging emotion even hotter. He brought him palpitation, even under such circumstances, it had never reduced.

In his last life, he was probably so infatuated with him that he would make a promise to support him for the rest of his life.

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