no way! may not! He won't agree! He's going to find him! Even if we don't get married! Even if he hates him! He's looking for him, too!

Lu Yao hurriedly took his luggage and went to the airport. He did not believe that Qingyu didn't love him no longer. Today, Qingyu cheated him. He just didn't want to get married. If there was no proposal today, would they still be the same as before.

Isn't Qing Yu fond of freedom? He can do it! Even if he is with him every day, even if he has no fame in his whole life, he is willing to. He only wants to be with him, and he doesn't want to get married. If he doesn't want to get married, he won't get married, as long as he wants him, he won't ask for anything else!

On the freeway to the airport, a black sports car passed by like a gust of wind, leaving a lot of exhaust gas.

Wait for me! Qingyu!

Yu Qingyu held his chin and looked at the twinkling stars outside the plane window and sighed: "system, would you like me to leave now?"

System: "of course, finish the task early and revive early."

"Although almost all the people who caught the panda died at the beginning, the organization is still in good condition. Such an organization that kills people and sets fire to others is undoubtedly a cancer of society. I might as well kill it and serve the people. What's more, this is a good thing. Maybe the will of the world will give some more merit?"

After thinking for a while, he thought that what he said was reasonable, so he agreed with Yu Qingyu's opinion that he would go back and destroy the organization.


In a villa on the outskirts of Qingcheng City, Liang Ge was watering his beloved Lingzhi with a kettle. Suddenly, he looked up at the door as if sensing something.

After more than ten hours' flight, Yu Qingyu finally returned to China. After another flight, he returned to Qingcheng. The first time he came to see brother Liang was their last.

"Blossoming, long time no see, have you had a good time?"

Yu Qingyu showed a smile: "happy, what about brother liang? How's the year? "

Brother Liang nodded: "everything is OK, but I miss you, eh? What about Lu Yao? "

Yu Qingyu pretended not to care and said, "he still has something to do. It is estimated that he will come here in a moment. Today I'm here to bring you some gifts and tell you something at will."

"Farewell? Where are you going to play again? "

Yu Qingyu looked up at the sky and said with a bitter smile: "nothing. You just need to know that I'm here to say goodbye to you."

Brother Liang:

Yu Qingyu regained his look and jokingly said, "brother Liang, I've always wondered why you want to call brother Liang. It's clear that you look like a more elegant name."

Brother Liang gave a helpless smile: "I thought you would never ask. In fact, it was nothing. When I was born, my parents named rabbit Liangliang. I was the youngest in my family. All the elders called me brother Liang Liang. It was still the name hundreds of years ago. It was a kind of love name. Later, when I came to the human world, I didn't know what to call. When people asked for their names, I said Liang Brother, later It's just like this. I'm used to it and I'm lazy to change it. "

Yu Qingyu nodded. According to his world, it seems that there was a period of history in his world. The unmarried man was called brother-in-law, and the woman was called sister-in-law. It seems that he lived for hundreds of years like brother Liang. It is no wonder that he always thinks that Liang Ge Wen is a kind of noble son. His affection for others is really a noble son from ancient times to the present. What did he think brother Liang was before Carrying the handle, ha ha

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