"Don't try to catch her to threaten me, or..." Yu Qingyu stabbed down with his dagger's hand, and the blood immediately covered the young master's neck.

"Young master!"

"Young master!"

"As long as you don't hurt our young master, we can let you go."

In particular, you don't have to say that Qingyu is enough for you

The young master frowned and glared at the impetuous person, and immediately all the people made way for the woman.

Yu Qingyu sighed until he couldn't see the woman. He could only help her so much. The rest Look at her luck!

The young master tried to escape Yu Qingyu's control when he was distracted. As a result, the wound on his neck was deeper. He felt that a little more that dagger would cut his artery, and he didn't dare to move any more.

Yu Qingyu takes the young master and retreats into the room. A group of young masters follow suit. After entering the room, Yu Qingyu smiles mysteriously and disappears at the stairway.

Yu Qingyu went up to the third floor in one breath. He found a room at random and threw the young master in. At the same time, he broke the young master's tendon with his little aura.

Looking at the young master's bloody hands and neck, Yu Qingyu's cruel factor once again prevailed. He approached the young master step by step. Looking at the young master's effort to overcome his fear, Yu Qingyu asked faintly: "you have harmed so many people, have you ever thought that you will have today?"

The young master collapsed on the ground and tried to put on a calm look: "what? Who are you starting for? Why is there no one like you in my memory? Have you come to avenge the death of your family? "

"Kill my family? Young master, it's true that many people forget things. One year ago, all the people you sent out to rob the panda died. Do you remember? "

"It's you!"

"How can it be me? After all, I am..." Yu Qingyu changed her body, and there was a giant panda two meters in size in the room.

The young master was so surprised that he couldn't even close his mouth. Yu Qingyu stretched out the bear's claw and stroked the young master's bloody neck

Listening to the sound of footsteps, Yu Qingyu turned back and took off the young master's clothes. As he expected, he was wearing a soft armor that could not be penetrated by any weapons. Qingyu quickly put on the clothes.

The expression is a little disgusted.

This is from the dead!

From the dead!

Picked it off!

Yu Qingyu opened the door and rushed out. It was like a gust of wind. There were all kinds of sounds in the corridor, such as gunfire, scream and collision

As soon as Lu Yao and his men arrived at the target location, they heard bursts of gunfire. All of a sudden, his heart was flustered. The fear of losing everything made him sweat.

The accompanying police also heard the voice and quickly contacted the armed police. They were just ordinary policemen, so they had to surround the building.

"I'm going in! Get out of the way

"Mr. Lu, there's a gunfight going on inside now. If you go in, you'll be worried about your life. We won't let you in."

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Qingyu is still inside. He is waiting for me to rescue him. Get out of here Lu Yao struggled and tried to break in.

When Yu Qingyu came out, he saw that Lu Yao was crazy and wanted to rush in. The cold breath suddenly disappeared, and he opened a smile to Lu Yao.

Lu Yao looked up as if he felt something in his heart. He suddenly saw Yu Qingyu's smile. It was like a pearl in the night, illuminating his barren heart. This smile recalled his life, because Yu Qingyu disappeared in front of him in a blink of an eye

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