The system went straight ahead with a cold face. Two steps later, he stopped again. "I dropped my head. I don't remember who you are."

Shi Zhaodi, with an ouch, quickly came over and took his arm. "Sister in law of osmanthus, I'll take you back first. Your baby is still waiting for you to go back to dinner."

The system looked at the hand on the arm, endured the impulse not to chop her hand, took out the arm and nodded coldly, "trouble."

After walking for a while, three broken thatched cottages appeared in front of him. There were only some rotten wood around the thatched cottage, which could be regarded as a courtyard wall.

A little boy who looked like eight or nine years old rushed out and said, "mother, how did your head break? Does it hurt? Xiao Bao shouts to his mother

"Osmanthus sister-in-law, this is your child, what do you have to ask him first, iron egg son is very clever, I still have to dig pig grass here, I will not accompany you to chat." Shi Zhaodi looked at Tiedan again. "Your mother's brain is in a daze. She doesn't know us anymore. You can talk to your mother and give her some water to wash. You can make the meal yourself. My aunt knows you can do it."

Iron egg clever nodded, "know aunt."

The system found out the whole situation of the village after one day's stay in this home. Not to mention that a child gave him the interpersonal relationship in a popular science village, the God consciousness that he can release now is enough to observe what he wants.

Xuanyue mainland is a land where you can practice aura. Children here can test spiritual roots once every ten years old. Major schools in the mainland will send their students to recruit students everywhere.

However, spiritual roots are rare. There is not necessarily one out of a thousand people. The golden phoenix flying out of a small village is still rare. Most of the people who have spiritual roots are after big families or disciples. If ordinary people want to practice, spiritual roots will limit their development.

Another three days is the time for the sect to recruit disciples. The system thinks for a moment that it is still waiting for the time to come before leaving the village. It is not noticeable. Even if the law of heaven needs to be investigated, if there is no big change, he will certainly ignore the past.

The system looks at Tiedan. The boy looks ok, but his rags cover his aura. If he wants to take the opportunity to leave, the boy is a good excuse.

The system buckled a small half from a pill, "iron egg, you come here."

"Mother, what's the matter? Do you have a headache?"

"Eat this."

"Mother, why do you tell me to eat mud?"

The system Qi's brain AChE, was called mother even, he took the high-level Dan medicine to be actually thought to be the mud ball son, shit! It's the pot of the bitch!

He snorted, "do you want to eat?"

Tiedan takes a look at his mother. He always feels that his mother is a little strange after knocking his head, but... Mother should not harm him. Tiedan swallows the medicine with his eyes closed.

But for a moment, he was rolling on the ground in pain, his throat was like a soldering iron, unable to say a word.

The system squatted beside him, "if you want to cultivate immortals, you can survive. If you die, I will think you are not the son."

The system has long seen that Tiedan has spiritual roots in his body, but his spiritual roots are incomplete, just like a eunuch. It is clear that he also has other things, but they are useless and small.

His pills can give birth to his spirit root, as long as he carries it, he is the best spirit root.

When Tian Yu was conscious, he felt as if his body was about to burst. He opened his eyes and saw a woman in her thirties sitting by the bed meditating. He closed his eyes and carefully combed the body's irascible spiritual power to prevent the system from finding any clues.

Southbound, do you think I can't find you? Since you want to play, I will accompany you. I have a lot of time.

Half a day later, Tiedan (Tian Yu) opened his eyes, "Niang, I'm so thirsty."

The system frowned impatiently and threw a cowhide water bag. Tian Yu held the water bag and said, "mother, what is this? Where did you get it? "

Grass! Careless! The black line at one end of the system snatched the water bag back. "Go drink your own water. I just changed a magic trick for you, remember?"

Tian Yu blinked, "Oh, mother, what is magic?"

The system pulled up Tian Yu and threw him directly into the yard, "don't bother me!"

Tian Yu suddenly wants to laugh. He finally understands Qilin's mentality of showing off his daughter-in-law all day long. He also wants to show off such a cute daughter-in-law.

Tian Yu, of course, would not cry when he was thrown out of the door like a real child. He quietly leaned against a pile of rotten wood and watched the silver stars twinkle in the sky.

Since the appearance of southbound in his world, it is not only silver, but also a lot of colors that he did not understand and experience. Go back and give Qilin a big red envelope. It seems that the matchmaker in the world wants to give money to the matchmaker.

Tian Yu looks at the door of the thatched cottage. Well, he is very satisfied with the marriage.

Three days later, the sect recruited disciples. Tian Yu naturally found out the best Linggen. All the major schools scrambled for him. Tian Yu held the system's hand and said, "I want to take my mother. Your sect can let me take my mother. I'll go to that sect."The system is preparing to confuse a man and give him a place like this, so that he can leave the village in an open and aboveboard manner. Unexpectedly, the boy handed him a ladder directly.

Tian encountered such a spirit root in a hundred years, the zongmen naturally agreed, is not a pair of chopsticks?

Although there is no one in the clan who cultivates immortals and brings his family, the rules are not unbreakable. It is easy to arrange a chore.

In this way, the system followed Tian Yu into xuanyuezong.

At first, he thought it would be easy to get away from the family. Unexpectedly, Tian Yu directly worshipped a special master. In xuanyue sect, he was the only one who was a small ancestor. As soon as he entered the sect, there was an independent courtyard. Naturally, the system had to live in the yard to take care of Tian Yu.

Tian Yu was like a clinging child. He didn't let go of his coat. The system didn't have time to run away. He pretended to be a woman and left the village. He didn't want to attract the attention of the heaven. Now, he went against his original intention.

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