If Feng Yege had decided to marry Ye Ji last time, now her choice is to send Ye Ji to Feng Ye Ge again.

She knows the pain of being with a person she does n’t like, let alone a lifetime, she wants to keep him free and want him to be happy, but if she takes a step and ruins his happiness It's her.

Lou Qingwu's hesitations fell into Feng Yege's eyes. The pain in his eyes was not less than her. He knew he was despicable to persecute her like this, but if he knew the reason, he would watch her walk into the abyss He can't do it. What's more, with this opportunity, he will completely remove the thorn in Lou Qingwu's heart.

The two seem to be in an impasse, and no one is willing to compromise.

But at this moment, their hearts are closest to each other ... After a long time, Feng Yege broke this silence, "That night, I gave you hallucinogenic grass, you should know."

Lou Qingwu froze all over, and the things she had deliberately ignored were brought up again. She closed her eyes, and her voice was a little hoarse: "Brother, don't say any more."

"That night, I learned something from your mouth with Hallucinogen."

"Brother!" Lou Qingwu yelled, and looked back but frowned when he saw Feng Yege's painful eyes.

Her lips moved, but after all, she didn't say a word. She could only look at Feng Yege and watch him take a deep breath. "Sister, you let me finish. If you finish, you still want to Go, I will never stop you. "

Lou Qingwu's throat was a little dumb, and his lips were froze, before nodding very lightly: "... you say."

"Do you still hate Xia Houqing?"

"..." Lou Qingwu didn't speak. She didn't know how to tell Feng Yege. She didn't blame him for seeing her secrets. She had actually told him what she thought on the carriage, but that thought also However, it was swept away and sealed by her, but Feng Yege knew that her first reaction was a lot easier. These secrets have been in my heart for years. From the beginning of her rebirth, the stones have made her breathless. They don't understand why she is so cruel, so extreme, and even perverted to the pleasure of exposing the skins of those bad people. But she didn't like it at all. She just wanted to paralyze her nerves. You see, I'm such a bad person, so don't stay near me, stay away from me.

Can last for a long time, still tired. And on this long dark road of revenge, Feng Yege is the only light, at least in those days of Yaowang Valley, she won't remember the hatred.

However, she was already in hell, how could she pull in Feng Yege?

But Feng Yege knew, he knew her secrets, and the root of her doing these things. She thought she would be angry, but she felt relaxed at first.

The opposite person's eyes were too soft, as if she had done bad things countless times. Looking back, he would still stand in the distance and wait for her.

Feng Yege saw the looseness in her eyes, slowly stood up, walked in front of her, leaned down, and Hitomi's dark eyes looked deeply into her eyes, "Sister, if a person is immersed in the harm others have done to her and only Remember the damage others have done to her, then she will only live in the pain of the past. Sister, do you still have to trap yourself in the pain of the past when you relive this life? "

"I don't ..." Lou Qingwu intuitively denied that she was revenge, she was not in pain, and she felt sincerely happy to see them step by step to despair.

"No, you are still living in those pains." Feng Yege shook her head, her voice softly like a wind, slowly blowing away the haze in her heart, "I know you want to revive that child, but sister, you Have you ever thought that that child would wish his mother to step into the endless painful abyss again? Lightly, "Feng Yege's fingertips gently rubbed her cheeks, with nostalgia and tenderness, "Xiahou Qing destroyed him personally. Do you think that child really wants his father to still be Xiahou Qing? Still let Xia Houqing's blood flow in his own body? I think if he has the same life as you The last thing he saw was Xia Houqing's cruelty to you and his ruthlessness to him. So, would he still let Xia Houqing be his father? "


"Qing Wu, first of all, it ’s your child, not Xia Houqing. So, as long as you gave birth, it may be him, not necessarily, Xia Houqing is necessary. In that case, why do you treat yourself Into such a desperate situation? "

Lou Qingwu looked at Feng Yege, and her mind was blank. She seemed to remember only the red sky, and the little bit of cold she touched with her last finger.

"Yeah, why should he let him live like this again?"

A drop of tears rolled down.

Since she was born again, because of the strong tears that were built in front of the tears, she fell to the ground from the moment she opened her eyes, closed her eyes and opened her eyes and remembered the scene before the child was dying. A strange circle was buried, and she wanted to keep the child alive, but she couldn't help it, so she came up with such a solution that was not a solution.

But she didn't even think about it, what if the child was not willing?

The pain in Lou Qingwu's eyes made Feng Yege sigh pitifully, holding her tightly in her arms, her voice soft, as if coaxing a child, "Okay, it's all right, all things have not happened yet , Everything is too late, you will have another child, he will grow up healthy with your care, he will follow your teeth, he will call your mother, he will coquettish with you, will grow into a strong Young man, marry a wife and have children ... he will be brave and strong, and he will come to you again. Because ah, he has the strongest mother in the world. His mother loves him, protects him, wants Give him the best in the world, and of course, he will definitely have a best father in the future, that is ... I am. "

Lou Qingwu: "..."

Lou Qingwu in the first half of the sentence is moving, hearing the latter sentence, all the sentiment faded away instantly, incredibly raised his head, staring at the man without shame.

"Brother, you are so uncomfortable with me ..."

Feng Yege's rare Phoenix eyes ticked, Guanghua overflowed, and the eyes shone brightly: "Sister, I have already worshiped in the church, and you have a father, do you think we will have a father in the future?"

"..." Help, I don't know this person!

Lou Qingwu's eye circles were still a little red. Looking at the handsome man in front of him, he said very seriously: "Brother, I understand all of what you said. I decided to give up marrying Xiahouqing, so ..."

"and so?"

"I decided to find another father for the child."

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