Winter evening is particularly desolate.

The mountain is everywhere in the mountains of the mountains. Occasionally there are a few branches, there is no retreat of dead leaves in the cold wind.

"Hey! Someone came to him, just! What a handsome brother, now the scene, really ..." The simple and simple farmers have been built in the cold wind. The middle-aged middle-aged person who followed him behind him, but he was still quiet.

"At that time, I just came back from the village. One turned, I was shocked! I saw a person who was blood in the ground, and I still hugged a baby. I took him home, I found him. The hurt is heavy, there are several ways to see bones behind. Oh, you don't know, he feeds his own doll with his blood! My wife is touched by him! Later, he is a lot I followed the chairing of us here. The medical skills are not so good, better than hoster! People are still a gas, and they are like painting. At that time, the girl likes him! But ... Now you look at what he is! Crazy and epilepsy, don't recognize people, even no one knows ... Say, this master, he grows with you! "

The middle-aged people stunned and nodded.

The farmer entered the park, and what the peasant woman said. I only heard a woman sighed in the house: "It's good to come, so I will recognize him home. I heard that he is not there? Well, a good child is so throwing here no one ... "

The figure of Yan Yunyang, and suddenly.

The farmer came out, I bought it: "I can't help, you will walk with me. He may go out to find a child."

Looking for a child to play? Yu Chi Yunyang is a bit unknown.

I haven't got away, I have an air. Probably the place where the autumn harvest is the place, and it is idle in winter. A pair of children wearing a circle and don't know what to do, a family laughed. I went into it, the middle is just Lei Huan!

Thunder is on the ground, the hair is scattered, and the silk is all gravoral soil. The face is ash, the clothes are the farmer's home weaving, very thick, and the gray break is rotten. A child rides on him, and the horse is still shouting "driving, driving!" Other children stamp the face and body with straw stems, laughing: "Oh, the fool is still laughing! The fool smile! "" , is there a child? "" I heard that I sent back the fool! "" My mother said, because the fool is a fool, so their home is not right! It is also a fool, and it will be thrown away! "" Oh, the fool is fool! "Lei Huan only followed the smirk, the eyes were confused, and there was still some performers. He climbed in the ground.

Yu Chi Yun suddenly felt that the hands and feet were cold. He suddenly remembered Lei Huan's 17th year, and he took a juggle and stepped on the towering of the high and steep door stone step. The cracks greeted the wind and took a black high waist boots, and the long hair flew in the air, and the lips were smiled. It was so flying, and the gods stood in the plaque of Xiao Yishan. He looked at the dark and always look.

At that time, he thought, is this my son?

The farmer screamed for a child, slightly sorry, looked at him, Yu Jiyun smiled and shook his head. He went forward and looked at Rayuan, which was scared, slowly squatted.

He looked at him. As soon as that year, he brought a lot of peach blossom with the blood of Ye, took the little baby and looked confused.

He is not a good father. Or, he has never been this plan. He hates this child. He seems to be forgotten, this child's life is him. The blood of this child is his.

When he finally remembered, it seems to be late.

He carefully ended his children once in his twentieth year. Seven points like yourself, three-point like a soft. The eyes are very soft, and the five senses are perfect with the Yingzi and the softness. This is his child. his.

He lifted his hand and gently dialed the hair before the thunder, and his face was smiling gently. "Good boy, let you go home."

Twenty-year deposited grievances, suddenly flying and Yang Yang, was blown by the wind.

Thanks to the farmers, Yu Jun Yun hired a carriage. It is not too kind now, although flying clouds are protected in secret, but everything is still careful. Sitting in the carriage, the clouds rubbed the stucco on the face of Lei Huan with his hand, and finished his hair with his finger. Lei Huan also looked at him, the dark eyes clear. Lei Huan's eyes will always be cold, and it is a thoughts, such as thin ice. But there is never such a more innocent. Clouds bounce his forehead and smiled: "Fear me?"

Lei Huan nodded.

"Silly children, I am you, afraid what I do?" Yunyang held the hand of Lei Huan. It has begun to shrink. Maybe I can't take a long time, the joints of Lei Huan will be stiff and shrinking. At that time, thundering is really born.

Who is harmful? The clouds blinked and looked up. I am afraid that I can't control it.

Lei Huan seems to have not understate it. Looking at him. The cloud pointed to himself and said, "I am you. Tell me?"

Lei Huan.

"Come, follow my mind, -"

Thunder thought, suddenly laughed: "Hey!" Is very natural. The son of the son should call. However, this is the end of the twenty years. He gave his face and trembled: "Hey."

Later, I will go to the inn. Lei Huan's limb shrinkage has been intensing, and he can't even stand straight now. The clouds have been holding him, Lei Huan is, the arm is caught in the chest, and it is not straight. Some people around him are funny, covering the mouth, Lei Huan is smirking. The clouds are also laughing, and the smile is around for four weeks, and the whole lobby is not moving. He is full of Lei Huan's clothes, dumes Lei Huan, and firmly walk to the shopkeeper step by step.

"Store, we want to go to the room. My son is not good to listen to it, don't Lin."

In the evening, the clouds hit hot water and unlocked the clothes of Lei Huan. The new injury of the vertical and horizontal traces is shocking. He wiped his son with a hot towel and wiped his son, and wiped his wound. Thunder was buried into the pillow, and a small animal is generally choosing.

"Good boy, don't wipe clean, trouble, I will bear, hmmped?"

Lei Huan nodded, there was tears in his eyes, looked at the clouds, poor look, and smashed his head. Lei Huan is still very quiet, no noisy, always looked quietly to all people busy, big eyes follow their shadow to turn. At that time, I thought about how this child was so early, and I didn't have a look. Now I want to understand that it is just how Zhuan doesn't know how to spoilers. Don't move how people get close, and even don't understand, parents are barriers they can rely on. During the ten years, in addition to Yu Yu, Leishan has always been, alone is growing. He found that he could not remember the appearance of Lei Huan. Or say he never pay more attention? When he took Lei Huan out of the house, Lei Huan took three heads under the shackles of Xiao Yishan, and only throw him a thin hill-shrinking back when leaving.

Retribution, the retribution is coming. The cloud hugs Lei Hui in his arms, but he did not retribute it on him, and his son is punished. Maybe my fierce is right, this child, how can I come?

Leisham's hand shouted his face. The eyes turned, and I laughed: "Hey."

The cloud wiped his face, pinch the son's cheek, whispered: "Hey."

Lei Huan squatted in his arms, said with satisfaction: "Comfortable."

The clouds have hugged him. The son used to be a standard wide shoulder waist, and there was a crane group. Now, in addition to the bones are skin, take off the clothes lying on the bed, can only swim, the joints are highlighted, and they are curled.

He gently patted his son's back: "Sleep. Have you."

I have arrived in a normal manor for a few days. My child is waiting for him in front of the door. The child is quite similar to Lei Huan, and if you are full, you don't cry. The clouds that have dumped into the road, and the fashion of the soft bare is white. He didn't expect that his son had already reached this point.

The baby saw Lei Huan and was very happy. It was difficult to remember him for a few months. He said in the mouth of the moon to twisted his mouth.

The softness stunned, red eyes, "Lei Huan saw you when I saw you, and it is like this."

Yunyang opened his mouth, did not speak. He didn't know that he didn't remember his son when he was a child.

Buffalized the child to the Yu Yu, reaching the hand, also blended his son, and told people to prepare for bathing water. The clouds looked at the weak and thin soft and dijetted into the house. Suddenly, I feel that my existence is simple.

The soft man rolled up the sleeves to take a shower, and the clouds are on the side of the child. Lei Huan looked at a beautiful thing that could be touched to yourself and sorry for himself. Knoke his head and smiled: "Silly kid, I am your mother!" The laughter didn't fall, but I can't press the sound of the throat. Lei Huan is sitting in the bucket, smiling: "Mother."

The soft bare is holding his face, squatting in the barrel, crying.

It's hard to wash it, and the clouds hose Lei Hui and wipe it clean, replace it with new clothes. The softness wipes the hair and then gently comb. Lei Huan's hair is good, like a soft, black and bright, straight down. Waiting for the hair and comf, the fierce pulls the quilt, and the clouds put the Lei Guan into the bed, and then the soft bare will give him a good one. Lei Huan opened his eyes, looked at the soft while moving, smiled: "Mother.". The soft man patted Lei Huan: "I am." Lei Huan smashed the soft little hand of the soft and soft, and the happiness of his face. The clouds sat down in the round table in front of the window, and looked at them. The soft man gently patted the Lei Huan, softly sang the song of the child to fall asleep. The charcoal fire is roaring in the brazier, and the warm is in the soft gentle song. A family, a man, a mother, and one is a son. How beautiful.

"God wants us to pay attention to it." The softness gazed to sleep, and did not look at the cloud. "We owe him a man, and a mother. God is going to make us also."

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