If you have a certain level, you can't feel hurt.

I realized now that it is true.

I don't know if I am now, my mother will not be angry. I have made a decision in the Tanzi. You can't die like a grievance. Since it's time to die, it is hurting it. Even if it is for the mother, I have to live.

Praying Yuanshan is a place where it is dead and later. It is not afraid of death, of course, not afraid of living. I touched a rock wall at the bottom of the swamp, which seems to have holes. I thought about it, the breath, sink. Sure enough, it is a gap, the other half of the words, and the other half passes through the cliff wall, above the horizontal surface. On all the way, I saw the light and suddenly joyful. I fell on the sharp stone, I feel that there is no skin under the foot.

My mother seems to say that I don't cry when I am a child, and I don't cry whenever I fall. In fact, it hurts, it really hurts. The stomach and oral stinking in the mouth. I haven't spit on the bile now. But very good, very good. I feel that I am still alive.

I don't know how long it will go. I started thinking about what I died here. I rely on the wall, the cold touch makes me awake a lot. I continued to hold the wall and moved it step by step.

Resolutely not die. Not. I have been gambling with God in this life. As a result, I lost a lot of life. In this case, I don't care, I will gamble - anyway, I didn't die, earned the life.

I climbed it out and found out that I was standing outside the medicine furnace of Phoenix. A wolf in the pharmacitor is borrowed, and it is unknown. I pushed the door, and I heard the cry of the child. In front of you, I gasped a breath, my dumb scorpion gently summeded: "Tian Qi? Chuanbei? Astragalus?"

It is estimated that it is scared by my extreme voice, and the cry is sudden. After a while, I heard the scream of the little child. I slipped along the wall, fighting hard, saying: "Don't be afraid, I am a Rayber, although it is ugly ..."

after awhile. Astragalus explores the head from a broken screen, and the small sample, "Ray, Leich?"

I tried to make a non-embarrassing expression, nodded.

Astragalus looks at me, suddenly crying: "League - How do you?" How did you come? "

I am surprised: "What happened?"

Huang Wei, I climbed: "Reagi, you save the field seven, please save the field seven ..."

I bite my teeth, stand up, fall into the back of the screen, the dry finger holds the screen of the screen - Tianqi fell on the ground, and the chest puts the big knife on one side. Tian Qi Xiaoxiao's body could not be the weight of the steel knife.

I gently kneel, like those children, I don't know what it is. There is no blood color on the small face of Tianqi, and the two should be closed.

I said, "Tianqi, wake up."

Tian Qi's eyelid moved slightly. The little mouth is muttered: "Ray brother ..."

I trembled, "Oh."

Tian Qi's eyes were jealous of tears, gently said: "Leig, hurt ..."

I touched his connection. The blood on the ground has been solidified, and some of the knife is blocked around, and several children are both blood.

Chuanbei's tears brush the ground: "What to do, Leig, can't stop, we are like all the ways, blood can't stop ..."

Tian Qi struggled to blink. I reached out to your eyes: "Good boy, you are very ugly now, don't read ..."

Tian Qi is weakly said: "Leig, you are here, it's good ..."

that's nice. What good? Silly boy. I am coming, you still leave.

I stroked the little body. I still lying in my arms that night, and I want to tell my story. The moon color is shining on his big eyes, and the light is flashing.

He said, Leig, I remember you.

He said that Leig, you can't see your fierce expression after you protect it.

Silly boy.

Silly boy……

It's crazy. Yunyang feels that things can not be mastered. The softness looked at the Lanling Army in the battlefield. Soft children will change some simple but very practical killings into the basic course of drill soldiers. My fierce tells them where the person's body is the most vulnerable, where is a fatal life. My soft bare is very exciting, and it is necessary to slaughter, and even do a well-thoughtful plan.

I have seen a cold sweat.

He is the general of Noro, and I have never seen any bloody scene. But he can't accept the temporal softness to become like this. He is afraid. He is afraid that one day, the soft children will leave his care, flying to him is never enough place. Even, the soft bare is once the first killer of the wash, ghost night.

"My son died. The son of others is alive." The softness is very happy, "I don't have a son, why do you have anyone?"

Have a son, he is a gentle and beautiful mother. Without your son, he is a ghost night. Beast knows to protect the cub. The beast that lost the cub is extremely terrible, because his only concern is no longer.

Attack , the weather is very good, it is a rare weather in early spring. The Lanling army does not have lost, but it is not like the army of other countries. It is necessary to consider the global chess. The goal of soft children is very clear, that is, it is necessary to entertaire, it is to kill the royal family of Liu Guo. Especially, Lingqi's woman.

Soft is sitting on the white gauze, looking at the wood of the Lanling Army in a far-reaching city gate, the original ..

Yunyang commanding the thousand army's looks really good. I don't know what Lei Huan is like? It's unknown to smile. The Lanling Army tsunami generally rushed into the city, soft and eyes, suddenly saw the high arrival of the thick city gate of the city. It's going to flow, it is not stopped at all.

The Lanling Army won the victory, and the soft children sat in the city. Lingqi and her men's pets were pressed, behind a pile of surrender of the ministers. The soft man lentied his finger to pick up the chin of Lingqi, look at the right left, sigh: "I thought more beautiful." Take a look at the one-class male pet behind her, when it is a cyclic fat The type of is available. The moon is soft, and it is patrolled. The ministers rushed to unlucky. I think that I've surrendered, I'm going to be a big Chu. Who thinks it is Lanling? Buffell waves: "I don't kill you, as long as you are good." He tied the Ling to the pillar, a king of Wang Gong, the male pet station, turns her. It's so dizzy and splashing cold water, then come. Many people who have found that Lingzhen have sinned, and they are not in the hands. Especially the male pet, the fan is called a simplicity. The last one, the little emperor was grandly played. I didn't hesitate, and I took my arm as it. Xiao Emperor Gege said: "The emperor is not very powerful? Isn't it to dig my mother's eyes? You call them to retreat."

Lingqi is always silent.

She is upright, finished all forward. She was acknowledged, and the shape of the face was fierce, and her eyes were not afraid.

The cloud suddenly understood. It's all in a dark. This is the case.

The soldiers who guarded the city suddenly reported that the Dichial army had sold the city.

Shao Yang Emperor wants to use Liu Guo to make a bait, use a "", first come to the middle, then the Lanling Army has just passed a fisherman's profit.

Therefore, the city is going up, on the horizon, the horseshoe has been rolling.

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