Until school ended in the afternoon, Lu Sisi's anxious heart never dropped.

She was thinking, what if Jiang He didn't go? What if Jiang He rejects her?

When Jiang He left his seat, Lu Sisi stood up immediately and followed Jiang He silently.

It wasn't until Jiang He arrived in front of the school infirmary that Jiang He turned around and looked at Lu Sisi in front of him.

When Lu Sisi saw Jiang He looking directly at her, she instantly blushed to the roots of her ears.

"Jiang...Classmate Jiang, I..."

"I'm sorry, I have no plans to fall in love now."

Jiang He left Lu Sisi no illusions.

He knew that Lu Sisi was a good girl, but precisely because Lu Sisi was a good girl, Jiang He couldn't hurt her.

At this time, Jiang Xin in the infirmary also heard the movement outside the door, quietly came to the door, and looked at everything outside through the crack in the door.

"Jiang...Jiang, do you still remember me? You saved me five years ago!"

Lu Sisi seemed unwilling to face the situation of being rejected, and just stammered something.

"Ah you are?"

Jiang He also remembered at this time that he seemed to be the one who was almost kidnapped by human traffickers.

"It's me. Classmate Jiang still remembers me, right?"

Lu Sisi's voice trembled, and then she slowly approached Jiang He.

"Classmate Jiang He, you will promise me, right?"

Sensing something was wrong with Lu Sisi, Jiang He frowned slightly.

Suddenly, Lu Sisi began to breathe heavily and reached into her pocket to search for something.

At this time, Jiang Xin, who had been eating melon, could no longer stand and quickly pushed open the door and held Lu Sisi in her arms.


Listening to Lu Sisi's weak voice, Jiang Xin quickly took out the medicine from her pocket, then took out a piece and put it into Lu Sisi's mouth.

"Jiang He, go find some water!"

Jiang He did not dare to delay at all, and quickly took some warm water from the infirmary and handed it to Jiang Xin.

After placing Lu Sisi on the hospital bed and watching Lu Sisi gradually stabilize, Jiang Xin felt slightly relieved.

But based on Lu Sisi's performance just now, Jiang Xin could roughly guess what her condition was.

Jiang He also frowned and sat on the chair next to Lu Sisi's bed.

"What exactly is going on?"

Lu Sisi looked at Jiang He, she didn't know what to say.

Jiang Xin also saw Lu Sisi's embarrassment, so she temporarily kicked Jiang He out.

There was no other way, so Jiang He could only wait at the door.

He didn't expect that the girl he rescued from the traffickers would become his classmate.

In the infirmary at this time, Lu Sisi slowly told her story to Jiang Xin.

"I'm sorry, am I being selfish?"

Lu Sisi said softly, her beautiful eyes full of loneliness and despair.

She knew that once Jiang He refused, she would never have another chance...

After Jiang Xin heard this, she smiled slightly and gently stroked Lu Sisi's hair.

"How could it be? Everyone has the right to pursue love. There is nothing wrong with that."

Unexpectedly, such a beautiful little girl has experienced so many things. These things are difficult to accept even for an adult, let alone a little girl who has just grown up?

"But classmate Jiang He has already refused..."

In an instant, Lu Sisi's eyes turned ashen.

Also, how could such a selfish person like her get Jiang He's love?

Hearing this, Jiang Xin didn't know what to say.

She didn't know why Jiang He refused. After all, the little girl was so beautiful.

But in fact, Jiang He is not to blame for all this. Ever since he was burned to death in a sea of ​​fire in his last life, Jiang He seemed to have lost his feeling for love.

He no longer dared to easily believe in other people's love for him. He curled up and folded his heart, trapping it somewhere in the bottom of his heart.

This is a fear, a fear of love.

Suddenly, Lu Sisi seemed to have made some kind of determination.

Since she is already so selfish, let her be selfish to the end!

"Doctor Jiang, can you call classmate Jiang He back?"


As Jiang He reappeared, Lu Sisi's originally pale and pretty face was once again stained with a blush.

"Classmate Jiang He, I actually have congenital heart disease. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have hidden it from you before."

"Congenital heart disease?"

Jiang He's brows furrowed even deeper at this time.

"Yes, classmate Jiang He, I may not live long..."

She had undergone surgery before, but with little success. The doctor also told her family that she might not live to be twenty years old, and she might even die at any time...

Then Lu Sisi looked at Jiang He and said the most unspeakable words in her life.

"Classmate Jiang He, how about one month? Just one month, considering I won't live long!"

As soon as these words came out, even Jiang Xin looked surprised. She did not expect that Lu Sisi would say this.

After saying this, Lu Sisi couldn't stop crying from the corners of her eyes, and she finally said it.

Using his identity as a patient to kidnap Jiang He morally.

She is really a selfish and shameless woman...


Lu Sisi burst into tears. She didn't even dare to look at Jiang He's face again.

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