Considering Lu Sisi's health, it was naturally impossible for Jiang He to take her to any dangerous place. The previous proposal to climb the mountain was also rejected by Jiang He.

Then the zoo is a good choice.

If it doesn't work, just go and pave the road!

But Lu Sisi actually didn't care about this at all. As long as she could be with Jiang He, she was already happy.

"Is it hot? Go and rest under the shade of the trees over there for a while."

Jiang He felt Lu Sisi's breathing quickened next to him, and quickly found a place for Lu Sisi to rest for a while.

"I'm fine..."

"Be obedient, I'll buy you something to drink."

Seeing Jiang He's tough attitude, Lu Sisi had no choice but to agree and sit on a bench under the shade of a tree, waiting for Jiang He to come back.

Soon, Jiang He walked to a small shop not far away, took out his mobile phone, scanned the code and ordered a bottle of vitamins and a bottle of mineral water. He just drank the mineral water.

Looking at the "terrible" balance in his mobile phone, Jiang He could only sigh. It seemed that it was time to put the stall on the agenda.

But that would also greatly reduce Jiang He's study time.

"That's all, at worst, I'll go to bed at two o'clock later!"

The time was squeezed out. If Jiang He hadn't had a good foundation, it would have been difficult to keep up with the progress just during this period of time.

At this time, Lu Sisi was sitting on the bench, staring at Jiang He not far away, while Lin Ruoli, not far away, would poke her head out from time to time and observe her.

"Hey, is the little girl alone?"

A young man with a shaved head and earrings sat directly next to Lu Sisi in a carefree manner.

From a distance, he saw a very beautiful little girl sitting on the bench here.

Lu Sisi frowned slightly, stood up directly, ignored him, turned around and walked in the direction of Jiang He.

She didn't want to get involved with this kind of person.

"Damn it, I'm talking to you!"

The young man blocked Lu Sisi's path. He had never been ignored like this before!

"Well, just give me your contact information and I'll let you go, okay?"

As long as he can get her contact information, he has plenty of ways to capture this pretty girl. Anyway, it's just harassment, and he has tried this trick time and time again.

"Get out of the way!"

Lu Sisi felt her heart suddenly beat a little faster. She wanted to leave but was stopped by the young man again.

"Little girl, you see that you are alone, why not go with your brother, he will take you to a good place."

Seeing the young man step forward and hold Lu Sisi's hand, even Lin Ruoli was about to jump out and punch the young man.

The young man only felt a sharp pain in his ears.

"Ahhh! Let the fuck go!!!!"

Jiang He was seen holding on to the young man's earrings tightly, as if he was holding up a chicken even though he was a head taller than him.

"Apologise, don't make me say it a second time."

In order to protect Lin Ruoli, Jiang He often opposed people like this, and even fought frequently.

Although Jiang He is thin, he has a lot of strength after doing hard work for so many years.

"Yes...I'm sorry, let me go!!"

The young man really couldn't bear the pain, so he had no choice but to give in and apologize.

But the moment Jiang He let go of him, the young man actually took out a spring knife from his waist!

"Mal Gobi, go to hell!!!"

The blade with a cold light flashed past Lu Sisi's eyes, and Lin Ruoli's heartbeat slowed down by half a beat not far away.


At this critical moment, Jiang He turned sideways to avoid the blade, but his arm was still half a beat slower to protect Lu Sisi.

Then a cold light flashed in Jiang He's eyes, and he took the young man's arm and twisted it.

There was just a click, and the young man's painful moans echoed throughout the square. He fell to the ground, twisting his body constantly, trying to relieve the pain in his arm.

At this time, those people eating melons on the roadside saw the knife and quickly called 110.

Seeing that the young man still refused to throw away the knife in his hand, Jiang He did not hesitate at all and once again touched the young man's hand holding the knife.

There was another harsh clicking sound, and the young man's hand bones were probably not saved.

This is also Jiang He's experience in dealing with those bad youths for so many years. As long as the other party draws a knife, there is no need to hold back. He must beat the other party until he can't resist.

"Brother Jiang He, blood...a lot of blood..."

After listening to Lu Sisi's words, Jiang He felt the warmth on his arm and a pool of blood on the ground.

Lu Sisi did not hesitate and directly tore up the corners of her skirt to use as a simple bandage to stop the bleeding on Jiang He's arm.

But what Jiang He didn't know was that Lu Sisi had been afraid of blood since she was a child. At this time, Lu Sisi's face was already frighteningly pale.

"Brother Jiang He, it's all my fault, I'm a disaster..."

Lu Sisi couldn't bear it any longer, and tears fell heavily.

If it hadn't been for her, how could the family have been working so hard for her illness? If it weren't for her, how could Jiang He be injured?

At this moment, sirens and first aid sounds came one after another.

Jiang He and Lu Sisi, along with the half-dead young man on the ground, were taken to the hospital. The police followed the ambulance the entire time.

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