Thousands Of People Think That Rebirth Is A Mess, And They Are Not Happy About It

Chapter 12 Okay, There’S No One Else Here, Don’T Pretend To Me

As soon as Jiang He arrived at school, he was surrounded by several girls from other classes.

When Jiang He was confused, he took out a few envelopes and handed them to Jiang He.

"Please... please be sure to hand it over to the big sister from yesterday!!"

Then, several girls ran away with blushing cheeks.

What the hell?

Only then did Jiang He remember what happened yesterday.

Then, the big sister these girls call is probably Jiang Huang...

What is this! !


Until the end of school in the afternoon, almost every class, someone asked him for Jiang Huang's contact information. There were men and women, and he received more than a dozen love letters...

However, Jiang He did not reveal Jiang Huang's contact information.

Just when Jiang He was packing his schoolbag and preparing to leave school, three or four students from Gaoma University gathered around Jiang He's desk.

"Are you Jiang He? I heard that you, the son of a nanny, are looking for someone to bully the real young master of the Jiang family?"

As soon as these words came out, Jiang He also stopped packing his schoolbag.

It can be heard from this sentence that the person who comes is not good.

Yes, these people did take advantage of Jiang Li and came to trouble Jiang He specifically.

They just want to make Jiang He unable to hold his head up! !

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, many of Jiang He's classmates raised their heads and looked at Jiang He.

In fact, they were more willing to believe Jiang He, but after all, what happened yesterday was right at the school gate, and those gangsters did look like they were very familiar with Jiang He...

But Jiang He's deskmate, Zhang Yan, was not happy.

He knows who Jiang He is best.

Zhang Yan also stood up directly. With a height of more than 1.9 meters and nearly two meters, coupled with the muscles all over his body, it was really a very oppressive existence.

Let's put it this way, these three or four students from Gaoma University felt like there was a mountain standing in front of them! ! !

In an instant, the arrogance of several people was extinguished on the spot. They were afraid that Zhang Yan would be pinched to death by them as a little chicken in the next second...

Fortunately, Jiang He also patted Zhang Yan on the shoulder and told him to sit down first and not be impulsive.

"How did you know that I am the nanny's son?"

Jiang He was very curious about this. Jiang Li didn't say this yesterday, right?

As soon as these words came out, these people also looked at each other.

"Anyway, that's what we heard! Do you admit it or not!!"

Anyway, as long as others know that Jiang He is the nanny's son, let others guess the rest.

Rumors are no joke. If they are not true then they will be true.

Sure enough, after a few people finished saying this, other students also started talking about it...

However, Jiang He didn't care about this.

"I know those gangsters so well, aren't you afraid that I will cause trouble for you?"

Yes, didn't they say he was familiar with gangsters?

Then why, how many people are not afraid of him, but dare to mock him?

In an instant, everyone's eyes fell on a few people.

Several people also hesitated for a long time and couldn't explain why.

At this time, they also regretted taking Jiang Li's thousand yuan.

They originally thought that they could easily get one thousand by scaring an ordinary student.

After all, one thousand yuan is definitely not a small amount for a high school student.

But they didn't expect that Jiang He was not as honest as they knew...

Jiang He just doesn't like to talk, but that doesn't mean he's submissive.

After all, he has stood up for the bullied children in the orphanage since he was a child.

He often beats the gangsters to a bloody head, just to fight for a moment and let them know that orphans are not beings that they can bully at will!

"What? What are you doing standing around? Waiting to treat you to dinner?!"

Zhang Yan also stood up again, and the oppressive body once again made several people feel scared.

There was no other way, so several people had no choice but to leave in despair.

"Thank you this time."

"That said, why are you being polite to me? If you can invite me to dinner, that's not impossible..."

Zhang Yan also patted Jiang He on the shoulder.


When Jiang He arrived at the school gate, he found an uninvited guest.

The person who came was none other than Jiang Li.

At this time, Jiang Li did not know that his biological father had been controlled by the police and would be sentenced soon.

Now I still think about Jiang He's embarrassed appearance, and I feel happy in my heart.

I just don’t know if Jiang Qin will be able to hold on when he takes him to the court and sees Qin Shou being sentenced with his own eyes! !

Seeing Jiang He come out, Jiang Li immediately went to greet him.

The red eyes made Jiang He instantly get goosebumps.

In fact, Jiang He, who had just returned home, was really deceived by Jiang Li's appearance.

"Okay, there's no one else here, don't pretend to be like me."

Jiang He didn't want to talk nonsense to him either.

But Jiang Li obviously would not take off his disguise in front of so many people.

"Brother Jiang He, what are you talking about? I...I'm here to take you home..."

He knew that Jiang He had to take the bus home every day, and he just wanted to humiliate Jiang He! !

Just the next second, a car stopped in front of Jiang He and Jiang Li...

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