Within a few days, Jiang He received a payment of 100,000 yuan from the police.

But no matter what Jiang He said, Lu Sisi was unwilling to accept half of it, and even Jiang He's transfer was returned by Lu Sisi.

"Sisi, if your boyfriend gives it to you, just accept it."

Jiang Xin watched the two people pushing and shoving, making her feel dizzy.

"No, brother Jiang He was injured trying to protect me. How can I accept this?"

Lu Sisi firmly refused and did not allow Jiang He to refute.

"Well, let's do this. This fifty thousand yuan is equivalent to your investment in shares. Is that okay?"

As soon as Jiang He said this, Jiang Xin immediately showed interest.

"Buying shares? What buying shares? Take me with you."

"Huh? I just want to set up a stall to make some money."

Jiang He had guessed Jiang Xin's identity before, at least not under Jiang Huang, otherwise Jiang Huang would not have taken the initiative to come to her.

"What's wrong with setting up stalls? Many people make a fortune by setting up stalls."

Jiang Xin knows these things very well. Although she is a medical student, her talent in business is not inferior to that of her genius sister Jiang Bai.

"Well, yes, yes, but maybe..."

"Oh, stop talking nonsense, how about I offer one hundred thousand...one hundred thousand?"

As expected of a rich woman, she is so generous!

Jiang Xin originally wanted to pay one million, but she thought that this amount was too much for a student. If he was cheated, Jiang He might have to sell himself to him to pay off his debt.

"One hundred thousand! Doctor Jiang, aren't you afraid of compensation?"

Jiang He was also a little shocked for a moment. One hundred thousand yuan was taken out as soon as he was told. Is this Jiang Xin's strength?

To be honest, Jiang Xin's daily pocket money is about 100,000 yuan... and that's just pocket money...

"It's okay, it's okay. If I pay compensation then, your Sisi will be mine!"

After saying that, Jiang Xin got close to Lu Sisi's little face again. After getting along with each other these days, Jiang Xin also found that Lu Sisi was really a good girl, and she was also happy to become a real best friend with Lu Sisi.

"Jiang...Miss Jiang, what are you talking about!"

"Yo! You're blushing!"

Perhaps Lu Sisi didn't even notice that during these days of spending time with Jiang He and Jiang Xin, she never had a heart palpitation attack.

"Then it's settled, you take me there when the time comes, and I'll give you some advice."

Since you are setting up a stall, you naturally need a favorable location.

It also depends on the products being sold.

So, the three of them went to the Haishi Pedestrian Street not far away together, and Lu Sisi also reported to her family that they were safe.

In fact, Lu Sisi's family agreed with her and Jiang He's affairs. Lu Sisi had been very obedient and sensible since she was a child, and Jiang He had once rescued Lu Sisi. Plus Lu Sisi's physical condition, so they felt that as long as Lu Sisi was happy, it would be fine.

But among them, there is so much helplessness...

"By the way, Jiang He, what do you want to sell?"

There was an endless stream of pedestrians around Jiang Xin, most of whom were young couples out to play. After all, there were schools all around, and Haishi University Town was not far away.

"To be honest, the business that can make money now has been done by others for a long time. This is not my main business, so it is difficult to compete with these veterans."

Listening to Jiang He's words, Jiang Xin also nodded. She didn't expect that Jiang He, a fledgling boy, would have such a clear idea of ​​his own position, and he didn't look like a dazed young man at all.

Suddenly, a figure quickly rushed towards Jiang He and the others.

"Get away!! Get away quickly!!!"

A young man with yellow hair was about to bump into Lu Sisi.

Jiang He dodged and pulled Lu Sisi to his side.

Then a girl with a broom appeared in front of several people.

The girl has a neat ponytail and small and cute cheeks, just the words in her mouth...

"Damn it, don't let me catch you!!! What are you looking at!!"

The girl's fierce appearance actually has a unique flavor.

Seeing everyone disperse, the girl noticed the three people in front of her, with apologies written all over her face.

"I'm sorry, didn't I scare you? How about I invite you to my shop for a bowl of noodles?"

Just when Jiang He was about to refuse, the girl had already pulled Lu Sisi and Jiang Xin towards her shop.

There was no other way, so Jiang He had no choice but to follow.

The girl's ramen shop is located at the end of the night market, but even so, there shouldn't be no talent. After all, the entire night market is full of people.

Looking at the clean environment in the store, Jiang Xin nodded with satisfaction. If it was not clean, she would not sit down no matter what.

"Just a moment, it'll be fine."

The girl was still so resolute and resolute. After settling down the few people, she went to work in the kitchen.

Not long after, three bowls of beef ramen with bright soup and delicious flavor appeared in front of several people.

"I'm so sorry, I almost bumped into you just now."

After saying that, the girl looked at the few people expectantly.

However, this ramen looks delicious on the outside, but it is not the same when it enters the mouth.

"Did you not put any salt?"

As soon as Jiang He said these words, everyone looked at each other, and the atmosphere was quite awkward for a while...

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