Thousands Of People Think That Rebirth Is A Mess, And They Are Not Happy About It

Chapter 48 Principal: Are You On Good Terms With Principal Jiang?

Early the next morning, as soon as Jiang He arrived at school, he was taken away by the principal at the school gate.

Jiang He was naturally confused.

"How come you, principal, have time to come see me?"

The principal also glanced at Jiang He. He actually didn't quite believe what the person on the phone said before, so he decided to test Jiang He first.

If Jiang He really has that sign, it would be better to eliminate it as soon as possible.

"What? Can't I come over and see you?"

The principal leaned his hands behind his back, looking calm and composed.

"Don't bully me for being young."

Jiang He naturally didn't believe what the principal said.

"Okay, follow me to the office. I've already asked for leave from your class teacher, and I just want to ask you why your grades have dropped so much during this period."

The principal has always noticed Jiang He's efforts, but for some reason, Jiang He's performance has been declining over the past year, although it has been gradually improving recently.

But you have to know that Jiang He was in the top ten in his grade before and was expected to have an impact on Qingbei.

In the last joint entrance examination, he was stable in the top 20 of his grade. Before, it was even more exaggerated, and he even dropped below the 200th grade!

"Ahem, okay then."

With no other choice, Jiang He had no choice but to follow the principal back to the office.

"Sit down, I'll make you some tea."

The principal wanted to get up, but was stopped by Jiang He.

"How can I ask you, the old man, to do it yourself? I can do it."

"Huh? Why are you so active today?"

The principal was also a little surprised. He always felt that Jiang He seemed a little different from before.

But then I thought about it, this kid is so attentive, he can't really be with school doctor Jiang...

"Really? Isn't this because I want to honor you?"

Jiang He really meant what he said. After all, the principal really helped him a lot.

But he had fallen behind in his grades before because of the Jiang family. The principal must have been very disappointed in him as well.

But even so, when Liu Ru came to the school to find him, the principal still firmly believed in him and protected him.

"I guess you still have some conscience."

The principal looked at the teacup handed over by Jiang He and took a small sip.

Um? Does this guy's tea taste so good?


The principal instantly realized something was wrong.

"What kind of tea did you make?"

"Just the tea in your cupboard."

Jiang He also took a leisurely sip.

Um! Don’t tell me, it’s really good!

"you you you!!"

The principal instantly felt like his blood was rising.

This is the best Dahongpao given to him by his old comrades! He himself is usually reluctant to touch it, but this kid actually lets it go so much at once! ! !

"That's all, drink my best Dahongpao, then study hard and learn from me, you know?"

Jiang He naturally nodded. He understood that the principal was doing this for his own good. He would naturally study hard and try to make this little old man look good!

But he was also thinking that the tea was really good, and he would ask the principal for some before leaving.

The principal said: Should I give up my life to you?

Suddenly, Jiang He was caught off guard by what the principal said next.

"Jiang He, are you getting along with Dr. Jiang?"


As soon as these words came out, Jiang He took a sip of tea and spit it out.

"Ahem, principal, what did you say?"

Jiang He wiped the tea from his mouth and couldn't believe what he just heard.

"You kid, don't make fun of me. Be honest. Why are you running to the infirmary every day after school these days?"

In fact, it's not that the principal doesn't agree, it's just that it's taboo for students to fall in love with the school doctor.

The person on the phone said that if he didn't investigate clearly, he would report it to the Education Bureau.

And he knew Jiang Xin's background, which was terrifyingly rich.

If it is really exposed by then, the person who will be fired must be Jiang He.

Then Jiang He's future would be ruined!

"This is no small matter, please tell me honestly."

Jiang He also calmed down at this time.

"Principal, you have misunderstood. The reason why I run to the infirmary every night is because I fainted before and I had no money to give to Dr. Jiang, so I chose to work for Dr. Jiang to pay off my debt."

"Then what happened when you and Dr. Jiang went in and out of the campus together? What happened when you sent Dr. Jiang back to school in the middle of the night?"

The principal was just afraid that since Jiang He and Jiang Xin had done everything they needed to do, it would be really difficult to explain.

"Ah? Principal, you really misunderstood. Let me tell you slowly..."

So Jiang He told the principal everything about Jiang Xin taking him out for a dinner... bah, attending the dinner.

"Sisi was also present at that time."


The principal glanced at Jiang He, and Jiang He instantly realized that he had made an omission and quickly corrected it.

"That's classmate Lu Sisi. She and Dr. Jiang are good friends."

After listening, the principal was silent for a moment.

"Let's do this. You and I will go find Dr. Jiang and explain it to you face to face."

"Ah? I don't think this is necessary?"

"What? Don't you dare?"

The principal was afraid that this kid Jiang He would lie, but it would be bad if he couldn't recover.

"This is not..."

But, how to explain it to Dr. Jiang? Jiang He was also a little panicked, and hoped that Jiang Xin would not misunderstand...

But all this was heard by Lu Sisi who came outside to look for the test papers for the teacher. Lu Sisi couldn't help but squeeze the little hand that handed the test papers...

"No, how come brother Jiang He and Dr. Jiang..."

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