Thousands Of People Think That Rebirth Is A Mess, And They Are Not Happy About It

Chapter 56: Then Jiang He From Before Must Have Been Very Popular With You, Right?

"Xiaohe, please let go of your brother first, okay?"

Liu Ru also quickly stepped forward to stop Jiang He.

And Jiang Li also spoke at this time.

"Mom, just let Brother Jiang He hit me! Brother Jiang He, as long as you are willing to go home, you can hit me however you want!!"

Seeing Jiang Li's tearful and pitiful expression, Liu Ru felt distressed for a moment.

"Xiaohe, your brother just wants you to go home. Don't embarrass him, okay? Sit down and let's talk slowly."

Hearing this, Jiang He also sneered.

"Really? Then I really want to thank my "good brother"."

After saying that, Jiang He slapped the little beast twice with his backhand.

Then, regardless of the shocked eyes of several people, he whispered into Jiang Li's ear.

"If you haven't remembered the lesson from last time, don't forget it this time."

After saying that, Jiang He threw Jiang Li away and turned back to the orphanage.

Last time he dared to hit Jiang Li in front of Jiang Jiang, and now Jiang Li actually did it again. Jiang He was not used to it at all.

He beat her several times, but he never thought about going back to Jiang's house.

To put it simply, Jiang Li's trick is useless against Jiang He now.

The reason why Jiang Li failed in many attempts before was simply that Jiang He cared too much about the Jiang family.

After Jiang He left, Jiang Li also turned pale and fainted again.

Liu Ru, who originally wanted to chase Jiang He, had to take Jiang Li to the hospital first.

When Jiang Jiang rushed to the hospital, he heard Jiang Qin say angrily.

"No matter what, Jiang He should not take action against his brother!"

"How is Xiao Li? Did that brat Jiang He do something again?!!"

Seeing Jiang Jiang's arrival, Jiang Li also forced himself to stand up.

"It's none of Brother Jiang He's business. It's because I was too anxious that I made Brother Jiang He unhappy."

Seeing Jiang Li's aggrieved look, Jiang Jiang became even more angry.

"I'll go find him and ask him to come over and apologize to Xiao Li!!"

After saying that, she left without looking back to find trouble with Jiang He. No matter how Liu Ru called her back, it was useless.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Li was also happy.

In fact, the previous call to Jiang Jiang to tell him that he had found a clue was his instruction.

Because he discovered that the person who really saved Jiang Jiang before was Jiang He! !

He will never allow this to be exposed! ! Otherwise, his status in the Jiang family will be shaken again! !

You know, in the past, whether it was Jiang Qin Liu Ru or his three sisters, they had always stood by his side unswervingly.

But now, just because of Jiang He's departure, everything has changed.

Jiang Zi would actually question him about a trivial matter before. Jiang Huang's attitude towards him has been a little strange recently. Even the look he looked at him was not as doting as before.

He must not allow Jiang He to return to the Jiang family. He must take the initiative and completely trample Jiang He under his feet and let him know that the Jiang family belongs to him! !

"Jiang He, if I'm to blame, it's because you shouldn't have appeared in Jiang's house!!"

At the same time, Jiang Jiang had arrived at the door of the orphanage, and she pushed the door open without saying a word.

"Jiang He, get out of here!!"

Facing Jiang Jiang's anger, Jiang He also understood.

Of course he knew that Jiang Jiang came to him because of Jiang Li.

Seeing Jiang He coming out, Jiang Jiang quickly stepped forward and grabbed Jiang He's collar, his eyes full of anger.

"What did you do to Xiao Li? Do you know that Xiao Li is in the hospital now!!"

Looking at Jiang Jiang's expression of wanting to eat Jiang He, some people thought that Jiang Li was her biological brother.

"I warned him before not to jump around in front of me."

Jiang He said calmly, if Jiang Li didn't insist on coming out to fight, he wouldn't bother to look for trouble.

"Jiang He!! Look at what you look like now. You hit people at every turn. You are simply an unreasonable violent maniac!!"

As soon as these words came out, Jiang He became slightly interested.

"Then what was I like before? Since I wasn't like this before, I should be very popular with you, right? Isn't it my good "sister"?"

It would be great if Jiang Jiang could hate his current state!

The Jiang He who never fought back or retorted, the Jiang He who never contradicted anyone, the Jiang He who always wanted to please his family, had died in a fire in his previous life.


At this time, Jiang Jiang was also stimulated by Jiang He's words and was speechless.

She also knew about Jiang He's previous situation in the Jiang family.

It can be said that Jiang Jiang played an indispensable role in causing Jiang He to be like this.

"No matter what, you shouldn't have done anything to Xiao Li!!! Go to the hospital with me to apologize!!"

Jiang Jiang was a little crazy at this time. She knew that what she was doing was wrong, but she still chose a path to get to the dark side!

That's right, in her heart, Jiang He, her biological brother, is just not as good as Jiang Li! !

Even if Jiang Li has no blood relationship with her, she has long regarded Jiang Li as a real family member. After all, Jiang Li saved her life!

"I can go and apologize to you, but you have to swear never to bother me again."

Jiang He just looked at Jiang Jiang coldly.

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