"Are you Jiang He? I am Jiang Xin's sister, just call me Xiaobai."

Jiang Bai gently held Jiang Xin's arm, his eyes completely devoid of the previous madness, and with his innocent appearance, he looked like a cute girl next door.

"By the way, I heard from my sister that you have a very good relationship with her. Is that true?"

Seeing Jiang Bai's harmless appearance, Jiang He was naturally not alert at all, nor did he notice the danger.

"Dr. Jiang has been helping me. Of course I am very grateful to Dr. Jiang."

As soon as he said this, Jiang Bai also blinked his big clear eyes and looked at Jiang Xin curiously.

"Sister, can you tell me something? My sister really wants to know."

But Jiang Xin was not deceived by Jiang Bai's appearance. She understood that if Jiang Bai knew that Jiang He had pretended to be her boyfriend before, he would definitely go crazy!

"What does it have to do with you?"

Jiang Xin's cold voice echoed in the store, and everyone was embarrassed for a moment.

No one expected Jiang Xin to say this, including Jiang Bai.

Jiang Bai's expression also changed slightly, but he soon recovered. The more Jiang Xin kept secret, the more curious she became about Jiang He.

"Ahem, ahem, let's sit down and talk, I'll get you some food."

Jiang He also stepped forward to lighten the atmosphere, although he didn't know what was going on with Jiang Xin and her sister.

"Okay, I just want to..."

But before Jiang Bai finished speaking, he was pulled out by Jiang Xin.

When she came to the alley outside the door, Jiang Xin looked at Jiang Bai coldly, but Jiang Bai still looked innocent, as if Jiang Xin had really bullied her.

"I'm warning you, don't take advantage of Jiang He. I have nothing to do with him. Do you understand?"

"Why? What are you afraid of, sister?"

Jiang Bai chuckled.

"Are you sick? What does my behavior have to do with you?"

Jiang Xin really couldn't bear Jiang Bai's current appearance, it was simply unreasonable! !

"But sister, you were not like this before..."

Jiang Bai's eyes flashed with a hint of loneliness.

"You clearly said you would protect me forever..."

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Xin was stunned for a moment. She had indeed said this to Jiang Bai.

Since the death of his parents, the Jiang family can be said to be in a precarious situation. There are wolves, tigers and leopards on the outside who are eyeing the ownerless piece of Jiang family, and there are countless relatives from all walks of life who want to carve up the Jiang family.

At that time, Jiang Xin secretly vowed to hold on. For Jiang Bai, she could not lose! !

But what did Jiang Bai do to her?

"Jiang Bai, do you have the nerve to say that? Did your conscience get eaten by a dog?"

Seeing Jiang Xin's gnashing of teeth, Jiang Bai was actually a little excited.

"How did I treat you? How did you repay me? Kicked me out of the board of directors and forced me to leave Beijing. Aren't these all your masterpieces? Now that I choose to leave and come to live in Haishi, you still don't Will you let me go!!"

Jiang Xin really misjudged this sister. She regarded Jiang Bai as her only family member, but what did Jiang Bai think of her? A plaything?

"So this is how my sister misses me?"

Jiang Bai was silent for a while, but quickly recovered. A trace of madness appeared on his face again. She didn't need to understand! !

"Then why doesn't my sister agree to stay with me?"

"Stay with you? Want to be your dog? Jiang Bai, who do you think I am?"

Jiang Xin sneered and stayed with Jiang Bai. She had to obey her in everything, even when she went out, she had to report. What the hell is this not a dog?

Suddenly, Jiang Bai reached out and touched Jiang Xin's chin.

"Sister, you will never escape my grasp!"

Jiang Xin slapped Jiang Bai's palm away. Now she was almost driven crazy by Jiang Bai.


After saying that, Jiang Xin turned around and went back to the ramen shop. She and Jiang Bai couldn't communicate at all.

Jiang Bai didn't care at all. Since Jiang Xin cared so much about that kid Jiang He, let's start with Jiang He.

She wanted to see if Jiang He could withstand her temptation or expose his true nature!

When Jiang Bai returned to the store, Jiang He had already served four steaming bowls of secret ramen.

Jiang Bai also stepped forward directly and sat next to Jiang He.

"Can I call you Brother Jiang He?"

As soon as these words came out, Lu Sisi's body trembled slightly, and Jiang Xin slapped her chopsticks on the table.

"Come here!"

Jiang Bai looked at Jiang Xin with a confused expression.



Jiang Xin was so angry that she was so angry. What the hell was Jiang Bai up to?

"Jiang...Ms. Jiang, why don't you sit next to me."

Lu Sisi couldn't help but said that no matter how good-tempered she was, she couldn't allow anyone to do anything to Jiang He in front of her.

"Oh? Is this beautiful sister the girlfriend of brother Jiang He?"

Jiang Bai's eyes were full of sarcasm.

"Beautiful sister, you have such a weak temper, but you can't keep brother Jiang He!"

Instantly, the atmosphere became subtle again, and Jiang He also frowned.

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