Thousands Of People Think That Rebirth Is A Mess, And They Are Not Happy About It

Chapter 71 How About... How About Brother Jiang He Come To My House First Tonight?

"Jiang He, please come back first and move later!"

Jiang Xin saw that the rain was getting heavier and heavier, so she quickly asked Jiang He to come back first.

"It's okay, I'll just move quickly."

It's easy to say about other things, but these medicines cannot be used once they get wet.

Besides, the rain isn't very heavy right now. As long as he goes fast enough, he can make it in time. So what if he gets a little rainy.

Jiang Xin was about to say something else when she saw Lu Sisi holding her umbrella and rushing straight towards Jiang He.

"Go back quickly, it's just a little rain."

Jiang He himself didn't care. It would be troublesome if Lu Sisi caught a cold.

But Lu Sisi rarely shook her head at Jiang He. She was not made of clay and could be broken easily.

"Oh, you silly girl."

With no other choice, Jiang He had no choice but to speed up and complete the task before the rain started to fall completely.

The scene of Jiang Xin and two people on the side in the rainy night, one holding an umbrella and the other carrying things, also made her heart sour. She actually started to feel envious...

As for Jiang Bai, it was even more obvious. He immediately rushed over to snatch away Lu Sisi's umbrella and replace it.

But Jiang Xin stopped him directly, leaving no room for negotiation.

"Don't cause trouble!"

"What do you mean by causing trouble? I'm here to help!!"

Jiang He hasn't asked for her phone number yet! Now she went to help to give Jiang He a step down! !

In fact, she was afraid that Jiang He would not take the initiative to ask for it. It would be too embarrassing for her to give it to herself...

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Jiang He to move all the boxes.

Jiang He also hurriedly pulled Lu Sisi back to the infirmary.

Jiang He felt a little angry when he touched Lu Sisi's cold little hands, her slightly trembling body, and the water droplets on her hair.

"You must listen to me next time, okay?"

Really, why hadn't he noticed that this little girl was so stubborn for so long?

"Yeah, I understand."

Lu Sisi smiled, she was really happy to be able to help Jiang He...

So, she will do the same next time...

"Okay, okay, when the rain subsides, I'll give you two a taxi home."

Seeing the disgusted looks of the two of them, Jiang Xin always felt inexplicable restlessness in her heart...

This is not to blame Jiang Xin. As a single mother, she will naturally be slightly trembled when she sees this scene. After all, who has not fantasized about a never-ending love?

After a while, the rain really subsided a lot.

Jiang Xin looked at the weather forecast on her phone and frowned slightly.

"Let's go now. It will rain harder soon and there will be strong winds. The car has already arrived at the school gate. Just give me your mobile phone number when the time comes."

In fact, it is not unexpected. As a coastal city, Haishi is often hit by heavy rains and strong winds. This time it has not rained for so many days.

When Jiang Xin mentioned her mobile phone number, Jiang Bai realized that Jiang He had never asked for her mobile phone number until now! !

If this continues, how will her plan proceed?

"Jiang...Brother Jiang He, have you forgotten something?"

Jiang Bai decided to take the initiative and first reminded Jiang He.

As soon as these words came out, Jiang He seemed to have thought of something.

"Oh, right!!"

"Say it, say it!"

Jiang Bai looked at Jiang He expectantly and said it! Just say it! You know how many people in Beijing are begging for her phone number! Now as long as Jiang He opens his mouth, she will...

"I forgot my umbrella, thank you Miss Jiang Bai for reminding me."

After saying that, Jiang He took Lu Sisi and left without looking back. They wanted to take advantage of this calm time to get to the school gate.

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Bai turned to stone and froze on the spot.


"Jiang He!! Just wait for me!!!!"

Jiang Bai's roar made Jiang He in the distance sneeze.

"What's going on? Did you catch a cold?"

Jiang He shook his head. He had not gotten sick so easily before.

"Brother Jiang He, are you okay?"

Lu Sisi gently touched Jiang He's cheek and found that his body temperature was normal, so she felt relieved.

"How about... how about Brother Jiang He come to my house today, and I'll cook some ginger soup for Brother Jiang He..."

After saying this, Lu Sisi's pretty face was as red as a ripe apple.

"It's okay, it's just that I sneezed, but it was you. The umbrella can hardly cover you!"

Jiang He watched as this silly girl pushed most of the umbrella towards him in order to prevent him from getting wet in the rain.

Jiang He directly protected Lu Sisi on his chest and used his arms to shield Lu Sisi from the wind.

"Isn't this enough?"

Anyway, there aren't many people on the road now, and I'm not afraid of running into teachers or principals, so there's nothing wrong with being a little bold.

Feeling the body temperature of Jiang He's chest, Lu Sisi's already rosy cheeks became even hotter, almost smoking! !


In this way, the two of them arrived at the school gate, where the online car-hailing driver had been waiting for them.

"Get in the car quickly, it's going to rain hard soon!!"

Sure enough, as soon as the driver finished speaking, a strong gust of wind blew towards the two of them.

But at this moment, Jiang He's cell phone suddenly rang.

The person who called was actually the director of the orphanage!

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