Thousands Of People Think That Rebirth Is A Mess, And They Are Not Happy About It

Chapter 80 Jiang He: Danger! ! The Feeling Of Oppression From Father Lu!

Looking at Jiang Zi's leaving figure, Jiang Jiang always had an indescribable feeling...

As for Jiang He, he didn't care about this. What happened to Jiang Zi and the Jiang family had nothing to do with him.

He doesn't understand and doesn't care.

Jiang He started preparing for review after taking a shower. After all, he had promised the principal that he would be among the top 100 in the city.

But at this moment, the door of the orphanage was opened again.

It was indeed Lu Sisi who came this time, but Father Lu and Mother Lu also came with her...

"Sisi, has Jiang He always lived here?"

Father and Mother Lu looked at the orphanage in front of them and fell into silence for a period of time.

They never thought that Jiang He was an orphan...

"Okay, let's go in first."

Father Lu was actually a little emotional. It seemed that Jiang He and Sisi were both poor children...

But even so, he still wanted to confirm whether Jiang He was sincere about Sisi.

After all, in Lu Sisi's current situation, she couldn't accept any deception, and she didn't have time to accept it...

He wanted to Sisi, in this short time, feel as much love as possible in the world.

This is my biggest wish as a father...

Jiang He also came to the door immediately, but after seeing the two middle-aged men behind Lu Sisi, he couldn't help but feel a little panic.

That's right. How can anyone not panic when meeting their partner's parents?

"Brother Jiang He, why are you up? You should stay in bed when you are sick!"

Lu Sisi's angry little appearance can be said to be very cute and non-deterrent...

"Ahem, cough, cough. It's okay. It's just a minor illness. Are these two uncles and aunts? Please come in."

Jiang He endured the pain in his throat and tried to speak with a normal tone.

But Father Lu and Mother Lu couldn't tell. They didn't expect that this kid would come to the door to pick up Sisi when he was sick. It was obvious that this kid still cared about Sisi.

You know, they didn't notify Jiang He in advance that they would come.

Overall, Jiang He's first impression on them was still very good.

"Xiao Jiang, my uncle and aunt want to talk to you. Do you have time?"

As soon as these words came out, Lu Sisi was so nervous that she couldn't help but squeeze her little hands.

"Father, brother Jiang He is still sick. It will take a while..."

But Jiang He agreed directly. He also knew what Father and Mother Lu were worried about.

Lu Sisi's situation is special, even if it were him, he would do the same thing.

"Then... hurry up, brother Jiang He is still sick..."

When she said this, Lu Sisi's face was burning. After all, she was very courageous to say these words in front of her parents.

Father Lu and Mother Lu also touched this silly girl's head. They are not bad people.

"Your elbow turned out so quickly?"

As soon as these words came out, Jiang He was also slightly embarrassed. Is he the culprit?

At the same time, Lin Ruoli, who had just gotten up and was about to take care of Jiang He, also saw Lu Sisi's presence.

"Sister Sisi? Why are you here?"

It just so happened that the two of them went first, leaving room for Jiang He and Lu's father and mother to talk.

When Father Lu and Mother Lu came to Jiang He's room, they nodded.

It is clean and tidy. Although it is simple, there are many books. It can be seen that Jiang He is a hard-working child.

"Uncle and aunt, please sit down first and I'll get you some water."

But just as Jiang He wanted to get up, he was stopped by Father Lu.

"You go to bed first and cover yourself with the quilt. If you are sick, don't do this."

As a senior intellectual, Father Lu was not interested in these forms. He only cared about whether Jiang He was sincere to Lu Sisi.

"Uh, okay then."

Jiang He couldn't refuse, but it could be seen that Father Lu was indeed not an unreasonable person, but more like a qualified elder.

"First of all, we, husband and wife, want to thank you. Thank you for saving Sisi back then."

With that said, Father Lu and Mother Lu stood up to give Jiang He a long overdue bow. This is what they, as father and mother, should do to their savior.

Jiang He also quickly stood up and stopped him, this is not okay!

"Uncle and aunt, it's really not necessary. If you two behave like this, Sisi will still scold me to death if she knows about it?"

Jiang He had no choice but to move out of Lu Sisi.

The two of them were willing to give up after hearing this, but Father Lu immediately changed the subject.

"Can you tell us how you and Sisi got together?"

As soon as these words came out, Jiang He also understood what Lu's father meant, and wanted to know whether he was sincere to Lu Sisi.

"Actually, I didn't like Sisi at first. I just pitied her and treated her like a sister..."

In an instant, as soon as Jiang He finished speaking, Father Lu stood up directly, his brows furrowed and his eyes full of icy coldness.

"Oh? So Jiang He, you mean that you don't like Sisi, but you agreed to be Sisi's boyfriend because you just pity her, right?"

Father Lu's wrists had bulging veins. Even though he was an intellectual and wore glasses, at that time, he had joined the army to serve the country and had no problem dealing with four or five gangsters.

Not to mention, Jiang He is such a weak young man! !

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