Threatening the heroine at the beginning, I will definitely be the villain

Chapter 245 Chen Ningshuang: Jiang Che can actually become invisible?

In the middle of the night, after Jiang Che coaxed Qiangwei to sleep, he came to the front yard of the villa alone.

For a single-family villa like this, the front yard is quite large.

There are various green plants planted inside, which are trimmed very cleanly and neatly by the gardeners and maids at home.

The housekeeping puppets given by the system are quite capable, and the most important thing is that they are eye-catching. As the saying goes: if you have something to do, the maid will do it, and if you have nothing else to do_ _ _hehe.

The spiritual field given by the system cannot be wasted, something must be planted.

Jiang Che looked around the courtyard and finally found an open space.

[Lingtian: Land containing a touch of spiritual energy, which can be used to cultivate various green plants... covering an area of ​​9×9 meters]

This spiritual field seemed to occupy a small area, but it was actually not that small. When Jiang Che took the spiritual field out of the system space... it almost filled the front yard.

Jiang Che touched his chin and looked at the dark land in front of him in trance. He always felt that this so-called spiritual field had a familiar feeling.

Suddenly, he slapped his thigh suddenly.

"Isn't this the black land used to grow vegetables in the penguin space in ancient times?"

The 9×9 spiritual field was divided into 9 smaller pieces. The land was even sparkling under the moonlight.

"You can plant these three thousand-year-old red fruit trees. The thousand-year red fruit trees that mature once a year may mature faster if they are planted in the spiritual field."

Jiang Che took out the three thousand-year-old red fruit trees from the system and planted them in the spiritual field.

These three red fruit trees are all very small. Although the name is the thousand-year red fruit tree, the red fruit tree is just like the wintersweet tree. It has been growing for thousands of years and is still very low.

In the future, you can freely achieve good fruits. Things like Zhu Guo can not only improve your cultivation strength, but the most important thing is that it tastes good.

While Jiang Che was busy, Yu Waner, who had been sleeping for a day, woke up!

The little Loli sat up from the bed, her scalp was a little messy, and her whole body seemed to have been drained of energy.

Unable to hold back her pee, Yu Waner hurriedly went to the toilet. When she came back, she accidentally caught a glimpse of Jiang Che who was clearing the fields in the courtyard downstairs.

His face froze, and he felt a trembling feeling in his arms when he thought of the horrific memory yesterday, that kind of horror... Now that I think about it, I feel like I was scared to death.

"You're such an energetic pervert, staying up late at night? Let me see what you're doing, you stinky bastard!"

The little Loli lay on the window sill, stuck out her little head, supported her chin with her two little hands, and looked at Jiang Che downstairs.

"Planting trees? What is this pervert doing?"

"Wait...could it be that this is some weird special play?"

Thinking of this, Yu Wan'er shrank her head. Although she has now become a dark warrior, her small body still cannot withstand the torment.

Downstairs, Jiang Che's mouth twitched, he slowly raised his head and glared at Yu Wan'er.

"What are you looking at? I'll sleep with you, and then I'll tie you to a tree and whip you"

Yu Waner: "..."

Excuse me~


The next morning, Chen Ningshuang came to the front yard early to practice boxing.

Chen Ningshuang has a very regular schedule. As long as she doesn't practice with Jiang Che at night, she always gets up very early in the morning.

"What...what is this?"

After seeing Ling Tian, ​​she was shocked!

Why did this front yard change overnight?

When she approached the spiritual field, a soothing warmth from the spiritual field poured into her body. What shocked her was... her cultivation speed was much faster next to this land?

Although it is far inferior to meditating with Jiang Che, it is three times faster than meditating alone.

"This...what exactly is this?"

For the first time, Chen Ningshuang felt how short-sighted she was.

"Wait...this is...the red fruit tree?"

Chen Ningshuang's expression changed greatly. Jiang Che's family could even get the red fruit tree?

The Chen family of ancient martial arts was also a famous ancient martial arts family for a time. The founder of the Chen style Tai Chi sect was the ancestor of the Chen family. There were great masters in the ancient martial arts family, but unfortunately it declined later, so there are many ancient books of the Chen family. .

She even knows Zhu Guo, so naturally she also knows Zhu Guoshu.

But doesn’t it say in ancient books that the red fruit tree has become extinct as early as in ancient times?

The energy of the Guwu Jiang family is really terrifying. Even red fruit trees can be planted at will. With this level of natural materials and earthly treasures, they can definitely create powerful people in batches, and there are definitely many masters!

Chen Ningshuang's thinking is gradually changing. I'm afraid the Guwu Jiang family has more than one great master, right?

As she thought about it, her eyes were attracted by the red fruits on the red fruit tree, and she couldn't help but swallow.

There are so many fruits... You shouldn't be caught if you eat one secretly, right?

Chen Ningshuang looked around. The sky had just turned white. Even the maids were sleeping. Jiang Che had been fighting for several nights... he must be exhausted.


Chen Ningshuangguo took action, picked off a red fruit, and stuffed it into his mouth at the speed of light.

The Zhu Guo was as big as a baby's fist. If it weren't for Jiang Che's help in advance, it would have been impossible to eat the Zhu Guo in one bite with Chen Ningshuang's cherry mouth.

The girl smacked her lips twice, looking unsatisfied. It had to be a good fruit. After eating this one... her cultivation barrier would soon break through, and she was only one step away from the middle stage of Gangjin!

Or... eat another one?

Just as she was about to reach out and pick another one, a sinister voice appeared in her ear.

"Is it delicious?"

Chen Ningshuang was startled, and when she looked back... there was no one at all!

And at this moment, Jiang Che's figure slowly appeared in front of her.

Appeared out of thin air?

Chen Ningshuang was really scared by Jiang Che's move, "You... you... are you a human or a ghost?"

Jiang Che smiled and stretched out his hand to pinch the girl's face.

"I worked so hard to plant this good fruit. You stole one of mine... how do you settle the score?"

Chen Ningshuang's face instantly turned red. She didn't expect that she ate so quickly and was caught.

"I, I, I... What's wrong with me eating one of your fruits? You have so many."

Chen Ningshuang was very embarrassed, like a thief who was caught.

Although she and Jiang Che were not husband and wife in name, they were husband and wife in reality. Should I be so fussy about eating one of your fruits?

"No, no, let's not talk about the fact that I ate your fruit. How did you suddenly appear just now?"

Chen Ningshuang changed the subject. Jiang Che suddenly appeared in front of her just now, with the power of a ghost!

She was a master of the early stage of ancient martial arts. Her five senses had been strengthened to a certain extent. Any tricks in front of him were useless!

Could it be... Jiang Che could become invisible?

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