Threatening the heroine at the beginning, I will definitely be the villain

Chapter 295 Chen Ningshuang was shocked. Two servants in the Breaking Heaven Stage?

Yes, Jiang Che had a very bold guess.

But this guess was a bit too outrageous!

Ye Qing couldn't go to the street to pick up the black man's basket for no reason, there must be a reason.

After summarizing Ye Qing's actual situation, Jiang Che roughly guessed some.

"This guy... Isn't he trying to upgrade his guns?"

This kind of allogeneic transplantation ability was not available to Lin Yu at the beginning, but Ye Qing was an enhanced version of Lin Yu after all, and maybe he really had this kind of weird ability.

"But... Isn't this the ultimate self-green?"

Jiang Che couldn't help laughing.

As the initiator, Jiang Che knew very well how ruthless he was at the beginning, and directly broke two testicles. If Ye Qing even transplanted that thing, then the child born in the future might not be his.

Although Ye Qing, as an ancient warrior, has a strong physique and should be able to withstand the rejection damage caused by allogeneic transplantation, no matter how powerful he is, he can't change his genes, right?

However, Jiang Che just regarded him as a joke and didn't investigate it too deeply.

"Jiang Che, why are you laughing so pervertedly?"

Yu Wan'er glared at Jiang Che fiercely and began to try to make trouble.

Compared to the terrifying skydiving, she would rather suffer all night than experience the horror of skydiving.

"Pervert? Hehe——"

Jiang Che chuckled, carried Yu Wan'er to the front of the car, opened the door and stuffed the little Lolita in, and then got into the back seat.

"Qiangwei, you drive!"

Qiangwei showed a helpless expression on her face, glanced at Yu Wan'er, Wan'er, you wish for the best.


The Maybach circled the suburbs for two full circles, and it was not until the evening that it slowly returned to the villa area.

Yu Wan'er sat on Jiang Che's thighs with her legs spread apart, her little head buried in Jiang Che's chest, wearing a thick coat, and the whole person had fallen asleep, mumbling something in her mouth.

After getting off the car, all the little maids in the family gathered around.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's still the warmth of home"

Jiang Che's mouth corners slightly raised.

"Brother Jiang Che, sister Wan'er is a little too weak, why don't we jump tomorrow?"

Qin Qiaoqiao looked at the little Lolita in Jiang Che's arms with some worry.

She was actually always worried whether Yu Wan'er's size 38 shoes would be worn out.

"Hehe...then let her go"

Jiang Che shrugged. He was kinder to Yu Wan'er after all. Although he was positioned as a villain, he was just a bad guy, not a pure evil!

He leaned over and put Yu Wan'er on the bed, and even covered her with a blanket.


At night.

Jiang Che opened the system and released the remaining two Grandmaster Peak puppets in the system space.

[Grandmaster Peak Puppet*3, Anti-Gangqi Particle Weapon Manufacturing Blueprint, a bottle of Breaking Heaven Pill (16 pills)]

These are the rewards I got when I met Ye Qing at the Jiang family in Beijing before.

A puppet was sent by Jiang Che to monitor Ye Qing's movements.

"How can three puppets at the peak of the Grandmaster level be enough? We must strengthen their strength. At least they must all be at the Breaking Heaven stage!"

Yes, although the puppets given by the system are all at the peak of the Grandmaster level, don't forget... there are also Breaking Heaven Pills!

As long as the martial artist at the peak of the Grandmaster level eats it, he will be able to advance to the Breaking Heaven stage 100%!

And Jiang Che has 16 Breaking Heaven Pills in his hand. Even after giving one to Jiang Yunhuang, there are still 15.


The puppets given by the system are now almost all middle-aged men, and there is almost no such behavior of sending wives, which makes Jiang Che quite regretful.

Soon, the puppets that took the Breaking Heaven Pill broke through the shackles of humanity and entered the Breaking Heaven stage!

The surrounding Qi Jin condensed into reality, the terrifying martial arts domain expanded, and the pressure spread to a radius of thousands of meters!

Ordinary people naturally couldn't feel it, and some low-level warriors couldn't feel this kind of pressure. For example, Yu Wan'er and Ye Mengyao were still sleeping soundly.

But master-level warriors like Dong'er and Chen Ningshuang were not calm!

When Dong'er felt the pressure, she slowly raised her head, blinked her big eyes twice, and fell asleep again.

Chen Ningshuang was awakened directly from her dream.

"What is this? What realm is this strong man? Is it Jiang Che's grandfather who came to visit?"

At Jiang Che's entrance banquet, she naturally followed him and also felt the pressure of Jiang Yunhuang's promotion to the Sky Breaking Stage. In front of this terrifying existence, she, a master warrior, seemed like a duckweed floating on the sea.

Any wave could make her fall into the abyss of no return!

Chen Ningshuang stood up from the bed, and she didn't even put on her pajamas. One side of the suspenders slipped down, revealing a large area of ​​spring light.

Chen Ningshuang lived on the third floor, lying on the balcony, with only a small head exposed, looking down.

Then she covered her mouth tightly with her hands, and the surprise in her eyes was hard to hide.

The two men in black, with black aura and evil spirits on their bodies, although they had restrained their strength, could still bring her great psychological pressure.

And the most important thing was... these two super strong men actually knelt in front of Jiang Che.

[Jiang Che... who are you? How strong is the ancient martial arts Jiang family? ]

Chen Ningshuang's worldview was refreshed by Jiang Che again!


The puppet that followed Ye Qing had been recalled by Jiang Che.

Jiang Che naturally had his own uses for these three sky-breaking puppets.

One was used to track Ye Qing's movements, the other was to stay by his side and act as a bodyguard, and as for the last one... he was secretly the sixth.

After all the puppets left, Chen Ningshuang excitedly jumped down from the third-floor rooftop. This was not the second dimension without anti-gravity skirts. Her nightgown was blown up, and Jiang Che felt a little itchy when he saw her two slender legs.

Chen Ningshuang also worked hard to become stronger, and she was thinking of ways to seduce Jiang Che every day.

This nightgown could not cover her beautiful and perfect figure at all.

But Chen Ningshuang could not care so much now.

"Jiang Che! What level of power did those people have?"

As a martial arts fanatic, Chen Ningshuang's biggest wish was to be promoted to the Grandmaster level. However, after following Jiang Che for only a few months, she has been promoted from the original middle stage of Huajin to the middle stage of Grandmaster, a whole leap!

Even the Grandmaster is within reach, which makes her have greater pursuits!

She really wants to improve!

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