The torture continued, as if it would never end.

Whenever I can't hold on any longer, the words of my master will appear on this screen.

In fact, he had doubts at first. Could it be that someone was pranking him?

But he soon gave up this idea, because the names of his 18 masters could be displayed on his small screen?

This is not simple!

[You scoundrel, I am your master Li Xuankong. Have you forgotten what I taught you? You must sharpen yourself into a sharp sword! 】

Ye Qing frowned and scratched his head, "Has Grand Master ever said such a thing?"

"You must have said that, right? I've always just turned a deaf ear to what the old man said."

Jiang Che put a lot of thought into setting up a trap for Ye Qing, and even used the book of mathematics to find out the specific names of Ye Qing's 18 masters.

Of course, it is a fragment after all, and if you want to continue to explore more core issues, it is still not enough.

But this is enough, it is enough to fool Ye Qing!

Just like when you are defrauding and accurately telling the other party some very secret information, even the most savvy people will inevitably fall for it.

Ye Qing was obviously deceived!

He could no longer tell the difference between day and night, and was tortured repeatedly with all kinds of weird questions. There was even one question that was so cunning that he was asked to shoot ten rounds in one hour?

Moreover, he had not eaten for dozens of days, and he was about to starve to death.

If it weren't for the physical strength of the Grandmaster Warrior, an ordinary person would have died long ago working hard in an underground tunnel without eating or drinking for more than ten days.


"It's the ninety-ninth floor...why is there anything else in there?"

Ye Qing suddenly spit out a mouthful of old blood!

So angry that I vomited blood.

And at this moment, a pleasant singing sound came from the flat screen.

"If you would peel my heart apart layer by layer

You will find, you will be surprised

You are my most repressed and deepest secret

If you are willing to peel off my heart layer by layer

Your nose will be sour and you will shed tears. . . "


The song "Onion" completely broke Ye Qing's defenses.

I really cried. No one knows how Ye Qing survived.

"Old men, you'd better leave me something good..."

Ye Qing clenched his fists.

Looking at the small wooden box the size of a basketball in front of him, Ye Qing was very excited.

He has demolished 99 floors and overcome 99 difficulties. Logically speaking... this should be the last floor left.

Originally a box the size of a basketball court was wrapped in 99 layers. It was really like an onion. The more I opened it, the more I wanted to cry.

"This box is so small, it should contain a storage bag or a storage ring."

The corner of Ye Qing's mouth quirked up again, "So that's it, it turns out that this is the good intentions of the masters... I understand, my disciple."

At this moment, a line of small words appeared on the display screen of the box on the last floor.

[Stupid disciple, you actually fell into the trap? These boxes are as brittle as tissue paper. You could tear apart these hundred layers of boxes from the beginning and get the treasure directly... But you are willing to surrender to the reputation of the masters? 】

[A few words of Master’s name can bind you tightly, so why isn’t your future also bound? 】

[Remember, you noble Ye Qing does not have to bow to anyone. How can a man live in heaven and earth and live in depression for a long time? 】

Ye Qing was stunned again.

I was a little confused, but I quickly came to my senses.

All the attempts I made before...were all in vain? ? ?

In fact, I can use my internal power to destroy these boxes from the beginning?

So can I understand that...the so-called 100 levels are all played by my masters?

In an instant, his temper came out!

"Okay, you damn old men, haven't you tortured me enough in the fairy prison? Are you going to dig a hole for me now that I'm out?"

Ye Qing was so angry that he raised his palm and smashed the last box into pieces. The sawdust filled the sky, as if mocking his stupidity.

I was just doing useless work before! ! !

"Damn old man, I've been tricked by you again"

But when Ye Qing took a closer look, there was no storage bag or storage ring as he imagined.


That's right, the last box contains a book?

In an instant, the anger in his heart calmed down a lot.

This must be a very powerful martial arts secret book!

As a result, Ye Qing soon started reading through it.

"If you want to practice this skill... you must first retreat from the palace?"


Ye Qing was confused and dumbfounded!

"Damn, you're playing with me again! wcnmgb..."

I decisively turned to the last page. On the last page it read, "In fact, it's okay not to commit suicide."

"I knew it, you unscrupulous old men. Fortunately, I am smart. Otherwise, if I had committed suicide, I wouldn't have found anyone else in this wilderness..."

Ye Qing scolded all 18 of his masters in his heart.

He has already figured out that this so-called treasure in the underground palace is his masters playing tricks on him.

"But after all this effort, this secret should be a good thing."

"Treading on the snow without a trace? From the sound of it, I know it is a top-notch movement technique..."

But when Ye Qing slowly read on, his expression changed.

This "Treading Snow Without Traces" is a secret book prepared by Lin Yu's master, and Lin Yu's master is at most a master, what good things can he come up with?

Ye Qing is an upgraded version of Lin Yu, and his 18 masters are all top masters. This "Treading Snow Without Traces" is not in his eyes at all.

"Isn't this... just an ordinary body movement secret book? Could it be that... there is a secret hidden in it?"

But he pondered for several hours and couldn't find anything unusual, and finally convinced... it was just an ordinary body movement secret book!

"Damn it! Where is my treasure?"

Ye Qing, who realized it later, felt that he seemed to have been cheated!

"Damn old man! Go to your treasure, go to your mother's priceless... you only know to catch me and cheat me!"

Ye Qing was extremely angry.

But he didn't know that in a corner of the secret room, a pinhole camera was emitting a faint red light.


"He really is, I'm crying to death, I'd rather suspect that it's the master who's playing a prank on me... than to doubt my own judgment"

Jiang Che smiled very brightly.

But everything is under his control. It's so easy to play with a son of destiny like Ye Qing who's arrogant and unruly, and he also inserted a thorn in the relationship between him and his masters.

"Brother Jiang Che, why are you laughing so happily?"

Bai Qiangwei sat in the co-pilot seat, holding her little face and looking at Jiang Che's profile.

Bai Jie also sat in the back seat, and through the mutual reflection of the two rearview mirrors, she was also secretly watching Jiang Che.

Obviously, Jiang Che was going to take the two girls to meet a certain old man.

"Why are you so happy? I remembered something happy!"

Jiang Che drove with one hand, and put the other hand on Bai Qiangwei's thigh, focusing on doing two things at the same time.

What? You told me that I can't be distracted while driving? Sorry...I'm a master!

I haven't heard of any master getting into a car accident yet!

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