Threatening the heroine at the beginning, I will definitely be the villain

Chapter 317 I have Shen Yu in my grasp, even Jesus can’t stop me! (Updated)

"Shen Yu???"

Ye Mengyao almost exploded the moment she saw Shen Yu!

Unlike Qin Qiaoqiao, she didn't have such a good impression of this woman.

At the beginning, she didn't know how to solve a problem, so she asked Shen Yu with the attitude of asking for help, and the result was Shen Yu's words "You are too stupid"!

The lethality of these four words for a proud lady is simply too exaggerated!

"Classmate Ye Mengyao! Classmates should get along with each other in a friendly manner and don't fight with each other..."

Jiang Che's voice reached Ye Mengyao's ears.

Damn it~~~

Ye Mengyao clenched her fists.

[Humph, I thought you were a cold girl, but you turned out to be a vixen]

Ye Mengyao glanced at Shen Yu's extremely thin nightgown and gritted her teeth secretly!

"Okay, okay, we are all girls. What conflicts can't be resolved? If it doesn't work, I will come forward to help you mediate!"

Jiang Che hugged Ye Mengyao with one hand and Shen Yu with the other.

Ye Mengyao was a little panicked. She was now an experienced person, so of course she could hear the hidden meaning of Jiang Che's words.

Bah, she didn't want to be with this vixen...


Jiang Che sighed, and still had to rely on him as a professional mediator!

At this moment, the system's voice rang.

[Ding! The luck of the son of luck 'Ye Liangchen' fluctuated, and the host gained 1000 points]

[Ding! The luck of the son of luck 'Ye Liangchen' was cut off]

[Comprehensive score, S level, host received rewards: the strongest pretending system source code, epic treasure chest]

Jiang Che frowned, "Who is this Ye Liangchen?"

For a moment, he couldn't even remember who this guy was!

[Ding! Friendly reminder from the system, the son of luck Ye Liangchen, bound to the 'strongest pretending system', can become stronger as long as he pretends]

Jiang Che was still quite confused. He just knew that there was such a son of luck, but he had been living behind the scenes for a long time and had never seen Ye Liangchen.

Naturally, they didn't know that he actually had the strongest system for pretending to be awesome?

"But it doesn't matter anymore, Brother Qiang will help!"

Jiang Che still recognized Brother Qiang's strength. At present, as long as the son of luck falls into Brother Qiang's hands, he will soon be completely transformed!


On the other side, in a basement.

After a month of crazy torture, the 'little genius of stock trading' Qin Tian finally succumbed!

This is really not a life for a human being!

And next to him, Ye Liangchen has also completed the blackening.

[Ding! The host pretended to be crazy and was rewarded with 3 days of internal strength]

Ye Liangchen scratched his head, "What is chirping in my ear?"


[Ding! The system detects that the host's will to pretend is not strong, and now it starts to automatically unbind...]

[Ding ding ding! Unbinding failed! Unknown virus invasion detected! ! ! The system starts automatic defense! ! ! ]

[Ding! System defense failed, automatically unbinding...]

A burst of red light flashed, and Ye Liangchen's system was desperately resisting some unspeakable power, and then it was defeated miserably and completely silent.

"Liangchen, what are you doing? Pay attention"

Brother Qiang's deep voice sounded, and Ye Liangchen came back to his senses instantly. He was a little scared and frightened when he heard Brother Qiang's voice now.

"Brother Qiang, there was a mosquito chirping in my ear just now!"

"How could there be a mosquito? Now my strength has been promoted to Grandmaster, and no creature can escape my perception"

The voice was extremely cold, and it was Lin Yu, the son of destiny who turned black the earliest!

That's right, now the blackened Lin Yu has been promoted to Grandmaster!

Blackened is ten times stronger, and whitened is three points weaker.

It's really hard to imagine that after the blackening, Lin Yu actually stepped into the Grandmaster from the initial stage of dark energy in less than a year!

It's faster than many sons of destiny.

It's just that the path of this upgrade is a bit tortuous.


With the intervention of Jiang Che, the mediator, the conflict between Shen Yu and Ye Mengyao was quickly resolved.

For Jiang Che, there is no conflict between girls that cannot be resolved.

On the dining table.

Shen Yu ate her meal in small bites. In just one day... her three views were completely shattered.

Although she was cold-tempered, she was also a girl who knew propriety, righteousness, and shame, but her shame was thrown aside today.

However, the meal cooked by Jiang Che was really delicious. Shen Yu was already a little hungry due to overwork, so she lowered her head and took another big bite of the meal.

[Dead pervert, you are flirting with women all day long, I curse you to have cauliflower]

[No, no, you can't curse this bastard to have cauliflower, you should curse him to have impotence! Pah...]

Jiang Che sat at the main seat at the dining table, as if he had the posture of the head of the family.

His daily life is now boring and tedious. He just wears Yu Wan'er's size 38 shoes to run, practice with Chen Ningshuang, or have a stir-fried fish!

But Shen Yu had just arrived, even if Yu Wan'er was stronger than Shen Yu now.

Weak physique means... life will be even harder here with Jiang Che.

The essence of stir-fried small fish is cooking over high heat!

Three days later, Shen Yu's defense was broken!

"Jiang Che, I want to go back"

Shen Yu came to Jiang Che to argue with a serious face, but how could Jiang Che let her go so easily?

"What? Xiao Yu'er, are you scared?"

"You want me to let you go? Sure... I'll let you go when you're attracted to me."

Jiang Che propped up his chin with one hand and acted like a rogue.

"I don't know how to be attracted to you. I don't feel any emotion when I'm with you."

Shen Yu spoke truthfully. To be honest... It would be a great blow to any man to hear such words.

But Jiang Che understood that Shen Yu was such a girl. There was no option of love in her character. Did she really think that absolute rationality was a joke?

She would react and be moved, but she just couldn't be attracted!

Even if the most handsome man in the world came... the ending would be the same.

But Jiang Che just didn't believe in evil. The greater the difficulty, the greater the sense of accomplishment after conquering.

Shen Yu... He was sure of it. Even Jesus couldn't stop him!

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