Threatening the heroine at the beginning, I will definitely be the villain

Chapter 403 Xiao Sisi's first kiss! Jiang Che's hook

" do you know?"

Xiao Sisi was surprised and said!

Since her debut, all the songs of Wanwan were written by a big shot in the industry, but he died in a car accident some time ago, so Xiao Wanwan has not released a new album recently.

Now they are in urgent need of a big arranger, but such a big shot is not so easy to find!

She didn't want to trouble Mr. Xiao Chuan!

Jiang Che smiled and pursed his lips, "Guessed"

Of course he couldn't have guessed, her telepathy was really a magical skill!

"Actually, I can write songs, and I write very well. You should have seen my strength in the song "Father" just now?"

Jiang Che started to spread the bait!

" want to write a song for us?" Xiao Sisi said in surprise.

"Hey, hey, hey, I only said I can write, but I didn't say I would write for you, don't flatter yourself"

Xiao Sisi pushed the frame on her nose, "Your song "Father" is really well written. If you write other good songs, we can pay for it"

"And with the singing level you just showed, you are definitely not an ordinary person. Who are you in the Chinese music scene?"

The girl's serious look really made Jiang Che laugh.

"If I reveal my identity, can you kiss me?"

Jiang Che said with a playful smile.

Xiao Sisi was stunned at first, and it took about four or five seconds for her to react.

Quickly stepped back several steps, staring at the yellow-haired man in front of her with vigilant eyes!


Kissing... must be reserved for one's future husband, how could it be cheap for the yellow-haired man in front of him?

Xiao Sisi is so innocent that she is bubbling. In today's society, most girls lose their first kiss in elementary school and junior high school, and can only last until high school at most. Girls who still have their first kiss in college are rare.

Jiang Che curled his lips slightly, then slowly took off his mask and glasses, revealing a handsome face.

Xiao Sisi blinked her big eyes in a silly way. She had never thought that there was such a handsome little brother under the mask?

She had seen many handsome guys in the entertainment industry, but they were all cream boys. Their handsomeness could not be compared with Jiang Che in front of her.

"Hey? Girl, you kiss me... It should be worth it, right? I'll tell you secretly that it's my first kiss too!"

Jiang Che's words pulled Xiao Sisi's thoughts back.

"Not worth it..." But the next second, she shook her head suddenly.

Ahem, she's crazy about love!

Although Xiao Sisi and Xiao Wanwan are sisters, their orientations are a little different. Xiao Wanwan is a sister control, while Xiao Sisi is a face dog.


Jiang Che understood, he understood too much!

He took the initiative to bully Xiao Sisi and gave her a wall dong!

If not now, when?

If you are obsessed with looks, then things will be easy. My young master Jiang has never lost in terms of looks.

At this time on the stage.


Xiao Wanwan, who was singing, suddenly frowned, and an indescribable feeling gradually spread throughout her body.

The triplets have a very strong telepathy between them. The closer they are to each other, the stronger the telepathy!

Once, the younger sister cut her finger while washing vegetables, and the other two clearly felt the pain!

"Sister... What are you doing?" Xiao Wanwan clenched her fist.



Xiao Sisi felt dizzy and more than ten minutes passed.

"Who are you?"

The girl's voice softened, and she was no longer as tough as before. She was completely soft like a puddle of water.

"What's wrong? Why aren't you as aggressive as before?"

Jiang Che raised his eyebrows and licked his thin lips gently. It felt good!

He had previously done a wall-dong with Yu Wan'er at school, and now he did a wall-dong with Xiao Sisi at the concert. He now likes the pleasure brought by this wall-dong more and more.

"I...I will definitely tell my dad, just dad is the richest man in the world, he will teach you a lesson"

"Hehe...didn't you say you won't suffer any loss? We are even, right?"

Xiao Sisi was silent. Although she was really attracted by Jiang Che's looks, this was not a reason for you to take my first kiss!!!

Xiao Sisi thought for a moment, then exhaled lightly, and couldn't think about it anymore!

"Are you serious about what you said just now? You have to write a song for us!"

Jiang Che raised his eyebrows, "I have never promised to write a song for you for free, okay?"

"I can give you money"

"I said I don't want money" Jiang Che said, and then his eyes were on Xiao Sisi, which made Xiao Sisi retreat in fear.

"Be my girlfriend, and when we have this relationship, I will write songs for you for free."

Xiao Sisi: "..."

How can there be such a shameless person? And this shameless person is so handsome?

"No... No, I don't even know you. This is the first time I see you today."

Look, the innocent girl's tone of rejection is soft and cute. A girl like this... Once she meets a scumbag, she will definitely be eaten up without leaving any bones!

"This is my business card. My name is Jiang Che. If you want to ask me to write a song, you can call me. The first time I write a song, I can give it to you for free!"

Jiang Che certainly didn't use his real name. After all, his nickname of Mr. Jiang has been completely rotten. The word Jiang Che has been tied to a scumbag!

"Jiang Che?" Xiao Sisi took the business card in her hand.

Her cheeks were still slightly red. After all, just now...

And just now the other party also agreed to write a song for them for free, which made Xiao Sisi start to imagine herself.

Was she... pursued by a boy?

Although she had been written love letters by many boys since she was a child, the boys who wanted to pursue her were so ugly. This was the first time she was pursued by such a handsome boy!

[Puh, puh, puh, it must be a sugar-coated bullet. The first time he wrote a song was free, and the next time he must want me to be his girlfriend. I won't agree so easily! ]

"Even if you write a song for me for free, I can't be your girlfriend... Eh? Where is he?"

Just when Xiao Sisi was being arrogant, Jiang Che had slipped away without knowing when.

"Sister!!! What did you do just now? Did you do something bad secretly?"

A tender voice came, Xiao Wanwan puffed up her little face and looked at her sister with a scrutinizing look.

"!" Xiao Sisi immediately waved her hand to deny it, and her heart was hanging.

Could it be that Wanwan knew what she had just done?

"Hehe~Sister, you must have done something bad here alone, right? Telepathy told me everything!!!"

Xiao Wanwan showed a nympho smile and rushed towards her sister.

Even with telepathy, she could feel the feeling of heartbeat. What else could it be except doing something bad? ? ?

Xiao Sisi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she heard it!

Fortunately, fortunately her sister didn't see it!

Otherwise it would be hard to explain!

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