Threatening the heroine at the beginning, I will definitely be the villain

Chapter 409 Dating Xiao Sisi? The quality of a god-level singer!

Xiao Sisi didn't sleep all night.

She had been thinking about what the '. ' Jiang Che sent her meant last night.

After thinking about it for most of the night, it turned out that it wasn't her who figured it out, but the dawn!

Unconsciously, Xiao Sisi became more and more curious about the handsome boy with yellow hair. After all, it's rare to find a big man in the entertainment industry who can write an original song like "Father"!

After a day of fermentation, the song "Father" has completely exploded and directly rushed to the top of the popularity charts of major music platforms.

"Excuse me, are you there? I'm the Xiao Sisi you kissed..."

When Xiao Sisi was halfway through typing, she felt something was wrong and hurriedly withdrew and re-edited it.

"I'm Xiao Sisi. Do you still remember that you wanted to write a song for us for free?"

She still wanted to put her personal emotions aside and talk about writing a song for Wanwan first.

In less than a minute, Jiang Che replied.

[Is there? Why don't I remember? ]

The moment she saw Jiang Che's message, Xiao Sisi's eyes widened.

This guy is such a jerk, isn't he? He actually lied to me? She hates liars the most!

Jiang Che gave Xiao Sisi a -10 impression score.

[Haha, I'm just teasing you. Of course I can't forget it. After all, I gave you my first kiss.]

Jiang Che gave Xiao Sisi a +30 impression score.

Instantly, a smile appeared on Xiao Sisi's little face.

"You're talking nonsense. You're obviously lying to me. This is definitely not your first kiss. Your skills are so skillful... Don't think I'm so easy to fool."

[Yes, I'm right. Do you still want my first kiss today?]

Xiao Sisi: "..."

Today's first kiss...

So your first kiss is refreshed every day?

Woo woo woo, what a loss!

Xiao Sisi beat her chest and stamped her feet in her heart.

"Okay, okay, I don't want to talk to you about these things. You promised to write a song for us for free. Write one for us now, and we'll see if the music is okay at the end of the month."

[No, auntie, it's almost the end of the month now. Even a god can't write a song in a few days, right? ]

Xiao Sisi bit her finger, as if she was struggling.

Hmph, it's all because Wanwan is too impatient. Why is she in such a hurry to release an album?

"Then... can you be faster? If not, I'll arrange other arrangers for Wanwan..."

Jiang Che curled his lips. This Xiao Sisi is really stupid. This little idiot with only one mind, doesn't he know to find other people to write songs at the same time?

But this little idiot is destined to be eaten by him, the big bad wolf, and there is nothing left.

[You can customize the style and subject matter of the song. Generally speaking, it takes at least one month to complete the lyrics and music...]

"One month??? This is too late!!!" Xiao Sisi's voice rose several decibels.

[The songs I write are of absolutely guaranteed quality! 】

【It's okay to speed up the process. A hug can reduce 3 days, a kiss can reduce 1 week, and a date with me can reduce half a month】

【Of course... there is also the fastest way. As long as you agree... I can write the song for you tomorrow morning】

Jiang Che has gradually revealed his claws.

Although he is a villain, he doesn't want to force the girls.

In fact, with his strength and status, he can directly kidnap the triplets and force them into the underground dark room... Then Xiao Chuan, the father, can't do anything to him.

Including Yu Wan'er before!

But... that would be too boring.

Like many little yellow butters, in the process of conquering the heroine, there will definitely be two choices, either to force directly, but this will make the heroine completely evil, and can only unlock a special CG animation, and there will be no more plots of the heroine in the future.

But the old and the old are different. Slowly conquering the heroine, not only will the heroine not be evil, but also unlock the full CG plot.

It's the same in reality. As a 'gentleman', Jiang Che naturally wouldn't do something that's illegal and unpleasant.

"Ah...ah?" Xiao Sisi covered her mouth with her little hand, her eyes full of astonishment.

A hug reduces three days, a kiss reduces one week, and a date reduces half a month?

Although she doesn't mind hugs, a hug can only reduce three days, which is too little!

A kiss is even worse!

It sounds like... dating is a more acceptable choice.

Suddenly, Xiao Sisi was shocked by her own thoughts. How could she have the idea of ​​dating someone?

[How about it? Have you thought about it? I'll only give you ten seconds to think about it! ]

[Ten, nine, eight, seven....]

Jiang Che's life-threatening voice gradually reached the girl's ears.

In an instant, Xiao Sisi was stunned.

"No, no, no, no, I choose! I choose to date once, and... and give you a hug"

Xiao Sisi finally made a choice!

Kissing or something... is too scary, she doesn't want it, hugging is easier to accept.

Dating... should be watching a movie together, shopping?

[No, you can only choose one of the three]

"Ah??? Then I choose dating!"

Xiao Sisi has been led by Jiang Che from beginning to end, like a puppet.

No matter how much she struggles, she will inevitably fall into the trap that Jiang Che has set.

From the beginning, Jiang Che was going on a date, and the first two were just a trick.

After all, they were on a date, so kissing and hugging... weren't they just things that happened naturally?

If after a date, the relationship still couldn't progress to the point of kissing and hugging, he, Jiang Che, could throw away the title of a passionate gentleman.

[Of course, that's a deal]

" write the song first, and then I'll...I'll date you again" Xiao Sisi's face was red as blood dripped out when she said this.

[Oh? Bargaining with me? Forget it...I'll give in to you this time. What kind of theme do you want to write about in your song? Or what kind of theme is your sister good at? ]

Jiang Che stretched on the other side. As a time traveler...wouldn't it be easy to be a plagiarist?

If it was before, no matter how awesome he was, he couldn't copy the lyrics and music of a song completely.

But now Jiang Che is different. With his god-level singing skills...he can do more than just sing!

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