Facing Shen Yu in this state, Jiang Che was really a little nervous.

Even after this girl stopped studying math, physics and chemistry, she was still able to find her own way in cultivating immortals.

Perhaps this is what is called gold always shines?

"Jiang Che, can you help me improve my strength?"

Shen Yu's face was extremely serious, and her expression was even a little serious.

Jiang Che: "..."

Help you improve your strength? It can't be the way I thought, right?

How is this possible?

Shen Yu has been pregnant for more than five months. Although he is a little small, he is not as small as a baby, right?

"What are you thinking? If you want to improve your cultivation quickly, I have elixirs here to help you... At the very least, I can give you a whole immortal body or something."

Jiang Che took Shen Yu's little hand. His indulgence of Shen Yu has almost reached the point of doting.

Of course, Jiang Che is not a kind of preference, but he understands... Facing Shen Yu, this silly goose, it is useless even if you are angry.

"Yes, I need to quickly improve my immortal strength. The way of formation is ever-changing. If possible, you should also provide me with some books on formation..."

Jiang Che was speechless. This lady had a clear conscience when asking for resources.

"Formation books? Then you have asked the right person. Your husband... has the most books."

Jiang Che hugged Shen Yu and kissed her, but Shen Yu's face was expressionless after being kissed. This is a girl who is almost not moved by love. If she cultivates the way of ruthlessness, she will definitely be very suitable.

There are many books on formations in the Canglong Ring. Old man Jiang Hong really treats Jiang Che as his personal disciple. The Canglong Ring stores half of the life resources of a second-generation emperor-level strongman.

Various elixirs and precious ancient books are numerous.

Jiang Che took out more than a dozen books on formations.

Then he entered the system space to purchase some.

[From Beginner to Mastery of Formations: Price: 3 million credits]

[Three Thousand Formations in the Nine Heavens: Contains common and various extinct ancient formations in the Nine Heavens, price: 8 million credits]

[Ten Absolute Formations: The ten most dangerous formations in the Nine Heavens, each with the power of Zhuxian, price: 10 million credits]

Buy them all!

Anyway, it's just tens of millions of credits, a drop in the bucket!

"Here, these are extremely precious ancient books on formations, baby, I tell you... Just these books, I don't know how many emperors in the Nine Heavens are coveting them, and you can only see such precious ancient books with me."

Jiang Che took out more than a dozen ancient books and stuck a few gold pieces on his face.

But what he said was indeed correct, especially the last few formations, all of which reached the fairy level, and if they were placed in the Nine Heavens, they might even set off a large-scale emperor war.

Shen Yu lowered his head, glanced at the several USB flash drives in his hand, tilted his head, and revealed a rare puzzlement in his eyes.

Are all the ancient books in Jiutian stored in USB flash drives?

Jiang Che saw Shen Yu's doubts and smiled.

"Shen Yu, the level of technological civilization in Jiutian is not low at all, and it has long been separated from ordinary immortal cultivation. It is said that the scriptures enshrined in the temples of those bald donkeys in Xitian have been replaced with USB flash drives."

"Knocking on electronic wooden fish, reading cyber scriptures, worshiping Hatsune Miku...haha"

Jiang Che rarely made a joke, but Shen Yu's expression was still extremely calm, making Jiang Che almost a real joke.

"Do I... need to laugh?" Shen Yu asked.

Jiang Che: "..."

Okay, you really made me a joke when you said that.

Shen Yu naturally didn't intend to mess with Jiang Che's mentality. She is such a girl who uses all her emotional intelligence to exchange for super high IQ.

"Oh, by the way, Shen Yu, I'll give you another treasure!"

Jiang Che found another super treasure suitable for Shen Yu in the system mall.

[Ten-aperture exquisite heart: It is a natural top-level immortal root, with a natural wisdom heart that is extremely spiritual, and can become an immortal through the path of wisdom...]

[Price: 100 million]

This is also a kind of immortal body, and the price is as high as 100 million. Although it is not as expensive as Jiang Che's chaotic immortal body, 100 million is not cheap.

However, this ten-aperture exquisite heart is definitely the most suitable physique for Shen Yu, no one else!

For Shen Yu, this physique is a congenital science holy body... Oh no, it is an immortal body!

After all, Shen Yu is pregnant with his Jiang Che's offspring. Even if he doesn't say it, Jiang Che's doting on Shen Yu is still visible to the naked eye.

Buy it for 100 million!

"Shen Yu, this is a ten-aperture exquisite heart, a treasure I exchanged from the system. It is a kind of immortal body. With me... you can perfectly merge with it!"

Jiang Che said, and directly exchanged this immortal heart from the system.

[Ding! The host successfully purchased the ten-aperture exquisite heart by consuming 100 million points]

Looking at the only 100 million points left in the system, Jiang Che still felt a little painful.

He is very cautious, and always saves a minimum of 100 million points in his system account, just in case!

Why can't Jiang Che save points? The reason is that he spends money lavishly on weekdays, and visits the system mall from time to time, and then buys some super-priced disposable prop cards.

Jiang Che's system has so many powerful and lethal prop cards that they can be piled up into a small mountain. Don't ask... Asking is just afraid of death.


"Ten-aperture exquisite heart?"

Shen Yu looked at the orange-yellow transparent crystal that Jiang Che took out, and blinked twice in a cute way.

The Ten-aperture Exquisite Heart!

Because the power was sealed by the system, otherwise, with the immortal body status of the Ten-aperture Exquisite Heart, it would definitely cause a terrifying phenomenon in the world.

At this time, the Ten-aperture Exquisite Heart looked no different from an ordinary stone.

But even if it was sealed, you can still feel its extraordinary and mysterious.

[Exquisite Heart!!! ! ! ! ]

[I want it! My husband, give it to me, you... you actually have such a treasure? ]

Mo Lianxing couldn't hold it anymore and got out of the soul-nourishing ring directly.

Mo Lianxing looked at the exquisite heart in Jiang Che's hand, swallowing her saliva uncontrollably, and even became incoherent with excitement.

[Oh my God, it's still ten-aperture. The Nine-aperture Exquisite Heart has been rated as a pseudo-immortal body. Isn't this Ten-aperture Exquisite Heart a real immortal body? 】

Jiang Che ignored Mo Lianxing. Wasn't the benefit this woman got from being around him enough?

She was indeed a little heartless, with growing ambitions.

From the top-grade spirit stones to the holy spirit stones at the beginning, now she is coveting his immortal body again?

"Shen Yu, relax your mind and merge with this exquisite heart. It will definitely be of great help to your future immortal path!"

[No, my husband, you must not do this. This ten-aperture exquisite heart is an immortal treasure. If you are not born with an immortal body, it is easy to have problems if you force it to merge. The owner of this exquisite heart is likely to borrow the body to revive and take over Miss Shen Yu's body! ! ! 】

Mo Lianxing said hurriedly.

Jiang Che smiled easily, "It's okay. This exquisite heart is an ownerless heart. I know the status of my system very well! Even if it is a real immortal's heart... it is taken away by the system, don't think about borrowing the body to revive"

Mo Lianxing: "???"

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