After the wedding, the two of them were still in love.

Ye Mengyao asked Jiang Che out alone.

In a restaurant.

"Jiang Che, let's talk, okay?"

Ye Mengyao looked very serious.

"What to talk about? You won't let me be responsible for you, will you?" Jiang Che still had a high and mighty attitude. Although the eldest lady had become his image, he still had to be cold.

Ye Mengyao bit her thin lips lightly, "We have already had sex, and you like me too, don't you?"

"At least your body likes me very much, you can't deny that!"

Jiang Che: "..."

It seems that he has trained something incredible.

Is Ye Mengyao's blackening a little too deep?

"Hehe... I was right, right? You stinky guy!"

Ye Mengyao showed a playful expression, boldly sat next to Jiang Che, and hugged one of his arms.

"How about this, we will study and communicate for one day every week in the future, you shouldn't refuse, right?"

Ye Mengyao said something shocking again.

[It's so embarrassing, but they all say... love grows over time, from sex to love, this should be true, right? ]

Ye Mengyao's little calculations are almost hitting Jiang Che's face.

Facing Miss Ye who took the initiative to deliver it to his mouth, does Jiang Che still have a reason to refuse?

Please, the free Miss is really fragrant, okay?

"So what do you want to do?"

Jiang Che asked knowingly, he adheres to a concept.

No initiative, no rejection, no responsibility!

The main point is a freeloader.

Ye Mengyao licked the corner of her lips and leaned close to Jiang Che's ear. She suddenly found that Jiang Che seemed a little... cute?

Although she was also very shy, the feeling of teasing Jiang Che gave her an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

"How about this, every Saturday night...can you accompany me?" Ye Mengyao's tone was almost begging.

This was the only way she could think of to get closer to Jiang Che, although it was a bit shameless.

Seeing that Jiang Che seemed to want to reject her, Ye Mengyao hurriedly spoke.

"Jiang Che, if you dare to reject me, I will tell my parents and uncles and aunts, and let them judge. After all, girls will definitely suffer in such things. This is my first time. You didn't wear it for a few days...maybe I have a baby in my belly now!"

Ye Mengyao pouted and started to throw a tantrum.

Jiang Che was speechless. It was the first time he heard such a request.

It's almost like packing yourself up and sending yourself to your mouth, and you're even afraid that you won't eat it!

Which man can tolerate it?

"You...shameless!" Jiang Che blushed and glared at Ye Mengyao.

It's so funny, if Oscar comes, he should be awarded an award.

"Hehe, husband... can I call you that?" Ye Mengyao thought she had the upper hand, showing a victorious attitude, and boldly kissed Jiang Che.

But she didn't know that Mr. Jiang had already stood in the atmosphere.

In this way, the agreement with Miss Ye was happily reached.


"Jiang Che, where are you going to take me? I don't want to get in your car, you bastard!"

Yu Wan'er struggled, she was very scared!

Now she doesn't have her aunt to protect her. Once he drags her into the car, she will definitely be eaten up by this big bastard.

Before, she didn't resist Jiang Che so much, but since she knew that Jiang Che and Ye Mengyao might have had a relationship, she wanted to back off.

[Jiang Che, you bad guy, you are not satisfied after eating Sister Yaoyao, do you still want to touch me? I won't let you touch me even if I die]

[What should I do~]

Jiang Che was speechless, "What kind of person do you think I am? Is my head full of yellow garbage?"

Yu Wan'er tilted her head and looked at Jiang Che, "Isn't it?"

Jiang Che: "..."

"Okay, follow me, we'll go visit the patient later"

"Patient?" Yu Wan'er frowned.

Jiang Che snapped his fingers, "Yes, it's the patient! Do you remember Lin Yu?"

Yu Wan'er frowned even more, and after searching in her mind for a while, she shook her head.

She didn't have a deep impression of Lin Yu, in fact, she had only met him a few times.

Jiang Che: "..."

He was almost laughing like crazy. Lin Yu, the son of destiny, thought about his little heroines all day long. After hearing Yu Wan'er's name from others, he could remember her for the rest of his life...

As a result, Yu Wan'er even forgot his name.

"That transfer student, Ye Mengyao's bodyguard!"

"Oh! I remember, it's that arrogant guy!" Yu Wan'er nodded.

"I heard that Lin Yu's testicles were destroyed recently. Come with me to visit him!"

Yu Wan'er narrowed her eyes slightly, "You bad guy, can you be so kind?"

Jiang Che took her waist. The little Lolita was shy for a while, but finally lowered her head. She didn't dislike Jiang Che's contact.

She just didn't accept it in her heart! She hated Jiang Che bullying her...

"Baby, be good for a while, let's join forces to piss him off to death!"

Yu Wan'er: "..."


In the ward.

Lin Yu was in a bad mood. Lying on the bed, it was another day of missing his testicles.

As the protagonist of a cool article, the blow to him of losing a testicle can be imagined!

He thought of Ye Mengyao and Yu Wan'er... These girls are all super beauties. It's still a question whether he can stand up now!

Ever since his testicles were destroyed, his second brother has never been strong again.

During this period, he also tried to regulate his body with Chinese medicine, but the effect was minimal.

His brother seemed to be in a permanent sleep and could not be woken up at all. Even he took out the short movies of teachers Aoi, Hata, and Mikami that he had treasured for many years and watched them repeatedly, but it was useless.

Now a bloody reality is in front of him.

He seems to be really going to be useless, and this feeling makes him panic.

At this moment, there was a chirping sound outside the ward.

"Zundu, fake? The guy who set up a stall in front of the hospital last time was crippled? He's even missing a testicle!"

"Fuck, Dudanxia, ​​this might make the headlines!"

"Remember the former director of the Education Bureau of Hangzhou? It seems he's related to him..."

"Isn't this better? The headline tomorrow will be "Shocking! Dudanxia actually has such a background"?"

"I think "The First Eunuch after the Founding of the People's Republic of China" is better!"

A large group of reporters gathered outside the door. For some unscrupulous reporters, if you are willing to pay, they can make up any kind of news.

They can turn black into white, not to mention a person with a broken testicle.

That's right, these reporters were called by Jiang Che.

Lin Yu's five senses are very sharp, and he panicked in an instant. Could these people be coming for him?

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