Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 101 Space Jump, Goodbye To Other Civilizations

Yun Tian was a little stunned, but he didn't react for a while.

Obviously, he brought into the Blue Star people's thinking to consider the rules between the civilizations of the universe.

between cosmic civilizations.

It can be said that all civilizations are like water and fire.

Are you saying this is the enemy?

No, but a law for them to survive.

When others hit you, maybe after you are strong, what you choose is not revenge.

But seeing a civilization weaker than you will destroy one.

This is also a matter of no way, everything is for survival.

Also, is there any friendly civilization in the universe?

There must be some, but this kind of friendship must be based on some kind of relationship.

For example, the strength of the two civilizations is similar.

Just found each other.

Neither side can make a move.

established contact with each other.

But this connection is not destined to last long.

A very simple truth is the chain of suspicion.

However, Chen Feng didn't tell Yuntian too much, and he naturally knew it after a long time.

Yun Tian nodded.

"Master, I understand that there are no benefactors and enemies in the rules between cosmic civilizations. The first rule of civilization is survival."

"It seems that you have thought that survival is the common pursuit of all civilizations, and as long as it threatens the survival of civilization, it will be destroyed.

"Master, we have now developed the two-way foil, do you want to equip the two-way foil on our spacecraft?"

This two-way foil is a big killer in the war of cosmic civilizations.

It's like the nuclear weapons on Bluestar before.

You don't have to, but you must have it.

With this thing, a deterrent can be formed.

"Our current light-speed warship is still the only one, and when our warship arrives, I will make ten two-way foils.

Dichroic foil should not be used unless absolutely necessary. "

Erxiang foil is something that kills one thousand enemies and loses eight hundred.

"Nine Seven Three" is especially in places close to one's own civilization.

It can't be used.

endanger the safety of their own civilization.

"Master, I know, I have a question, if we encounter a civilization in the universe, this civilization is weaker than us, what should we do?"

Since survival is the first law of civilization, according to Yuntian's understanding, as long as it encounters alien civilization, it goes without saying that it will strike directly.

Just like other civilizations hit them.

At this moment, Yun Tian also fell silent.

Indeed, according to the laws of the universe, the civilizations that they have the ability to attack will definitely be attacked.

But Chen Feng didn't really want to do that.

"Yuntian, you have to understand that our civilization is actually relatively weak now, we seem to be relatively strong, but in fact we have only reached a slight height in the field of space technology, at most the height of a third-level civilization.

Compared with the civilization of the great gods, we are the light of fireflies.

Therefore, we can attack other civilizations, but we must keep a low profile.

We need to formulate a rule that if an alien civilization is discovered fifty light-years away, no matter what stage of civilization the civilization is in.

As long as they don't spot us, we just leave quietly.

If this civilization is within 50 light years of us, and it is much weaker than us.

That can directly destroy it. "

Chen Feng has a range of fifty light years.

This is also a threat area, and this approach is also very reasonable.

In fact, in the universe, participating in the attack of the dark forest and actively cleaning up the civilizations of other civilizations.

The vast majority are great civilizations.

Small civilizations dare not do such things blatantly in the universe.

They are also afraid that the position of civilization will be exposed.

Once exposed, it will be attacked by the civilization of the Great God.

"Just remember this."

"Good host."

Yuntian remembered.

All they have to do now is keep a low profile and hide their location at all costs.

This is the only way to live in the new Blue Star.

"Master, have you completed the space jump?" Yun Tian asked.

"Of course, the space jump could have been completed a long time ago, but I have been studying those materials, and it took me a full twenty years to thoroughly study the space theory of the singer civilization."

If Chen Feng just wanted to do space jumping, he could have done it long ago.

He spent twenty years just to understand this information.

After integrating these data.

He can develop better.

"Yuntian, the master has installed space jump navigation in the four-dimensional spacecraft."

At this time, Proton said.

"Space jump navigation?" Somewhat surprised.

This term is a bit old.

"Yes, with this navigation and driving this spacecraft, you will never get lost in the four-dimensional space again."

"That's great. From now on, we can travel freely in the four-dimensional space."

Yuntian was so happy.

As long as they are not afraid of getting lost, they can use the four-dimensional space to perform space jumps, which will greatly shorten the distance they travel.

"Don't be too happy, I told you before that there are two dangers in entering the four-dimensional space.

The first danger is the possibility of getting lost in four-dimensional space.

The second danger is four-dimensional creatures.

Last time you entered a four-dimensional space and saw a four-dimensional spaceship.

At first I thought it was nothing, but I thought about it later and let the protons calculate it again [I don't think it's such a coincidence.

The first time you enter four-dimensional space, you encounter four-dimensional spaceships.

This shows one thing, that is, there must be a large number of four-dimensional objects left in the four-dimensional puddle.

These four-dimensional objects may be life, or spacecraft, or other debris.

Chen Feng's words stopped Yun Tian's smile.

Yes, he and Jia Zhengxiang saw the four-dimensional spaceship the first time they entered the four-dimensional space.

This can't be a coincidence.

Even if it is a coincidence, it also shows that there should be many four-dimensional objects in the puddle.

At this time Jia Zhengxiang said: "Master, Proton, I think our spacecraft should be equipped with four-dimensional weapons.

If you encounter four-dimensional life, you can fight against them. "

Jia Zhengxiang was a soldier before, and Xiang Wenming was relatively simple.

Always thinking of using force to solve it.

"During this time, the master has been making four-dimensional weapons, and the spaceship you want to drive has installed four-dimensional ion cannons.

What this gun fires is that the projectile is a four-dimensional object.

Those four-dimensional lives cannot be destroyed casually.

But now there is a problem, this four-dimensional ion cannon made by people.

Its strength is roughly equivalent to the ion cannons, gamma rays and other weapons installed on star-class warships in our three-dimensional space.

These weapons are destructive to the general civilization.

But as long as the civilization level is a little higher, this weapon seems very backward.

The same is true in the four-dimensional space. This kind of weapon can only deal with beings with a low level of civilization in the four-dimensional space.

But think about it, beings with a low level of civilization cannot survive in puddles.

It is estimated that the ones you can encounter are relatively high-level civilizations.

Therefore, this kind of weapon for you can only deal with those thinking lifeforms that have lost the weapon system. "

Proton's words are clear.

Jia Zhengxiang didn't seem afraid at all: "I think this is enough, we are the four-dimensional warship we encountered last time, and it feels broken.

Weapon systems are even more impossible to use.

In this kind of four-dimensional small puddle, even if there are thinking beings, after so many years, they probably don't have any weapons.

There are four-dimensional ion cannons, which should be almost enough. "

At this time, Chen Feng said, "What Zhengxiang said doesn't make any sense.

Anyway, in general, it is a sentence. Entering the four-dimensional space and using space jumps are dangerous.

Of course, in the four-dimensional space that has been jumped, it is determined that there is no danger, that is, it is safe.

Entering the four-dimensional space that has never been entered is very risky.

Do you dare to accept the mission?"

Chen Feng asked.

"Dare!" Jia Zhengxiang didn't think at all.

"I dare too!"

Although Yun Tian thought about it for a few seconds, he said it very firmly.

"Okay, since you dare, I have a task for you here." Chen Feng said.

"Master, please speak."

As soon as they heard the mission, their eyes lit up.

You know, the two have not received a mission for another 20 years.

Chen Feng gestured for the proton.

Proton said: "The task is like this, you go to explore the thinking pool.

There are two purposes for exploring 4D puddles.

The first is to document the safety of puddles.

The second and most important one is to look for more civilized technology in the Weishui Po.

"Like the data from Singer Civilization?" Yun Tian reacted at once.

Chen Feng nodded.

The information on the singer's civilization gave Chen Feng a taste of the sweetness, and that information shortened his scientific research progress by at least a few decades, or even a hundred years.

If you can find more technical information in the four-dimensional puddle.

It will be very beneficial to the development of their civilization.

"We can bring their spaceship back directly. Jia Zhengxiang said with a smile.

"Anything from the four-dimensional world can't be brought to the three-dimensional world. If they can come out, they can't hide in the puddles, and the things that can be brought out later are digitalized.

Proton said.

Regarding this task, Yun Tian and Jia Zhengxiang had no opinion at all.

They will stick to it.

At this time, Yun Tian suddenly asked: "Master, we have developed space jumping technology, can we go and bring back the human battleship?"

Chen Feng never mentioned this matter just now.

Yuntian has been hesitating whether to say it or not.

"Human battleship?" Chen Feng even forgot about it.

They have also been here for over forty years.

In the past forty years, he has been concentrating on research.

If it weren't for Yuntian's reminder, he would have forgotten that there are still several warships floating in the universe.

"You don't need to ask me for instructions, you can make your own decisions, I have already told you, as long as it is related to human beings, you can make your own decisions.

Chen Feng gave Yuntian permission again.

Although he knew that even if he had given Yuntian his authority, he would not come over to clarify it to himself next time he encountered a similar incident.

At this time, Proton said: "Yuntian, you can handle everything about the new blue star and the human battleship.

"It's the master!"

Yun Tian was happy in his heart, and the master agreed.

After obtaining Chen Feng's consent, Yun Tian and Jia Zhengxiang walked out of Chen Feng's laboratory.

"Brother Yuntian, the master doesn't care much about human warships, why do you care so much, do you have any relatives in it?"

Jia Zhengxiang is actually

I have the same opinion as Chen Feng.

The new Blue Star has grown to nearly 200,000 people.

This is the continuation of human civilization.

As for those humans wandering in the universe, they are already dispensable.

Jia Zhengxiang did not know that with the development of time, his thinking has changed, and it is more and more like the thinking of cosmic civilization.

Everything is based on the survival of civilization.

As long as civilization survives safely, nothing else matters.

Yuntian nodded: "I have a friend."

The friend he was referring to was Zhang Heng.

Yun Tian thought for a moment in his heart, if Zhang Heng was not in the human battleship, would he still try his best to save them.

In the end he got a terrifying answer.


He has changed too.

He also gradually lost the human mind, and everything was considered in terms of civilized survival.

He felt terrible.

But on second thought, isn't that what it chose to keep as it evolved?

If this character is not preserved, is it possible to want to survive in the universe?

"There is a friend, that should go to save them, you are talking about General Zhang Heng.

Jia Zhengxiang almost immediately guessed who Yun Tian was talking about.

"That's right."

"I guessed right, General Zhang is indeed worthy of respect, there is nothing to say, let's save him together.

Soon, they came to the front of the brand new four-dimensional warship.

This battleship is bigger than before.

It is more than 20 meters long and has an arc-shaped head.

"This spaceship is a light-speed spaceship, it can also fly at the speed of light in four-dimensional space, and it is equipped with a four-dimensional puddle navigation system.

After the two got on the spaceship.

The control system is turned on.

There is a star map on it.

The coordinates of the various locations are shown on this star map.

Yuntian first opened his own holographic operation projection, and found the star field position of Blue Star 6 through protons.

After positioning, he clicked on the navigation system.

"The whole journey to the destination will take three months and five days."

The navigation system roughly gives a time.

"It's more than thirty light-years away, and it only takes three months to get there?" Jia Zhengxiang was very excited.

You must know that even if they fly at the speed of light, this distance will take more than 30 years.

Unexpectedly, it only takes three months and five days to use space jumping.

"In fact, most of the time is spent on the journey between the puddles."

This time they jumped, they needed to enter the puddle twice in total.

They first have to reach Saturn-like and enter the first puddle.

After entering, choose an entrance, and after exiting from this entrance, they need to rush to the second puddle.

3.5 The distance they need to fly is about a month.

A month's flight to reach the second puddle.

Through the jump of the second puddle, it was very close to where the Blue Star Six was.

It will take about two months to catch up with the Blue Star 6.

So it will take three months in total.

If the positions of the two are on both sides of the two puddles, it will take almost no time to reach the sky in an instant.

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense, let's go."

Yuntian drove the four-dimensional spaceship and set off towards the Saturn-like direction.

This time the spacecraft was very fast, and it took them only one day to reach the Saturn-like puddle.

Without the slightest hesitation, he plunged into the puddle.

After entering the puddle.

One of the entrances they were going to enter below was clearly marked by the spaceship.

That's where the four-bit puddle navigation comes into play.

There are many uses for this navigation.

"Would you like to go see that four-dimensional spaceship again?" Jia Zhengxiang asked.

"Go and see, after all, we still have promises to people."

Yun Tian was driving the spaceship, not in a hurry to go out from the exit, but headed towards the four-dimensional spaceship.

He just arrived.

Immediately received the message from the four-dimensional spacecraft.

"I didn't expect you to master the jumping method of the four-dimensional space so quickly, and also developed the four-dimensional ion cannon, it seems that your civilization has a high intelligence.

The four-dimensional spaceship looked a little surprised.

"Do you know how long we've been gone?" Yun Tian questioned.

Time in four-dimensional space is different from three-dimensional space.

They have spent twenty years in the three-dimensional space, but certainly not twenty years in the four-dimensional space.

"Of course, I can figure it out."

After getting a positive answer, Yuntian said again: "We still have no ability to find the person you said, but the promise I told you will never change.

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