Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 103 Received General Zhang Heng And Returned To Sirius

a month later.

Among the reborn battleships, Proton has sorted out all the data sent by Yuntian.

Regarding the history and other related knowledge of the civilization in which this four-dimensional life is located, Chen Feng did not show much interest.

You must know that there are probably several million civilizations in the entire universe according to calculations.

It is impossible for them to know all civilizations once.

The most important thing is that this civilization is nothing but a civilization that can't be three-dimensionalized.

Compared with the civilization of the great gods, there is still a lot of difference.

"Master, according to my rough calculation, if we fully absorb the achievements of this civilization, our technological civilization will advance to the third-level civilization."

Of course Yuntian knew what the protons meant.

Their current situation, that is, the situation of the entire civilization, is a deformed civilization.

Why is it deformed.

according to the course of their civilization.

Chen Feng mastered the space technology, especially the four-dimensional space, as well as the technology of two-way foil.

At least it must be a fifth-level civilization to be able to master it.

Of course this technology is obtained from the singer civilization.

other technologies.

But it only stays in the second-level civilization.

For example, Jia Zhengxiang and Zhang Hongbo's research in the laboratory.

Only stay in the second level civilization.

It may take a lot of time to break through the third-level civilization.

If we talk about the scientific and technological achievements of this civilization, they are fully promoted.

The level of the entire civilization can be upgraded to the third-level civilization.

You must know that there are not many third-level civilizations in the entire universe.

Almost ninety percent of civilizations have been defeated.

"I know this."

Chen Feng replied.

The civilization achievements they obtained were different from the three-body civilization technology they had mastered.

What I have mastered is only a scientific research direction, to put it bluntly, it is a hint, some experimental directions.

And now he got it.

It is a mature achievement.

Can be used directly.

There is absolutely no need to experiment, and no need to think.

Even, mastering these achievements has a very good effect on his mastering the technology of the three-body civilization.

"Proton, do you think we should expand the scientific research team?" Chen Feng asked.

"According to my reckoning it is so."

Now among them, only Chen Feng and Cao Weiguo in the laboratory are engaged in scientific research.

Several of them can study one direction each.

But that's totally not enough.

A civilization's technology has countless directions.

After these scientific and technological achievements are thoroughly understood, there are many upper-level applications that need to be studied.

This will require more manpower.

In this situation.

If you don't send more people.

Their civilization will become more and more deformed.

This deformity is that they go a long way in a certain field.

But in other respects it lags far behind.

"You are right. Science and technology are interlinked. Without the support of supporting technologies, many technologies cannot be carried out."

Chen Feng also realized this problem.

Over the years, many of the technologies I have researched have been provided by Zhang Hongbo and Jia Weiguo.

They are helping themselves.

But even so, there are still many technologies that I don't have time to do.

"What do you think?" Chen Feng asked.

"My idea is very simple, let Zhang Hongbo and Jia Weiguo, two academicians, go to New Blue Star to select some outstanding scientists and participate in scientific research.

Our scientific civilization must make breakthroughs in all fields. ' said Proton.

Chen Feng shook his head.

Then he said: "The humans on the new blue star don't move, they have settled down in the new blue star, and this is their home.

Although they are the continuation of human civilization, in a sense, many of their habits have been separated from human beings.

We still have to find another way. "

It's not that Chen Feng doesn't trust the humans on the new Blue Star now.

Mainly this group of people, from the time of birth, has been cared for by robots.

What they received on the New Blue Star was a new type of education.

All people, and the human minds on the blue star, have produced a change.

This change is inevitable.

"There is another way, and that is those of the human escape plan.

The people who planned the escape were basically scientists. "

Proton thought of these people for the escape plan.

"Are they primitive humans?" Chen Feng asked.

"Only the humans on the Blue Star VI are primitive humans". "

Proton is well aware of the several warships in the human escape plan.

Only on the Blue Star 6, there is a hibernation chamber system.

This puts the people above them into a hibernation system.

Other warships do not have a hibernation system.

The above people rely on the inheritance from generation to generation. Now the first generation of 2,000 people who entered the battleship is estimated to have all passed away.

The first 2,000 people were all scientists.

They are native Blue Stars.

As for their descendants, no one can guarantee their level.

And these people were born in space.

Compared with the people on the new Blue Star, there are more parents.

So Chen Feng is still not satisfied.

"Okay, then let the scientists on the Blue Star 6 come over, remember that it is limited to scientists, all led by Zhang Hongbo and Jia Weiguo.

After they come over, according to their scientific research fields, the technical materials will be distributed to them.

After the results are made, save them. "


After Proton finished talking to Chen Feng.

Just quit Chen Feng's lab.

Then Proton started a video call with Yuntian alone.

Yun Tian and Jia Zhengxiang are hibernating.

Traveling in space is really lonely, two months time, very boring.

Protons can cut off their hibernation at any time.

Receive a video call from Proton.

Yun Tian and Jia Zhengxiang hurried to the control room.

"Proton, does the master have any other tasks?" Yun Tian asked.

"Yes, the master asked you to bring all the hibernating scientists on the Blue Star 6 to the reborn battleship, led by two professors, Zhang Hongbo and Jia Weiguo."

"That's fine."

As soon as Yun Tian heard it was this task, he immediately agreed without thinking about it.

It couldn't be easier for him.

"Don't bring it with you if you're not a scientist."


Of course Yuntian knew what proton meant.

There are indeed more than scientists on the Blue Star Six.

Many people, especially foreigners, are not scientists.

Yun Tian is so smart and doesn't know, not only non-scientists can't enter, but even non-Dragon country scientists will not take him there.

Although Chen Feng gave her a lot of autonomy.

But Yun Tian knew in his heart what the master would be at odds with.

"Proton, I would like to ask, the master asked me to bring scientists there because we sent the data in the past?" Yun Tian asked again.

Proton has no nods and no joints.

Instead, he said, "Not at all."

This is not a secret to Chen Feng.

And it was Yuntian again, so the proton said nothing.

"I have done a comprehensive classification of the information you sent.

Extract the technical data inside.

The technology on this document is enough to upgrade the entire civilization to the third-level civilization level.

But you also know that the owner is usually busy with space technology.

He really doesn't have time for other technologies.

Professor Zhang Hongbo and Jia Weiguo also have limited time.

In this situation.

We need more scientists. "

Yun Tian understood.

The master is to comprehensively improve the scientific level of civilization.

"Understood Proton, I will bring back the scientists on Blue Star 6 safely.

After that, the video was hung up.

Jia Zhengxiang said on the side, "It looks like the master has something big to do."

All of a sudden the team of scientists got so much.

There must be a big move.

Yun Tian shook his head.

"I don't think it should be the case. The master does things by decision, and so many scientists conduct scientific research together.

There must be the owner's own consideration, we don't think so much.

Just finish our task. "

Time flies, and another month has passed in a blink of an eye.

[The Blue Star 6 spacecraft was detected, 1,200 kilometers away from the target. 】

With the announcement from the spaceship, Yun Tian and Jia Zhengxiang were very excited.

Finally got to see Blue Star Six.

They spent three months in the universe, including space jumping.

"I will contact General Zhang Heng now." Yun Tian was very excited.

Immediately contacted Zhang Heng through Proton.

Zhang Heng is currently hibernating.

Suddenly the hibernation chamber automatically stopped opening.

He was forcibly awakened.

He didn't know the situation the first time he woke up.

When he came out of the hibernation barn.

Only then did I see a holographic projection appearing in front of me.

It is Yuntian's video call request.

He immediately connected to the video call.

"General Zhang, do you know how far we are now?" Yun Tian said with a smile as soon as the video was connected.

"How far?"

Zhang Heng quickly turned on the control system and took a look. They were still more than three hundred years away from the Sirius constellation.

[Detected a spaceship at a distance of 500 kilometers. 】

Just when Zhang Heng was confused.

Suddenly I heard the sound of the broadcast inside the spaceship.

He immediately looked towards Yuntian.

" this spaceship you?"

Zhang Heng thought for the first time that this spaceship must be driven by Yun Tian.

"That's right."

Yun Tian deliberately exposed his signal to the Blue Star 6.

Otherwise, with the detection system on the Blue Star 6, it would be impossible to detect the existence of its own spacecraft.

"You... How did you come to my side?"

Zhang Hengrao is strong-willed

At this time, I was also taken aback.

You must know that they are dozens of light-years away from the Sirius constellation.

Even if it is flying at the speed of light, it will take thousands of years.

Yuntian can't come here.

"Don't get excited, I'm here to tell you good news, the master has developed space jumping technology, and it took me only three months to get from Sirius to you.

"Three months? Thirty light years?"

Zhang Heng closed his mouth in shock.

"That's right."

The sky is very calm.

Seeing that Zhang Heng was still in shock, Yun Tian said to him, "Don't go any further, just follow me.

"But what about the other warships?"

Zhang Heng asked.

At this time, Yun Tian shook his head and said, "General Zhang, I have already controlled the Blue Star IV. As for the other warships, we can't control so much."

In fact, the sky is watching

I found it when I checked other warships.

During these twenty years.

The only battleship that still has life is the Moon.

But the moon is not optimistic now.

Only a few dozen people remained.

These dozens of people are no longer human in the beginning.

They belong to the new human beings in the universe.

Yuntian had no plans to save them.

"You control the spaceship immediately, lock our position and sail.

After Yun Tian finished speaking, he immediately made the spacecraft turn around, and they were going to fly towards the nearest puddle.

The nearest route is to go back the same way.

"." But Yuntian, I have to be responsible for the people on the other warships. "Zhang Heng is still a little worried.

In his heart, he still contained the words that the leader had told him when he left Blue Star.

He is the leader of the entire human escape plan.

"General Zhang, don't worry about it so much, they are already dead."

Yuntian has turned around.

Zhang Heng thought about it.

Finally decided to change direction.

He adjusted the flight direction of the spacecraft.

They have been flying in this direction for nearly a hundred years.

has never changed.

Now that the sailing direction changed, several deputy captains were immediately alerted.

They all came from the state of hibernation Su Xing.

When I came to the wheelhouse, I saw that the captain changed the direction of sailing.

"Captain, what are you doing?"

shouted one of the lieutenants.

Originally, they sailed in this direction, and it only took three hundred years to reach Sirius.

There is a hibernation chamber in the spaceship, and three hundred years is just a snap for them.

Now the captain suddenly changed the direction of sailing.

This worries them.

"Don't worry, it is Mr. Yun Tian who has come to pick us up, and we can arrive at Sirius in three months at most.

Zhang Heng told them the situation again.

"Three months, thirty light years?"

Several deputy captains also widened their eyes.

They couldn't even think about it.

in everyone's cognition.

The fastest human speed is the speed of light.

Even at the speed of light, it would take more than thirty years to reach the vicinity of Sirius.

But General Zhang told them that it would only take three months?

"It's true, they have developed space jumping technology, we just need to follow, Mr. Yun Tian won't lie to us.

Several deputy captains of course know Yuntian.

They can have today, and the battleship can have hibernation chambers.

The current situation can be maintained when other battleship systems have collapsed.

All thanks to Yuntian.

Everyone has a lot of trust in Yuntian.

Hearing this, everyone didn't say anything.

Blue Star 6, and Blue Star 4, which was controlled by protons, turned around.

They flew towards the spaceship that Yun Tian and Jia Zheng (Qian Hao Zhao) Xiang drove.

The spacecraft spent two months in space.

They came to the first puddle.

Yun Tian woke Zhang Heng and several vice captains at this time.

"We need to hover here and wait for the Blue Star 4." Yun Tian said.

"How long do you need to wait?" Zhang Heng knew that Blue Star 4 had also come.

"About three months."

Previously, the distance between Blue Star 4 and Blue Star 6 was two years.

But over the years, after their acceleration and deceleration, as well as mutual approach.

The distance between them is not so far away.

It only takes three months for the Blue Star No. 4 to come over.

They need to enter the puddle together, otherwise, Blue Star 4 can't find the right direction to jump.

three months later.

The Blue Star IV has finally arrived.

At this time, the Blue Star No. 4 was a few hundred kilometers away from them.

As long as they enter the puddle first.

Blue Star can enter automatically under the control of protons.

However, at this time, Yuntian was unable to use protons to control the Blue Star 4.

Everything can only rely on pre-set programs to operate.

Yun Tian said to Zhang Heng, "Follow me into the puddle."

Yuntian piloted the spacecraft to fly into the puddle first.

Zhang Heng and several co-captains have also gained a general understanding of space jumping technology in the past few months.

It is to use the four-dimensional puddle as a springboard.

Jump between universes.

Yuntian had already told them the danger of the four-dimensional puddles.

Once you go wrong, you will be lost in the depths of the universe, and you will never find the right direction.

So they are still very cautious.

Zhang Heng drove the battleship into the puddle slowly.

Just entered.

Everyone screamed in horror.

The appearance of everyone in the four-dimensional space has all changed.

The organs of the body are very flat in front of everyone.

"Is this the four-dimensional space?" Even though he was mentally prepared, Zhang Heng was still excited.

This feeling of being in the four-dimensional space is really difficult to describe Miao in words. .

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