If he wants to change all of this, there is only one thing he can do.

That is complacency.

After all, he is a fish.

He needs to protect himself first.

"The data is being transmitted."

Yun Tian looked at the technical information sent over, and was in a good mood.

The information passed by the other party this time is not from a certain field.

rather comprehensive information.

I believe that after the owner gets the information.

It will definitely make our technological civilization go a step further.

"It's really great, this time our mission has been completed beautifully." Jia Zhengxiang was also very happy.

Then he added: "Actually, in my opinion, the last time we came.

All the technical information should be brought in at once.

After all, we are too kind.

I can see clearly now.

The whole universe is really black on horseback.

There is absolutely no reason to talk about cosmic civilizations.

When everyone met, they fought directly.

Impossible to be righteous with you.

Mutual help is even more impossible. "

Zhang Heng, who was standing beside him, also nodded.

He has been drifting the longest in the universe.

Although during this time, he did not encounter the threat of alien life.

But from the destruction of the solar system, to the time that follows.

He thought more.

After careful consideration.

came to a conclusion.

That is, the cosmic civilizations must not think about each other like human beings.

Because many problems have no commonality at all.

Only the civilized education received is almost the same.

Between creatures with similar personalities.

It is possible to understand and communicate with each other.

Will there be such two civilizations in the universe?

Civilizations in the universe are calculated to be in the millions.

There must be many civilizations that have developed very similarly.

But can these civilizations meet?

Even if they meet, how can they prove that they are kind.

Once you can't prove your goodwill.

You also don't know if the other person has good intentions.

with suspicion on both sides.

There is only one thing that will happen in the end.

That is the war with each other.

Either you die or I die.

This makes no sense at all.

To reason with the universe is to dig one's own grave.

…for flowers…………

Just like the previous Yun Tian and Jia Zhengxiang.

Even foolishly agreed to the request of this thinking being.

If they do.

It is conceivable that it brought to the whole civilization.

There will only be disaster.

And the catastrophe is devastating.

Think of previous human civilizations.

Why do we get hit by the dark forest.


It is not because the people of Eagle Country have exposed the coordinates of human beings.

Although in the eyes of human beings at the time, this was shouting its own voice to the universe.

But for the entire universe and social relations.

This behavior is undoubtedly asking for a dead end.

This kind of civilization will only exist at the beginning of civilization development.

No one would know that just because of such a small act, the entire solar system was wiped out.

Just like what Yuntian did.

Seems like a small thing.

But it's such a small thing.

It is very likely that the new Blue Star that everyone has worked so hard to build will be destroyed again.

There are really no small things in the universe.

Small things develop, and the final result is the destruction of the entire civilization.

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