"At least a stellar launch would be useful.

Otherwise, just like the Eagle Country back then, it would fly out through a spaceship and pass on information.

Or use the star as an amplifier to send it out.

For us, this is indeed quite scary.

But I think you two.

Especially when Zhang Heng is approaching, you must be thinking too much.

Yun Tian felt that he was thinking too much.

Just imagine.

I want to send information into the universe.

Still have to pass so far.

But it's not that easy.

That requires a lot of energy, reaching star-level emission energy.

The storage device they provide to this thinking being.

Just a storage device.

There is no energy in it.

Even, if they don't provide over energy, provide device activation.

This four-dimensional life body will sleep forever in this storage device.

It's just a bunch of useless data.

In this situation.

What can he do?

Impossible things.

"Yuntian, I also understand what you said.

When I was in Blue Star.

I also made up a lot of knowledge about transmitting faith in the universe.

For the transmission of information in the universe.

Before the strength of our Blue Star human beings, it was simply impossible to make cosmic broadcasts.

The reason why the Eagle Nation's message was sent out.

Exposes the location of our Blue Star.

Or is it because the sun acts as an amplifier that it is launched.

But what is the situation now?

We are dealing with a thinking being.

He is based on four-dimensional beings.

We simply have no way to analyze him with the thought of the three-dimensional world.

This would be disastrous for us.

Just imagine.

If we are wrong.

What will it bring us?

That is an immeasurable question.

We cannot be fooled lightly.

Or take the safest way.”

"You said the safest way, do you have any ideas?"

Yun Tian felt that the reason General Zhang said this.

There should be some good ideas.

Otherwise how could he possibly say that?

"Of course, I think we can totally do that.

Put this storage device in this four-dimensional world first.

Then go out.

After you go out, find a way to contact your host.

Ask the owner about the specific situation first.

If the master agrees with us to take him out of the four-dimensional world, then we will do so.

After all, the amount of information we have is a bit small.

Once we do it wrong.

It may destroy everything in the new blue star.

It's really not easy for us humans to do it now.

So we are still developing a little bit.

Take everything well.

Then don't leave any hidden dangers. "

Zhang Heng said his own method.

This method can be said to be foolproof.

Of course, it cannot be said that there is absolutely no problem.

The only problem may be whether the judgment of the owner (Qian Zhao's) is correct or not.

Zhang Heng believes it.

The owner of Qingfeng Research Center.

There must be more ways to judge the safety of this matter than they do.

Although now in their opinion, the probability of this security is ninety-nine percent.

But that's one percent.

They must not bet either.

At this time, the fate of the entire human race is being gambled.

Once that one percent becomes real.

They became sinners again. .

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