Jia Zhengxiang's thinking is relatively simple.

Many things his ability to understand is limited.

But Zhang Heng knew everything.

Lots of words.

Just say it and he will immediately understand what it means.

"Your master's intention is very clear, that is to bring out, bring out both storage devices.

Zhang Heng explained the actual situation.

"Really, that's great, let's go and bring it out."

Jia Zhengxiang doesn't care so much.

Going back to get the storage device right away.

But this time Zhang Heng stopped him again.

"Yuntian, you two need to think carefully.

New Blue Star is the only place where humans live now. 037

And there are your kids on it.

Although it is said that they can escape together.

But that is the hometown of the children.

To leave there is to leave home.

They certainly disagree. "

Zhang Heng also wanted to do a little more work.

Hope this fact can be changed.

Although it is said that he is humble.

But he does need to work hard.

"General Zhang, I'm sorry, we can't change what the master has decided."

Yun Tian did not hesitate.

He rejected Zhang Heng directly.

For the master's words.

The two of them are 100% listening.

For them.

The master's words are like holy decrees.

No one can stop this from happening.

Including Zhang Heng.

"Okay, if you really want to do it.

Then ask your children first and see if they answer.

Zhang Heng still wants to work hard.

After all, everyone has children.

The portion of the child is very large.

"General Zhang, I don't think you are too nervous.

Even if we take those two storage devices out.

There might not be a problem.

This probability is very small. "

Jia Zhengxiang felt that Zhang Heng must be too nervous.

Even a little funny.

You know, they brought these two storage devices out.

The probability of a problem (bccb) is less than one percent.

such a small probability.

What could be wrong?

In fact, Jia Zhengxiang originally disagreed with this approach.

In his opinion, this four-dimensional life should be directly killed.

There are so many things.

But for the master's technical information, he agreed to so many troublesome things.

Now even General Zhang Heng.

Nor can this fact be changed.

"General Zhang, I'm sorry, we have to do this."

At this time, Yuntian had already controlled the spacecraft to fly into the puddle.

Zhang Heng knew that he couldn't change anything.

Hard is impossible.

Yun Tian and Jia Zhengxiang both have their current physical fitness.

Even if it is a hundred Zhang Heng.

Nor can it be an opponent.

Both of their bodies were genetically modified.

Incomparably powerful.

the most important is.

He couldn't do it.

the reason is simple.

He is not a man who does not reciprocate.

He still knew in his heart who saved them.

Previously on Blue Star.

It was the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center that left them the spaceship and battleship.

Again, they help themselves across the universe.

Left them a home on the new Blue Star.

These are all clear in his heart.

Now this home is about to be destroyed.

He also knew.

This is also something that can't be done. .

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