Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 145 Artificial Intelligence Speculates The Future

"Look at what I said, I said there would be no problem, right?"

Jia Zhengxiang saw that there was no problem.

He breathed a long sigh of relief.

Then he said with a smile on his face.

Zhang Heng next to him also breathed a sigh of relief.

Actually for him.

He knew it in his heart.

These two storage devices are unlikely to have accidents.

Even the probability of saying the probability is very small.

But who can say for sure.

Even if the probability is small.

But once encountered, it is a matter of life and death.

Even the life and death of many people.

It is the demise of the clan.

In this situation.

Even if it is a small probability.

It can also make people feel uneasy and terrified.

"I think we were too nervous before.

Think about it, if this thinking being really has the ability to send out information.

I don't think he would have been trapped in this puddle for so long.

Still thinking of relying on our strength to survive?

So I was thinking about it before.

If this thinking life body is said to have been in a puddle all the time.

Wait until this puddle dries up.

It is estimated that it is impossible for him to survive in the three-dimensional world.

Our presence gave him hope for a new life.

Our 3D device freed him from the previous constraints.

Let his consciousness enter into our storage device.

I'm thinking about one thing.

See if what I think is correct. "

Yun Tian suddenly thought of something.

The more he thought about it, the more likely it became.

Jia Zhengxiang and Zhang Heng looked at him.

I don't know what Yuntian is talking about.

"I think so.

Do you think that, in fact, this thinking being is really the purpose?

Just want us to use three-dimensional equipment to take out his consciousness?

After Yun Tian's words came out.

Zhang Heng and Jia Zhengxiang next to him were stunned.

"Do you mean that, in fact, every step we make is due to his calculations?"

Zhang Heng suddenly understood what Yun Tian meant.

However, Jia Zhengxiang next to him was still a little confused.


Zhang Heng thought about their previous contact with this thinking being.

...for flowers...  

"I think it's possible."

Zhang Heng also felt that it was possible at this time.

"What are you two talking about, what is possible and impossible?"

Jia Zhengxiang really didn't quite understand what the two of them were saying.

At this time, Yuntian explained to him: "It's like this, I think we all underestimate the wisdom of thinking beings.


Well, it's not really wisdom, it's counting calendars.

Think about it, a high-latitude artificial intelligence.

How many times his computing power is ours?

Where does this computing power come from?

Does it mean that it is reflected in the calculation of numbers?

Certainly not.

Think about it, both of you, before our protons.

At the time of the Hessian attack.

He can predict what will happen very accurately.

When will we be hit [It's all close to ten.

What does this indicate?

These artificial intelligence, after mastering a certain amount of data.

Calculations can be made based on these data.

And the calculated result.

Isn't it the future?".

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