The three have been out of the puddle in the four-dimensional space for more than half an hour.

Their spaceship is flying back.

It's been so long now.

Still no problem.

It's almost certain now.

Both storage devices are safe.

It's safe, at least for now.

As for whether it will be safe after the power is turned on later.

Then it is unknown.

"General Zhang, how is it, the defense line is now.

Yun Tian looked at Zhang Heng.

I thought to myself, now half an hour has passed.

It must have been 12 hearts.

You have to know that many times, what this four-dimensional creature really wants to do.

In fact, it has happened since they first came out.

It is simply impossible to wait until now.

It's been half an hour now.

Still no response.

There are various detection equipment in their spacecraft.

As long as there is data sent from it.

Certainly can be detected.

Even the signal of the four-dimensional world.

They can also be detected.

That's what makes this ship powerful.

But now they get no signal.

It illustrates a problem.

That is, these two storage devices are actually absolutely safe.

"It's hard to say right now.

Although Zhang Heng felt that there was no problem now.

However, it cannot be absolutely said that this storage device is certain to be safe.

think about it.

If they arrive at the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

After the two storage devices are powered on.

Can it still be safe?

This is unknown.

"It's not easy to say? Then what else can we say?

It's been so long now.

If this four-dimensional life body can really send information out.

I think he did that when he first came out of it.

At least for me.

If it were me.

I must have just come out of it.

information will be sent out.

After all, no one in this world knows.

Waiting one more second is dangerous for him.

But it's been so long now.

He still didn't move at all.

This in itself has already explained the problem.

That is the thinking life body in this storage device, and it is impossible to have any problems.

Jia Zhengxiang didn't believe that what else could be wrong with this thinking being.

In his opinion.

Now is the last moment of this being.

He starts from the moment he enters the storage device.

In fact, everything is a helpless move.

For them.

This is impossible.

But even so, so what? 850

In fact, there is no way for them to prepare everything properly.

"It is naturally safe now, but who can guarantee that it will always be safe in the future?"

Zhang Heng expressed his worries.

In fact, of course he was not worried about it now.

Even before, he didn't show much concern about going out from the four-dimensional space.

Because he knows.

This storage device has no energy at all.

In this situation.

It is impossible for this thinking being to send messages out.

But if they want to extract what they want from this storage device.

Problems can easily arise.

It's not safe for them. .

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