Minako Koike’s analysis is well-founded.

It can perfectly explain all the phenomena after the water droplets appear.

The reason why everyone thinks water droplets are kind.

The first is that the shape of the water drop is so beautiful that some people even used the tears of the Virgin to describe him.

The second is water. In everyone's opinion, water is the symbol of life.

In the thinking of Blue Star human beings.

No matter what icon the water droplet is on, the content it represents must be life, or at least goodwill.

However, these are human thoughts.

It is difficult to say whether there is water in the aliens.

Are they carbon-based life?

What is their culture like, no one knows.

Just because the detectors they sent were in the shape of water droplets, they were judged to be well-intentioned.

This is unscientific in itself and irresponsible for human security.

"If it's what Professor Minako said, what should we do?"

Bach asked.

This question is difficult to answer.

It's really hard to answer.

In the first place, these are just analysis, and no one wants to say something that is irresponsible to human beings.

Second, if Minako Koike's analysis is true, this is even more related to the life and death of the entire human race.

Everyone felt like they had a heavy burden on them.

Zhang Heng just stood by and looked at them.

He couldn't believe that one day the security chiefs of several of their countries would be able to stand together.

Discuss an issue with the same goal.

Think about it, it is estimated that only aliens have this ability.

"If I want to put it simply, doesn't the water droplet want to see our military strength, so we will show it to him.

If they don't show some strength, they really think that we Blue Star people are easy to bully. "

As the security chief of the fighting nation, Yevgeny has perfectly inherited the spirit of doing whatever he wants.

Since you are here to inquire about the military situation of our Blue Star.

Then I'll show it to you.

If you are afraid, negotiate with us.

"How to show it specifically?" Zhang Heng was a little interested in what Yevgeny said.

Yevgeny clapped his hands, and then said: "Do you still need me to teach you to show your strength? Don't you usually do military parade exercises in a good way?

We just have to show our fighter jets and rocket nuclear warheads.

I believe that no matter how powerful their aliens are, they are afraid of nuclear warheads. "

Yevgeny seems to be addicted.

Everyone else is looking at him.

He continued: "At that time, we will each send 1,000 fighter jets to form a phalanx of at least 5,000 fighter jets.

Fly a few more laps back and forth from the top of the droplet.

I don't believe he's not afraid!

As long as the aliens know that we humans have the military strength to protect ourselves.

I believe they will come and talk to us. "

Yevgeny is like an extreme militant.

The advice he said was also extreme.

"How big is a phalanx of five thousand planes?" Inoue Lang's eyes widened.

The same is the head of national security.

His idea was more about safeguarding national security.

And Yevgeny's idea is always that I will do you first.

If I can't do it, then I have to show off my muscles.

Let you know that my polar bears are not easy to mess with.

"What we want is big, and only this can deter the aliens. Didn't they send a drop of water to investigate?

We're going to let them know, little water droplets, we can annihilate them at any time! "

"I think Yevgeny's idea is feasible."

Jones suddenly stood up to express his support for Yevgeny.

Although his idea seemed a little crazy.

But it is also a very effective deterrent.

Consider five thousand fighter jets of the latest model lined up in the air.

The little water droplets still shivered.

This is the only way they can think of to deal with it.

"Don't worry everyone, we still need more discussions on specific countermeasures."

Zhang Heng did not object to the method Yevgeny said.

If this kind of plan is implemented in their Grizzly Country.

Or implemented in Eagle Country.

He has no opinion.

But now it is to be implemented in the Dragon Country.

Five thousand fighter jets would pose a huge hidden danger to the safety of the Dragon Kingdom.

He has no right to criticize such a plan.

It can only be approved by the big leaders above.


Chen Feng's research center.

Watch the radical rhetoric of the four NSA leaders on the screen.

A disdainful smile appeared on Chen Feng's face.

They simply do not know the strength of the water droplets.

Also delusional to show his muscles in front of him.

It was thought that the water droplet was just an incompetent detector.

"Master, according to my inference, it is very likely that they will eventually do so."

As early as when Yevgeny proposed this crazy plan, Proton obtained a lot of relevant information from various countries.

After calculation, it is judged that they are very likely to do so in the end.

"How? Five thousand fighters show me their muscles?"

"Yes, this plan will definitely be implemented as long as Long Guo nods his head. Will we still stand still?"

Chen Feng stood up from the chair at this time.

Looking at the security chiefs of the four countries who are still discussing on the screen.

With a fierce look in his eyes, he said, "If they really dare to do this, just let them see the combat power of the water droplets."

"But that's 5,000 fighter jets, the most important air power for mankind. We want to strike down?"

Protons are just robots after all.

Sometimes his thinking is based on the best interests of the machine.

Five thousand of the latest fighters are indeed the strongest air power of mankind.

It's easy to hit with water droplets, but it's not good for humans.

Chen Feng, who is also a human, should not do this.

"Hehe, it's just a pile of industrial waste. Only by letting them know the gap will it be more conducive to our future development."

Proton looked at Chen Feng and probably understood what he meant.



on the plane.

All the scientists looked towards the microscope screen.

Ten times the magnification, although not much.

But on general objects.

Magnified tenfold.

You can see a lot of details on it.

"Why is it still such a smooth mirror?"

Zhao Chunliang was a little surprised.

With the naked eye, the water droplets are completely mirror-like and extremely smooth.

Zoom in ten times.

Still so smooth.

It seems that nothing has changed.

Changed a few places, all are the same.

"Add it to a hundred times." Jia Weiguo said to the operator of the microscope.

Tenfold magnification is really not very noticeable.

I believe that through a hundred times magnification, you can definitely see the difference on the surface of the water droplets.


The machine is being debugged.

All are waiting.

"I can't imagine how the aliens made the surface of the water droplets so smooth that they couldn't see a single flaw even when they were magnified ten times.

Could it be that the principle of 100% reflection of electromagnetic waves is because its surface is so smooth? "

Zhang Hongbo looked at the water droplets, full of doubts in his heart.

In his opinion.

There must be a purpose in doing anything.

It is impossible for aliens to be idle and do nothing, so they polished the surface of the water droplets so smooth for good looks.

its role.

In addition to reflecting electromagnetic waves, Zhang Hongbo can't think of anything else.

But a smooth surface can 100% reflect electromagnetic waves?

Is there such a principle?

He doesn't know.

"It has been debugged, and now it is a hundred times magnification effect."

Electron tunneling microscope, from ten times to one hundred times magnification.

Still well adjusted.

Brand new lens, attached to the water drop.

Everyone looked at the screen again.

Still a smooth mirror.

"Move a position." The operator said.

The person in charge of the lens moved the lens to a different position.

Still a smooth mirror.

"Is this thing broken?"

In the conference room, the more than 100 scientists were still watching the live broadcast.

A hundred times the magnification effect, the surface of the water droplets still can't see anything.

Presents a perfect mirror effect.

This is basically beyond the scope of everyone's knowledge.

A mirror, no matter how finely you polish it.

Under a hundred times magnification, you can definitely see different places.

However, the water droplet is like a ghostly ghost.

There seems to be no difference between a hundred times magnification and direct viewing with the naked eye.

"Academician Zhang, do you think this is possible? Is the machine broken?"

Zhao Chunliang looked like he had seen a ghost.

Point to the screen of the electron microscope.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-==-==

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