Although it is said that Qingfeng Scientific Research Center, whether it was in Bluestar before.

It's still the new Blue Star.

For the entire galaxy.

It is the most powerful existence.

There is also for a few of them, for Zhang Heng.

Qing Feng was seriously what he wanted to join.

Because once he joins the Qingfeng Research Center, his future will be completely rewritten.

Zhang Heng himself is not afraid of death.

He was also a soldier.

The soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom may not be strong.

But one thing is indisputable, and that is their courageous spirit.

No soldier is afraid of death on the battlefield.

Everyone is rushing forward.

Although Zhang Heng has never been on a real battlefield.

Because of his age, he did not have the opportunity to touch the 830 to the real battlefield.

But in the whole process of security.

This is also a very important battlefield.

On this battlefield, the same is still true.

Don't be afraid of death.

Zhang Heng is such a person. If he was afraid of death, he would hide behind when something happened.

How can you convince the public?

How can I get so many people to follow my command?

This is hard to do.

Therefore, Zhang Heng's inner thoughts are actually very simple.

That is to rush ahead when something happens.

When the leader is in front (bcbg), others will not be afraid.

That's why our army has the kind of spirit that is not afraid of death.

In front of every war, our officers are on the front line, letting the soldiers know that our leaders are fighting side by side with us.

Only in this way can they be better able to exert their strengths.

To be able to make everyone twist into a rope.

Not afraid of sacrifice, not afraid of difficulties.

Victory in the end.

That's what Zhang Heng did when he was attacking in Hesse before.

He originally did not want to be the captain of the last battleship.

The leader made him do it.

He had so many lives on his shoulders, and that responsibility was sometimes more painful than dying.

So when in the universe.

He was careful everywhere.

For fear of their own carelessness, let other people's lives be at risk.

In this way, he is really sorry for the entire human civilization.

I'm sorry for the rest of the dead in the Dragon Kingdom.

He gave this opportunity to him, but it could not bring a good result in the end.

This person has been pressing on Zhang Heng's shoulders.

Fortunately, kung fu pays off with immortals.

Zhang Heng finally brought them all safely.

Take it to the new blue star, which is a very beautiful land.

Basically the same as on Blue Star.

Everyone can live in peace on it.

In fact, his mission has been completed by this time.

Things that appear later, such as the dangers posed by these two storage devices.

It was all the responsibility Zhang Heng imposed on himself.

He should not impose this responsibility on himself.

If Zhang Heng removed this person now.

Stop saying that you are the captain of the battleship.

Then his future, the rest is his own future.

In this future, the most abundant is the universe.

He wants to explore the universe and see how big our universe is.

It's his own private message.

It doesn't count, because he has already fulfilled his responsibilities. .

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