"This unsafe factor affects not only New Blue Star.

More of a lightspeed battleship.

I think your master, according to his character.

It is absolutely unacceptable for such a thing to happen~.

Don't say your master, even me, it is impossible for such a thing to happen.

What a terrible thing this kind of thing is to us, just think about it.

In case we are controlled.

What will be the consequences of this.

That is the consequence of the whole group being destroyed.

I don't want this to happen.

Both of you should know that too.

I actually really want to join Qingfeng Research Center.

to join you guys.

It's not because I am afraid of death and want to live long.

When I was in Blue Star before.

When the Hessian attack came, I had already thought about it.

I want to advance and retreat with the entire human race.

Live and die together.

This was my truest thought at the time.

Just imagine, I am the chief security officer of the Dragon Kingdom.

But the entire human race of the Dragon Kingdom is dead.

I am naturally incompetent as the security chief.

Although many people say I am competent.

But deep down in my heart, I felt like I was incompetent.

Can you understand this situation?

My heart is very painful, and my heart is dead.

I had only one idea at the time.

Let all the warships jump into the universe with our hope.

Then I followed the others quietly and died under the Hessian blow.

But it backfired.

At that time, the great leader of our Dragon Kingdom did not agree with me.

He said let me be the captain with the most one battleship.

At first I naturally refused.

Although I am the chief of security.

But I do know that among the people who escaped from the entire battleship.

I'd rather have more scientists than me, what's the use?

I'm just a security guy.

In the scope of the entire universe, my role as a person is almost non-existent.

But the safety of the leadership I must obey.

Originally, I planned to die with humans, but at this time I was relieved.

But the latter two, I have a new task.

I was really in pain at this time.

...for flowers...  

You know, I'm just an ordinary person, and I'm responsible for everyone's safety.

Responsible for bringing them to the new blue star.

This responsibility is not trivial.

It is very difficult for our ships to hold on.

Now my task is done.

In fact, if I die here.

It is my wish fulfilled.

But God didn't let me die like this.

But let me know you.

Let me have the opportunity to join Qingfeng Research Center.

I'm not afraid of death, you two should know that.

What I'm really afraid of is that I won't have the chance to see the magic of the universe.

When we don't understand the universe, in fact, everything doesn't matter.

We are inside the blue star.

Our own world, as long as we've explored everything Blue Star has to offer.

I felt like I was in control of everything.

The universe in the world is huge, and what we know is "just a little bit.

When we really understand the universe, we discover that we really have a lot of things and are curious.

I'm really curious about the secrets of the universe. ".

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