Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 162 You Can Make A More Correct Judgment

"It can only be said that my thinking is improving.

Now that my thinking has improved.

All that is for us to improve.

Such a life is meaningful.

If you say go back to the past.

I would suddenly feel that being a soldier defending the home and the country is really meaningless.

My life has been meaningless ever since.

I don't want to be like this.

There is only one thing I want, and that is to make myself better explore the universe.

The whole universe is my home.

No matter what time the 12 is.

I have to drive a warship to travel in the universe.

Even if you die because of it. "

At this time, Yun Tian was on the side, and he was also moved.

He also felt that what Zhang Heng and Jia Zhengxiang said were completely correct.

To know.

When I joined Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

There was no idea at first.

But later found out.

Really getting more and more alarmed.

Your ideals are also getting bigger and bigger.

"I think both of you said it well.

Our Qingfeng Scientific Research Center brings us all kinds of possibilities.

to realize our ideals.

And it will infinitely expand our ideals.

I didn't join Qingfeng Scientific Research Center before.

At that time I was desperate for death.

One of the reasons why I am begging for death is because I have a terminal illness.

This is the most important.

Another is that I owe a lot of money.

No family either.

Not even a lover.

I feel like God has abandoned me.

They just want me to die.

Don't want me to stay in this world.

Until Qingfeng Research Center found me and let me join it.

Healed me.

At that time, I was thinking that there is hope for my future.

I wish I could see the day and day Luo all the time.

Until I knew about Hessian blows.

At that time, I was thinking, we must first ensure our own safety.

on the premise of ensuring our own safety.

To save as many people as possible.

Let human civilization be passed on.

This is my idea.

I had this idea at the time.

It is already a great ideal.

The United Nations at that time, and General Zhang you.

All the humans on the blue star are basically thinking about this question.

However, none of the so-called plans proposed by the United Nations are feasible.

Their so-called bunker plan.

It's ridiculous to think about it now.

They thought the aliens were so stupid.

They thought the bunker plan would work because they saw a video we sent of a Hessian attack.

At that time, I was because I was afraid that after everyone saw Erxiang Foil, I was afraid.

820 so only put a light particle.

It turned out that they actually thought that the aliens were attacking Hessian.

Just particles of light.

How ignorant and ridiculous this is.

My thought at that time was the same, that is, to save human civilization.

But I had more resources at the time.

Know more information.

A more correct judgment can be made.

As for the others.

They are just guessing in their own world.

Everything that ends up being done is nothing but wrong.

We can't just judge anything right now.

But at the time, it was true. "

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