Could it be that Jia Zhengxiang knew something?

But looking at his appearance, it seems that he regretted saying this.

"Why, can't you tell?"

Zhang Heng looked at him.

He didn't know what could be so secretive.

You must know that although you have not joined the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center, this process will not last long.

Maybe when they go back, they will join themselves.

Take a thousand steps back.

Even if he did not join the Qingfeng Research Center.

So how can that be.

Could it be that this kind of thing is so secret?

Only those who have joined the 780 Hearts of Qingfeng Scientific Research can know.

I don't think it should be so secret.

Jia Zhengxiang looked at Yun Tian next to him.

A look of embarrassment.

In fact, he usually doesn't like to talk too much.

Especially when it comes to confidential events, he would never talk nonsense about such things under normal circumstances.

Because he usually only does a few things.

When he had no assignment before, he worked as a physical education teacher at New Blue Star.

Also, to be with family and children.

In fact, the days of being a physical education teacher were really comfortable for him.

He likes to be a physical education teacher.

Give those kids a lesson.

But if the master has a task to hand over to him.

At this time, Jia Zhengxiang must have said nothing.

Go straight to the task.

Compared to being a physical education teacher, of course he still likes the depth of the universe more.

And stay at home with the family.

After they entered the universe,

Because of the vastness of the entire universe.

There is also the surprise of their time.

A lot of things will happen.

That is, there are very few opportunities for him to meet with his family.

Especially your own children.

He knew he was busy and never bothered him.

Jia Zhengxiang's children are very obedient.

This is what Jia Zhengxiang usually likes to do.

That's why the owner likes him.

He likes (bccc) to do more and talk less.

I do not know how it is.

I said something I shouldn't have said today.

Originally, I didn't intend to say anything.

Although he said the words just now, he was already talking too much.

Fortunately, there is no information in that sentence.

It doesn't count as saying something that shouldn't be said.

But things are a little more complicated now.

That's why Zhang Heng is still asking.

Just like he said.

Although Zhang Heng did not join the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

But it doesn't mean that he can't know a lot of things.

Actually in the universe.

Especially a person like Zhang Heng.

It doesn't matter how many secrets they know.

This kind of secret, which can only be known by him, has no value.

Such a secret.

Only in the universe, if it is known by alien civilizations, will there be risks.

But Zhang Heng is just a person.

It is impossible for him to come into contact with aliens in any way.

Even Yuntian and them.

Can fly a light-speed spacecraft.

It is also impossible to contact and fish for alien civilizations.

Although it is said that he is driving a light-speed spacecraft.

But in general, unless there is a clear coordinate address.

Otherwise they wouldn't be able to fly at the speed of light.

the reason is simple.

Flying at the speed of light, although they don't feel that time has passed much in the spaceship.

But it's actually pretty fast. .

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